Constitution of the United States

Monday 22nd of July 2024

2020 Presidential election President Trump'a speech inciting the crowd that breached the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, was not protected by the First Amendment. Anderson v. Griswold, majority decision, Supreme Court of the State of Colorado  © 2023
2024 Presidential primaries A majority of the Court holds that President Trump is disqualified from holding the office of President under  Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Because he is disqualified, it would be a wrongful act under the Election Code for the Colorado Secretary of State to list him as a candidate on the presidential primary ballot. Anderson v. Griswold, majority decision, Supreme Court of the State of Colorado  © 2023
Affirmative action as expected, the court has inverted the 14th.  an amendment written explicitly to directly  ameliorate the conditions of race hierarchy becomes in conservative hands an amendment that says it’s illegal to try to directly ameliorate the conditions of race hierarchy Jamelle Bouie, 10:09 AM – Jun 29, 2023 © 2023
Ask candidates … What will you do to make the Constitution more democratic? © 2015
Bullshitters say President Trump has always stood for law and order, and protecting the Constitution. Steven Cheung © 2023
Cocks of the walk say I am pleased to inform you that I have just granted a full pardon to 85 year old American patriot Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He kept Arizona safe! Donald Trump, 7:00 PM - 25 Aug 2017, displaying his eagerness to pander to his base's prejudices and enough deep-rooted contempt for judges, the rule of law, and the Constitution to act as a warning that he'll pardon any associate or family member convicted of any crime, however egregious © 2017
The Constitution of the United States According to the U.S. Senate, there have been 11,848 attempts to amend the U.S. Constitution. But only twenty-seven of them have been succcesful. America's Constitution has been amended only twelve times since Reconstruction, most recently in 1992 —  more than three decades ago. Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, Tyranny of the Minority   [27/11,848 = 0.002279 percent success rate  — a snowball's chance in Hell of amending it] © 2023
The Constitution of the United States The Constitution of 1787 now bears some resemblance, though, to the initial system of government, the Articles of Confederation (1777). The Articles were widely considered a governmental failure because they did not address the evident need for effective national government. Richard M. Valelly, American Politics © 2018
The Constitution of the United States [D]o we not have every reason to undertake a serious and responsible examination of possible alternatives to our present American Constitution? Or, at the very least, isn't it time – well past time – that we stop thinking of our Constitution as a sacred text and begin to think of it as nothing more, or less, than a means for achieving democratic goals? Robert A. Dahl, How Democratic Is the American Constitution?  © 2018
The Constitution of the United States Few Americans are aware that under the Constitution, a candidate could lose the popular vote and the Electoral College and still become president. In fact, it’s already happened [in 1824]. In other words, assuming Mr. Trump is still a free man, he could be picked by  the House to be the 47th president, even if  Mr. Biden wins millions more popular votes and the most electoral votes. James Wegman, New York Times, October 14, 2023 © 2023
The Constitution of the United States For my part, I believe that the legitimacy of the constitution ought to derive solely from its utility as an instrument of democrtic government —nothing more, nothing less. Robert A. Dahl, How Democratic Is the American Constitution?  © 2018
The Constitution of the United States From the census of 2000 it is easy to calculate that an amendment could be blocked by thirty-four senators from the seventeen smallest states with a total population of 20,495,875, or 7.28 percent of the population of the United States. If miraculously the amendment were to pass the Senate it could then be blocked by thirteen state legislatures in the smallest states with a total population of 10,904,865, or 3.87 percent of the population of the United States. Robert A. Dahl © 2018
The Constitution of the United States I don't think it's a living document. I think it's dead. More precisely, I think it's enduring. It doesn't change. I think that needs to be orthodoxy. Antonin Scalia © 2016
The Constitution of the United States In some respects, originalism is just a fig leaf for making up what you want to make up, just like you can find whatever you like from the Bible. Originalism is a licence to be creative. Eric Posner © 2020
The Constitution of the United States It would be easier to convert America into a French-speaking country than amend its constitution. Edward Luce, Financial Times, October 6, 2022 © 2022
The Constitution of the United States Our constitution not only permits divided government,  it cannot prevent divided government. And it provides no way out except by elections at fixed intervals— elections that may only reproduce the existing divisions or inaugurate new ones. Robert A. Dahl, How Democratic Is the American Constitution?  © 2018
