
Monday 22nd of July 2024

Government  As long as there is plenty, poverty is evil. Government belongs wherever evil needs an adversary and there are people in distress. Robert F. Kennedy © 2021
Government The atmosphere is ripe for a party of big government to sweep elections in post-pandemic America. But then so it has been before. Looking back at the past century or so, two political facts seem to hold across several rich democracies. One is the ideo- logical supremacy of the left. The other is its electoral underperformance. … We are left with one of the oddest quirks in politics. Voters often choose the party that is less keen on government to oversee its expansion. … Voters trust that parties who enlarge the state reluctantly are likely to do it sensibly. Janan Ganesh, Financial Times, April 8, 2020 © 2020
Government The commonly held view that the more governments do, the less freedom people have is … mistaken. Governments do sometimes restrict freedom, sometimes justifiably, sometimes not … But at other times government action can increase freedom by giving people options that they would not have otherwise because of cost. We need to look at particular policies, to see whether in opening options up they are closing down other ones that are more important. David Miller, Political Philisophy © 2018
Government For decades we have attacked it, redirected it, outsourced it, and filled it with incompetents and cronies. Yes, it still works well enough when we need it to blow up some small country, but those branches of it designed to help out Americans of “lower socioeconomic status,” as the scientists would put it, are now bare. Thomas Frank, Rendezvous with Oblivion © 2018
Government Government by organized wealth is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob. Franklin Delano Roosevelt © 2021
Government [G]overnment exists wherever some have the authority to issue orders to others, backed by sanctions, in one or more domains of life. The modern state  is merely one form of government among others. Elizabeth Anderson, Private Government  © 2018
Government Government is everywhere, not just in the form of the state, but even more pervasively in the workplace. Elizabeth Anderson, Private Government  © 2018
Government Governments deal with “wicked problems” that can't be solved (or even fully understood): social injustice, hostile powers or climate change. The “solutionism” of Silicon Valley rarely works in politics. Simon Kuper, Financial Times, March 10-11, 2018 © 2018
Government Governments of all types – democratic and authoritarian, small states and superpowers – are losing their ability to anticipate events. They are thus losing  the means to shape them. Edward Luce, The Retreat of Western Liberalism  © 2017
Government Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather. John Perry Barlow, “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace” © 2017
Government The happiness of society is the end of government. John Adams, Thoughts on Government  © 2021
Government I don't know jokes — I just watch the government and report the facts. Will Rogers © 2024
Government  If you have contempt for government, you will get contemptible government. Daniel Patrick Moynihan © 2018
Government In today's world, smart government is a critical ingredient of national competitiveness. Unless America can address government's role in a more pragmatic light, it may doom itself to continued descent. Edward Luce, Time to Start Thinking  © 2017
Government The issue of government has always been whether individual men and women will have to serve some system of government and economics, or whether a system of government and economics exists to serve individual men and women. Franklin Delano Roosevelt © 2021
Government It is reasonable to believe that procedural regularity is an important facet of government legitimacy.  But legitimacy is not solely – not even primarily –  a product of the procedures that agencies follow. Legitimacy arises more generally from the perception that government is capable, informed, prompt, responsive, and fair. Mandatory procedures may sometimes advance those values. They can focus agencies on priorities they may have ignored, orient bueaucracies to broader public goals, and improve the quality of agency deliberation. But procedures can also burn agency resources  on senseless paperwork, empower lawyers at the  expense of experts, and frustrate agencies' ability  to act. When procedures impair an agency's  ability  to do its job, they can drain [it] of legitimacy. y Nicholas Bagley, “The Procedure Fetish” © 2022
Government The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves, in their separate and individual capacities. Abraham Lincoln © 2019
Government One of these days, the people of Louisiana are going to get good government, and they're not going to like it. attributed to Huey Long  © 2021
Government [O]ur hybrid system, which is neither majoritarian nor proportional, may possess the advantages of neither and the defects of both. If it fails to ensure the fairness promised by the proportional vision, it also fails to provide the clear accountability promised by the majoritarian vision. Robert A. Dahl, How Democratic Is the American Constitution?  © 2018
Government People who don't believe in government are likely to defile government. Bill Moyers © 2017
Government The problem isn't government. It's our government. Government isn't intrinsically inefficient. It has been made  inefficient. And not just by the right. Ezra Klein, New York Time, May 31, 2022 © 2022
Government Procedure is where romantic ideas about legislators as the voice of the people collide with institutional reality. Laurence Tribe and Joshua Matz, To End a Presidency  © 2020
Government Republicans tell you right out front, we hate government. Then why go into it? If you hate government, you shouldn't do it. That's why I'm not a priest. Bill Maher © 2016
Government [W]e like to believe that the fate of a government lies in the hands of its citizens. If the people hold democratic values, democracy will be safe. If the citizens are open to authoritarian appeals, then, sooner or later, democracy will be in trouble. This view is wrong. It assumes too much of democracy—that “the people” can shape at will the kind of government they possess. It is hard to find any evi- dence of majority support for authori- tarianism in 1920s Germany and Italy. Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, How Democracies Die  © 2018
Government When aggregated wealth demands what is unfair, its immense power can be met only by the still greater power of the people as a whole, exerted in the only way it can be exerted, through the Government; and we must be resolutely prepared to use the power of the Government to any needed extent, even though it be necessary to tread paths which are yet untrod. Theodore Roosevelt © 2016
Government Why will the state tend to grow faster than the economy? First, the economy needs a well-educated and healthy labour force. Second, the services supplied by the state are ones in which it is hard to raise productivity, which tends to make them increasingly expensive. Third, spending on transfers and health will rise with the proportion of the population that is old and infirm. Finally, higher spending on transfers and essential services is also what voters demand. Martin Wolf, Financial Times, November 13, 2022, © 2022
Government Wise rulers know that the best way to defeat opposition is to win over its leaders; England was slow to learn that, in an industrial society, this means appropriating and educating the able children of the lower classes when they are still young. But eventually the rulers did learn; in a competitive world they had to. Michael Young, The Rise of the Meritocracy  © 2021
Government Yet lawyers, not managers, have assumed primary responsibility for shaping administrative law in the United States. And if all you’ve got is a lawyer,  everything looks like a procedural problem. y Nicholas Bagley, “The Procedure Fetish” © 2022
Private government A government is private with respect to a subject if it can issue orders, backed by sanctions, to that subject in some domain of that subject's life, and that subject has no say in how that government operates and no standing to demand that their interests be taken into account, other than perhaps in narrowly defined circumstances, in the decisions that government makes. Private government is government that has arbitrary, unaccoun- table power over those it governs. This of course is a matter of degree. Its powers may checked in certain ways by other governments, by social norms, and by other pressures. Elizabeth Anderson, Private Government  © 2018
Private government We are told that our choice is between free markets and state control, when most adults live their working lives under a third thing entirely: private government. Elizabeth Anderson, Private Gvoernment  © 2018
Private government You are subject to private government  wherever (1) you are subordinate to authorities who can order you around and sanction you for not complying over some domain of your life, and (2) the authorities treat it as none of your business, across a wide range of cases, what orders it issues or why it sanctions you. Elizabeth Anderson, Private Gvoernment  © 2018
White-collar government Across the board, white-collar government is good for white-collar Americans and bad for the less fortunate. Nicholas Carnes, White-Collar Government © 2019
White-collar government Because our legislatures are so imbalanced along social class lines, the opinions of the blue-collar workers who make up a majority of the population are all but excluded from this process. The views lawmakers refine and enlarge are not those of the public: they are those of white-collar Americans. Nicholas Carnes, White-Collar Government © 2019