
Monday 22nd of July 2024

Advertising Another popular misconception is that newspapers tailor editorial lines to suit advertisers. … Generally, advertising matters less to newspapers since ad spending migrated online. In 2020, for the first time on record, US newspapers' revenues from circulation  exceeded advertising, reports Pew Research. Ads increased only in cable television, Fox’s domain. Simon Kuper, Financial Times, April 13, 2023 © 2023
Bad news The New York Post for August 13, 2018, had full-page ads for Supreme, a maker of skateboard decks, on its front and back pages instead of news citation © 2018
By the numbers Amount the US pharmaceutical industry spent in 2016 on ads for prescription drugs: $6,400,000,000  Harper's Index, January 2018 © 2017
By the numbers Number of countries in which direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical ads are legal: 2 Harper's Index, January 2018 © 2017
Hypocrites say Advertising is not coercive: people are smarter than that @Cam[bridge]Analytica, 11:49 AM - 17 Mar 2018, the company facing federal investigation for its role in the 2016 presidential election and whose motto is “Data-driven behavior change” © 2018
Kwiple dictionary ad blocking (ad blok'ing), n. A digital extortion scheme in which a developer creates software that allows users to prevent ads from appearing on pages they view, which steals customers from advertisers, while also creating an ad marketing service that places ads on pages using ad blockers in exhange for payments from advertisers for returning their customers, which gives the middle finger to users who tried preventing ads from appearing © 2016
Kwiple dictionary targeted advertising (tar' gi tid ad'vər tīz ing), n. The use of surveillance software that enters users' computers without their knowledge, circum- vents or disables their security software, renders their devices and online accounts susceptible to hacking, and destroys their privacy, all in order to send them online ads, many of which do the same. © 2015
Kwiplers say Fine celebrities, bloggers and other “influencers” $1.00 per follower for each product endorsement they post without clearly and conspicuously saying how much they were paid and/or what benefit or freebie they got for the endorsement © 2016
Kwiplers say Require public records of all political ads sold by Facebook, Google and other online advertisers, just as they are already required for ones sold by radio and TV stations and by print publishers © 2017
Native Americans In 2000, as the expanding Native American casino industry in upstate New York threatened his own gambling interests in New Jersey, the businessman took aim at the St Regis Mohawk tribe. Trump secretly spent $1m on local newspaper adverts that portrayed the tribe as organized criminals and cocaine pushers. Under a photograph of syringes and lines of powder ran the question: “Are these the new neighbors we want?” The Guardians, September 29, 2017 © 2017
Newspapers The decline of advertising gradually turned the newspaper industry “from monopoly to franchise to competitive,” the billionaire chief officer of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. [Warren Buffett] said in an interview with Yahoo Finance. And now most newspapers are “toast.” Bloomberg News, April 23, 2019 © 2020
Politics Poltics is gut; commercials are gut. Frank Luntz, Republican pollster and creator of “climate change” instead of “global warming," “death tax” instead of “estate tax," “healthy forests” instead of “clearcutting," “government takeover” instead of “healthcare reform” © 2015
Republicans say Keep opposing us and I'll have our boys negative-ad you to death © 2015
Selfie I like our ads. I like beautiful women eating burgers in bikinis. I think it's very American.  Andrew F. Puzder, chief executive of CKE Restaurants, the parent chain of Hardee's and Carl's Jr., and Trump's choice for Secretary of Labor  © 2016
Surely you jest The American Action Network PAC suffers premature congratulation running television ads celebrating Republicans who repaled Obamacare © 2017
Surely you jest Multinationals faking wokeness to attract liberal millenials © 2016
Tech bros say Never take down content you can advertise against  © 2017
Tech bros say There's no such thing as personal data that can't be monetized © 2017
Tech bros say Wrap users in filter bubbles --> © 2017
Trees I think that I shall never see A billboard lovely as a tree. Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, I'll never see a tree at all. Ogden Nash, “Song of the Open Road” © 2016