The Constitution of the United States The people made the Constitution, and the people can unmake it. It is the creature of their own will, and lives only by their will. John Marshall, in Cohen v. Virginia [1821] © 2023
The Constitution of the United States [T]he proliferation of the language of “history and tradition” is turning origi- nalism from an ideology of constitutional interpretation into something more like a legal requirement.  Judges are expected to do historical analysis — not rigorous analysis, but the kind that a Fox News host will agree with.  Conservative originalists seem to see them- selves as the true heirs of the Founders, and therefore, when they examine the Founders, they can see only themselves, as if looking in a mirror. Adam Setwer, The Atlantic, January/February 2024 © 2024
The Constitution of the United States Thus the requirement that an amendment must gain the votes of two-thirds of the members of the Senate gives a veto power to Senators from the small states, and these Senators may act in concert with other colleagues who foresee a reduction in the influence of their states on the presidency. Robert A. Dahl, How Democratic Is the American Constitution?  © 2018
The Constitution of the United States To assume that this country has remained democratic because of its Constitution seems to me an obvious reversal of the relation; it is much more plausible to suppose that the Constitution has remained because our society is essentially democratic. Robert A. Dahl, A Preface to Democratic Theory  © 2018
The Constitution of the United States We are living through a time of constitutional inversion. When it comes to the religion clauses in the First Amendment and the equal-protection guarantee in the Fourteenth Amendment, what was once constitutionally prohibited is now constitutionally required. The trajectory of the religion clauses and the equal-protection clause share a driving force: opposition to Brown v. Board of Education and a desire to limit the reach of that decision. Leah Litman, The Atlantic, October 31, 2020 © 2023
The Constitution of the United States  What's the Constitution between friends? Timothy J. Campbell, purported reponse to Grover Cleveland after Cleveland refused to support a bill Campbell favored on the grounds that it was unconstitutional © 2021
The Constitution of the United States  With the founders' econnomic assumptions collapsing under the weight of industrial transformation, the critical question was whether the republican constitutional system could survive the shift from productive property ownership to wages. Wage labor posed challenges to republicanism. Wage laborers were dependent on other people for their economic survival, and that dependence conflicted with republicanism's requirement that citizens be free and independent. Ganesh Sitaraman, The Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution © 2021
Constitutions [I]t might not be a bad idea if a democratic country, once every twenty years or so, assembled a group of constitutional scholars, political leaders and informed citizens to evaluate its constitution in the light not only of its experience but also of the rapidly expanding body of knowledge gained from the experiences of other democratic countries. Robert A. Dahl, On Democracy  © 2018
Constitutions There is a reason why, when choosing their own constitutions, no other country has for long survived with a replica of the American model –and why when guiding the design of constitutions for others, as they did in post-war Germany and Japan, Americans have always suggested solutions quite unlike the one under which they live. Economist, July 12, 2018 © 2018
Dead-in-the-heads say Amend the Constitution to require a balanced federal budget ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council), Donors Trust, the Koch brothers, and anonymous wealthy right wingers © 2016
Democracy Democracies work best – and survive longer – where constitutions are reinforced by unwritten democratic norms. Two basic norms have preserved America's checks and balances in ways we have come to take for granted: mutual toleration, or the understanding that competing parties accept one another as legitimate rivals, and forbearance, or the idea that politicians should exercise restraint in deploying their institutional prerogatives. Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, How Democracies Die  © 2018
Democracy  There is no easy way to stop a major party that’s intent on destroying democracy. The demonic energy with which Trump  repeats his lies, and Bannon harangues his  audience, and Republican politicians around the country try to seize every lever of election machinery — this relentless drive for power by American authoritarians is the major threat that America confronts. The Constitution doesn't have an answer. No help will come from Republican leaders; if Romney and Susan Collins are all that stand between the republic and its foes, we’re doomed. George Packer, The Atlantic, January/February 2022 © 2021
