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Affective polarization While previously polarization was primarily seen only in issue-based terms, a new type of division has emerged in the mass public in recent years: Ordinary Americans increasingly dislike and distrust those from the other party. Democrats and Republicans both say that the other party’s members are hypocritical, selfish, and closed-minded, and they are unwilling to socialize across party lines.  This phenomenon of animosity between the parties is known as affective polarization. Shanto Iyengar, Yphtach Lelkes, Matthew Levendusky, Neil Malhotra & Sean J. Westwood, “The Origins and Consequences of Affective Polarization in the United States” © 2023
Bullshitters say I look forward to testifying. Donald Trump, a perjury-producing machine, on possible trials to keep him off 2024 primary ballots because he violated Section 3 of the 14th Amendment on January 6, 2021, and therefore is ineligible to hold office in the United States © 2023
Bullshitters say Our Country is being systematically destroyed by the Radical Left Marxists, Fascists and Thugs - THE DEMOCRATS. UNLESS YOU GET EVERYTHING, SHUT IT DOWN! Close the Border, stop the Weaponization of “Justice,” and End Election Interference — WE MUST HAVE HONEST ELECTIONS. It’s time Republicans learned how to fight! Are you listening Mitch McConnell, the weakest, dumbest, and most conflicted “Leader” in U.S. Senate history? HE's AREADY GIVEN THE DEMOCRATS EVERYTHING. THEY CAN’T BELIEVE HOW LUCKY THEY GOT. Donald Trump, Sep 24, 2023, 9:22 PM ordering Republicans to shut down government © 2023
Bullshitters say This guy turned out to be a a Woke train wreck who, if the Fake News reporting is correct, was actually dealing with China to give them a heads up on the thinking of the President of the United States. This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH! Donald Trump, Sep 22, 2023, 7:59 PM, calling for the execution of Mark Milley, his chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff [Milley's phone call after the January 6, 2021, insurrection to resassure China the US would not go to war with it was, in fact, explicitly authorized by Trump administration officials] © 2023
Cars The average annual cost of ownership is up more than 13 percent from last year to more than $12,000, or just over $1,000 a month, according to the latest research from the automobile owners group AAA. It estimates the cost of using a new car over five years and 75,000 miles, con- sidering costs for fuel and maintenance, insurance, license and registration fees, taxes, and depreciation. It doesn’t include the cost of parking, which can add hundreds or thousands of dollars to the cost of car ownership if you live in a big city. New York Times, September 22, 2023 © 2023
Change Lord give me chastity and continence. But not yet. Saint Augustine's prayer © 2023
Children Is our children learning? George W. Bush © 2023
Cocks of the walk say Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me.  Donald Trump © 2023
Cocks of the walk  To anyone I’ve offended, I just want to say, I reinvented electric cars and I'm sending people to Mars in a rocket ship. Did you think I was also going to be a chill, normal dude? Elon Musk © 2023
Corruption If the accusations against Senator Robert Menendez are true — and it’s not looking good — old-fashioned bribery, payments to politicians in exchange for favors, hasn’t gone away.  But it’s probably not shaping party ideology.  Campaign contributions, on the other hand, definitely do shape ideology. Paul Krugman, New York Times, September 26, 2023 © 2023
Fracking Together, oil and gas operators reported using about 1.5 trillion gallons of water since 2011, much of it from aquifers, the Times found. Fracking a single oil or gas well can now use as much as 40 million gallons of water or more. These mega fracking projects, called “monster fracks” by researchers, have become the industry norm. They barely existed a decade ago. Now they account for almost two out of every three fracking wells in Texas, the Times analysis found. New York Times, September 25, 2023 © 2023
Gun makers say It [the Sandly Hook massacre] was an awful horrific huge tragedy but its impact on the long-term capital decisions of the business were not — were not a factor. We were in the business of legally making guns to legally sell to legal gun owners.  So there is no other thing to do than wake up and make guns on Monday morning. George Kollitides ii,  CEO of Freedom Group, maker of the AR-15 used ot kill 20 first graders and 6 teachers at  Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012, who led its purchase of a barrel maker to raise AR-15 sales by lowering manufacturing costs on Dec 20, 2012, when funeral services were being held for a six-year-old victim © 2023
Gun makers say These murders are local problems that have to be solved locally. Marty Daniel, founder and CEO of Daniel Defense, maker of the semiautomatic DDM4 V7, used to kill 19 students and 2 teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, commenting on the Uvalde massacre during congressional testimony © 2023
