
Monday 22nd of July 2024

Caste and class The soil grows castes; the machine makes classes. Michael Young, The Rise of the Meritocracy  © 2021
Class Government by  the upper class promotes government for  the upper class and government for  the upper class is often bad for everyone else. Nicholas Carnes, White-Collar Government © 2019
Class [In] a recent employment study … sociologists Lauren A. Rivera and Andras Tilcsik sent 316 law firms résumés with identical and impressive work and academic credentials, but different cues about social class. The study found that men who listed hobbies like sailing and listening to classical music had a callback rate 12 times higher than those of men who signaled working-class origins, by mentioning country music, for example. Joan C. Williams, New York Times, May 28, 2017 © 2017
Class Policy-makers from blue-collar backgrounds change classes when they enter politics, but they do not appear to change their policy perspectives. Neither do business owners, technical professionals, or legislators from other lines of work. The proceses that give rise to class-based differences in legislative voting continue to operate long after lawmakers enter public life. Nicholas Carnes, White-Collar Government © 2019
Class The old notion that politicians from different classes essentially want the same things — that the interests of the mechanic “can be more effectually promoted by the merchant” [as Hamilton said] — is deeply mistaken. On the important economic issues of the day, members of Congress routinely vote with class. Nicholas Carnes, White-Collar Government © 2019
Class struggle Hey, hey, that's OK You're gonna work for us one day Chant repeated by fans of a Newport Beach, CA, high school football team losing to a team from Costa Mesa, CA Quoted by Joan Didion in “Where I Was From”  © 2017
Class struggle I'm not trying to turn you into a bourgeois, Naomi. If the bed is too luxurious, we can do it on the floor. Alexander Portnoy, protagonist in Philip Roth's Portnoy's Complaint  © 2016
Class struggle I used to believe that the debate over wealth distribution should be conducted separately from the poverty debate in order to minimize attacks on antipoverty advocates for engaging in “class warfare.” But now we literally cannot afford to separate the two issues. Peter Edelman, So Rich, So Poor © 2016
Class struggle The new class struggle is between the haves and the have yachts. saying © 2015
Class struggle People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs. Alexei Sayle © 2015
Class struggle The social conflicts which  which industrial life must have fomented,  and which were so terrible in the Flanders  of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries,  were already in embryo in the very period of city evolution [in the 11th century].  The antagonism between capital and labor is thereby revealed to be as old as the middle class. Henri Pirenne, Medieval Cities © 2023
Class struggle There is a class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning. Warren Buffet © 2019
Class struggle When elephants fight, the grass suffers. 0 East African proverb © 2015