Gerrymandering But just because soemthing is unjust and incompatible with democratic principles and fiendishly effective, Justice Roberts writes [in Rucha v. Common Cause], doesn't mean it's within the purview of the court to find a constitutional violation. Gerrymandering stinks, but not so badly that the Constitution can smell it. Jordan Ellenberg, Shape © 2022
Gun control activists say My favorite part of the 2nd Amendment is where it says a well regulated militia Gun control now Placard, Paris, France, March For Our Lives rally, March 24, 2018 © 2018
Gun lobbyists say Government workers who publicly support gun controls should be fired for failing to defend constitutional rights  © 2018
Gun lobbyists say Gun control advocates are traitors to the Constitution © 2018
Gun violence Take the guns first, go through due process second. Donald Trump, describing how to deal with potentially dangerous gun owners, at a meeting with lawmakers about school safety and gun violence © 2018
Impeachment The Constittution places a life-or-death bet on the American people and their representatives. It gambles that presidential misconduct risking grave harm to the nation will arouse unified popular opposition so strong that it prevails over partisanship, personal loyalty and political inertia. This is a noble wager. If the public won't resist tyrants and defend its form of government, the game is already lost. Lawrence Tribe and Joshua Matz, To End a Presidency  © 2020
Impeachment Impeachment should'nt be considered as merely a cleaner and more orderly form of assassination. Rather it's a democratic process by which the American people, speaking through Congress, decide that for the constitutional system to live, a presidency must die. Lawrence Tribe and Joshua Matz, To End a Presidency  © 2020
Impeachment The Senate is on trial as well as the president. Does the Senate conduct a trial according to the Constitution to vindicate the Republic, or does the Senate participate in the president's crimes by covering them up? Jerrold Nadler © 2020
Kwiple dictionary First Amendment (fûrst ə mend' ment), n. According to Supreme Court decisions since the mid-1970s, it's the Constitutional provision that guarantees corporations and non-profits the right to spend unlimited amounts to buy elections, legislatures and courts, and ordinary people the right to burn flags in protest, except on its grounds. © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to allow metropolitan regions that want to become states, become states © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to allow states to secede via a two-thirds vote two years in a row © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to define labor organizing as a civil right © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to deny personhood to corporations and other such artificial entities while preserving their right to enter into contracts © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to elect one Senator from each state and all Representatives from all states in presidential election years © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to expel states that nullify federal law © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to guarantee felons, prisoners, probationers and parolees the right to vote © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to guarantee governments' right to pass ordinances or laws to protect public health, public safety or the environment, even though they may adversely affect companies' profits © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to guarantee people without a fixed address the right to vote © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to limit the total dollar amount an individual or a for-profit or a non-profit organization may donate to candidates and political parties together during a calendar year to one half of the previous year's median family income © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to make Senator's votes proportional to their state's population as of the last census © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to prevent gerrymandering by requiring Congressional districts in each state to represent populations within a maximum of 1% of each other, to be bordered within the state by as few straight lines as possible, and to have population densities inversely proportional to their size © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to prohibit judges at any level of government from serving more than ten years or more than one term in any given office © 2018
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to prohibit using tax dollars to support private or religious schools © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to ratify proposed amendments by conducting a nationwide election to be held 120 days after their official publication date, and in which all citizens at least 16 years old on that date are eligible to vote, regardless of their eligibility to vote in any other election © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to replace the electoral college with direct election of the president by popular vote © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to require elections for public office to be held on weekends © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to require members of Congress to be elected by a majority of voters in their constituencies © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution to require a simple majority of both Houses of Congress to propose amendments to the Constitution, not two-thirds of both © 2015