Gun sales The arrival of private equity in the AR-15 market would turn a once disdainded product into one of the most controversial and well-known icons of Ameria's culture wars. Cameron McWhirter and Zusha Elinson, Wall Street Journal, September 23-24, 2023 [referring to Cerberus Capital Management, led by Stephen Feinberg, and its subsidiary, Freedom Group, led by George Kollitides II, which captured America's gun industry and made it into one of its most profitable ones by outsourcing to low-cost suppliers and aggressively selling AR-15s to civilians]  © 2023
Kwiplers say Count votes in Congress by: 1. Calculating a Member's Proportional Vote (MPV) for each member, as follows: MPV = SPNP / NLRS where: SPNP = State's Percentage of the National Population NLRS = Number of Legislators Representing the State (in that legislature) 2. Totaling “yes” MPVs and “no” MPVs 3. Passing if total MPV is more than 50 OTHERWISE Abolish the Senate © 2019
Longevity Over eight years, I conducted an ethnographic study examining the lives of children growing up in Kensington, one of the poorest neighborhoods in Philadelphia. Babies born in the neighborhood are expected to live to 71, which is 17 years less than babies born no more than four miles away in the affluent, predominantly white neighborhood of Society Hill — and a life span on par with countries such as Egypt, Bhutan and Uzbekistan. Nikhail Goyal, New York Times, September 25, 2023 © 2023
Polarization The U.S. is the outlier, in the sense that we are the one case without a major public broadcaster. In Norway, Sweden, Germany, the U.K., and Japan, on the other hand, the public broadcaster is the dominant  media source commanding huge audiences. By definition, public broadcasters are committed to nonpartisan journalism, meaning that citizens are exposed to fact- based reporting rather than commentary. Shanto Iyengar © 2023
Post-2022 Senate shituation 15 states (Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming) 2020 population: 40,737,128 Senators: 30 Republicans 1 Senator per 1,357,904 people 1 state (California) 2022 population: 39,995,077 Senators: 2 Democrats 1 Senator per 19,997,539 people 19,997,539 / 1,357,904 = 14.7, therefore: average 15er's vote is worth nearly 15 times a Californian's, a Californian's vote is worth less than 7% of an average 15er's 1 state (Wyoming) 2022 population = 579,495, therefore: 1 Senator per 289,748 Wyomians, a Wyomian's vote is worth 69 times a Californian's, a Californian's vote is worth 1.4% of a Wyomian's  © 2023
Punt returners say Ah, I think I can set him up with somebody. Donald Trump, responding to a staffer who told him that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his wife would not be joining him on his trip to India because Modi and his wife were separated © 2023
Sleepers at the wheel say  There is no real evidennce that Mr. Trump wants to seize power unconstitutionally, and there is no reason to think he could succeed. Paranoia alone explains why fear that the republic is in imminent danger has been the dominant response [to Trump's election]. Samuel Moyn and David Priestland, New York Times, August 17, 2017  © 2023
Tech bros say Technology makes the past irrelevant --> © 2023
Trumpists say I think Ronald Reagan gave us a great example when federal employees decided they were going to strike. He said, “You strike, you’re fired.” Simple concept to me, to the extent that we can use that once again. Tim Scott, commenting on the UAW strike against Ford, GM and Stellantis, America's Big 3 automakers  © 2023
Trumpists say In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung. Paul Gosar, one of Trump's lunatic echo chambers © 2023
Trumpists say WITCH HUNT!!! They KNOW they can’t beat Trump  at the ballot box, so Biden has WEAPONIZED our entire federal government against him. This is a DARK DAY in American history, but we’ll get the last laugh. Trump will be BACK in the White House!! Ronny Jackson, once Trump's White House doctor, now a Representative from Amarillo, after the DOJ indicted Trump for mishandling classified documents and participating in a conspiracy to obstruct justice, 8:52 PM – Jun 8, 2023 © 2023
Ukraine You're occupants, you're fascists. What the fuck are you doing on our land with all these guns? Take these seeds and put them in your pockets so at least sunflowers will grow when you all lie down here. A Ukrainian woman shouting at a heavily-armed Russian soldier in a viral video from February 2022 [Sunflowers are Ukraine's national flower] © 2023
Washington, D.C. You want a friend in Washington? Get a dog. Harry S. Truman © 2023
Writing I think if you write things, you do find yourself thinking, concretely, in a way you don’t normally. You have to find concrete expression for things that have been amorphous up to that point. Writing is thinking. Michael Frayn © 2023