Kwiplers say Amend the Constitution so that, every other year, the two most senior justices of the Supreme Court are replaced by people who never served on the Court before © 2015
Kwiplers say Convene a constitutional convention © 2015
Kwiplers say Mark the Constitution “Not for Export” © 2015
Kwiplers say Prohibit trial evidence based on an analysis of crime-scene mixed-up DNA performed by software whose coding cannot be examined by anyone who wants to examine it, thereby denying defendants their Sixth Amendment right to question witnesses against them © 2015
Liberty [I]n the end, a democratic society cannot depend on its constitutional systems for the preservation of its liberties. It can depend only on the beliefs and cultures shared by its political, legal, and cultural elites and by the citizens to whom these elites are responsive.  Robert A. Dahl, How Democratic Is the American Constitution?  © 2018
Political dynasties No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution © 2015
Political inequality … by 2040, 70 percent of the American population will live in fifteen states. Thirty percent of the population will live in thirty-five states. Think about what this means. That widely distributed 30 percent will be disproportionately white, dispropor- tionately nonurban, disproportionately older than fifty years of age. They will control seventy seats in the US Senate, enough to override a presidential veto. If they all support the same candidate for president, that candidate will begin every election with 40-vote head start in the 538-vote Electoral College. The 30 percent who live in thirty-five states are only three states short of the num- ber necessary to amend the US Constitution. David Frum, Trumpocalypse  © 2020
Political inequality Can we forget for whom we are forming a government? Is it for men  or for  the imaginary beings called States?  James Wilson, representing Pennsylvania at the  Constitutional Convention of 1787, objecting to creating the Senate because it institutionalizes unequal representation [Unfortunately, he and Roger Sherman proposed the Three Fifths Compromise, which counted slaves as 3/5 of a person]  © 2018
Political inequality Congress shall have the Power … To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the United States Constitution © 2015
Political inequality The District constituting the seat of Government of the United States shall appoint in such manner as the Congress may direct: A number of electors of President and Vice President equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the District would be entitled if it were a State, but in no event more than the least populous State Amendment XXIII of the United States Constitution © 2015
Political inequality Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 and Amendment XII of the United States Constitution © 2015
Political inequality The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years, and each Senator shall have one Vote. Article I, Section 3, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution (Amendment XVII provided for choosing Senators by popular election) © 2015
Political inequality Today … Republicans are predominantly the party of sparsely populated regions,  while Democrats are the party of the cities. As a result, the Constitution's small-state bias, which became a rural  bias in the twentieth century, has become a partisan bias in the twentieth-first century. We are experiencing our own form of “creeping counter-majoritarianism.” Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, Tyranny of the Minority  © 2023
Political parties The democratic rights incorporated in the Bill of Rights made parties possible; the need to compete effectively made them inevitable; the ability to represent citizens who would otherwise not be adequatelly represented made them desirable. Robert A. Dahl, How Democratic Is the American Constitution?  © 2018
Populists say There is one thing more powerful than the Constitution. … That's the will of the people. What is a constitution anyway? They're the product of the people, the people are the first source of power, and the people can abolish the Constitution if they want to. George Wallace © 2018
Presidency Constitutionally, it is wrong to conceive of the President as simply the highest officer within the Executive branch hierarchy. He alone is the Executive branch. William Barr, apologist for unlimited presidential power © 2020
Presidency Section Three [of the 14th Amendment] encompasses the office of the Presidency and someone who has taken an oath as President. On thie point, the district court committed a reversible error. Anderson v. Griswold, majority decision, Supreme Court of the State of Colorado  © 2023
Racial inequality Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free persons, including those bound to service for a Term of Years and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, a.k.a. “The Three-Fifths Compromise” © 2015
Republicans say Originalism when it favors us, the living Constitution when it doesn't © 2017
Republicans say Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment © 2016
Resisters say [O]ur constitution does not begin with “I the President.” It begins with “We the People.” Gloria Steinem, at the Women's March held on January 21, 2017, the day after Trump's inauguration © 2022
Rights Although the New Deal Court eventually repudiated Lochner, the fact remains that the rights guaranteed by the Constitution are for the most part negative rights against  government interference rather than positive rights to  government-provided goods and services. Linda Greenhouse, New York Review of Books, December 21, 2023 [In Lochner v. New York, the Supreme Court decided that a New York law that established  maximum hours bakers could work violated their right to contract under the 14th Amendment] © 2023
Russia Every country has its own constitution; ours is absolutism moderated by assassination. Unidentfied Russian quoted by Georg Herbert Munster-Ledenburg in Political Sketches Of The State Of Europe From 1814-1867 © 2024
Same-sex marriage [Some of my opponents] do not want to change the Constitution, but I believe it's a lot easier to change the the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that's what we need to do is to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view of how we treat each other and how we treat the family. Mike Huckabee, defending a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage © 2015
Separation of powers MOHELA is fully capable of representing its  own interests, and always has done so before. The injury to MOHELA thus does not entitle Missouri — under our normal standing rules—  to go to court. And those normal rules are more than just rules: They are, as this case shows, guarantors of our constitutional order. The requirement that the proper party — the party actually affected—  challenge an action ensures that courts do not overstep their proper bounds.  Elena Kagan, dissent in Biden v. Nebraska, et. al. © 2023
Sleepers at the wheel say The federal government does not have the authority to come down into the states and control its land and resources. Ammon Bundy © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Power's not what the Constitution was about. Roy Moore © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say Republicans would impeach Trump if he pardoned himself © 2017
Snapshot He refused to debate before his primary and general elections, and it's a good thing because he could lose a game of tic tac toe to a St. Bernard.  Tommy's a model of today's constitutional conservative who has absolutely no idea of what's in the Constitution.  He got wrong the answer to the question, What are the three branches of our government? Strippers can get this one. I know. I've asked. Tommy Tuberville portrayed by Bill Maher, Real Time with Bill Maher, Jan. 20, 2021 © 2021
Snapshot [He] is just somebody that's very respected. … I knew him only as he pertained, you know, as he was with Jeff Sessions. And, you know, look, as far as I'm concerned this is an investigation  that should have never been brought. It's an illegal investigation. … And you know, it's very interesting because when you talk about not Senate confirmed, well, Mueller's not Senate confirmed. Matthew Whitaker portrayed by Donald Trump, Nov. 14, 2018 [Attorney General Whitaker needs but lacks confirmation; Special Counsels don't need it] © 2018
State of the union The United States is heading into its greatest political and constitutional crisis since the Civil War, with a reasonable chance over the next three to four years of incidents of mass violence, a breakdown of federal authority, and the division of the country into warring red and blue enclaves. The warning signs may be obscured by the distractions of politics, the pandemic, the economy and global crises, and by wishful thinking and denial. Robert Kagan, Washington Post, September 23, 2021 © 2021
Supreme Court The result here is that the Court substitutes itself for Congress and the Executive Branch in making national policy about student-loan  forgiveness. Congress authorized the forgive- ness plan (among many other actions); the Secretary put it in place; and the President would have been accountable for its success or failure. But this Court today decides that  some 40 million Americans will not receive the benefits the plan provides, because (so says  the Court) that assistance is too "significan[t]." the Court, by deciding this case, exercises authority it does not have. It violates the Constitution.  Elena Kagan, dissent in Biden v. Nebraska, et. al. © 2023
Trumpism The constitutional problem that America is heading towards is that the Justice Department's protocol not to prosecute sitting presidents dates from another age, when a president could be expected to resign with a modicum of honour before any charges were drawn up, as Nixon did. That norm no longer applies. The unwritten convention now says in effect that, if his skin is thick enough, a president is indeed above the law. The Economist, August 25, 2018 © 2018
Trumpism Liberals and Democrats in particular need to distinguish between their ongoing battle with Republican policies and the challenge posed by Trump and his followers. One can be fought through the processes of the constitutional system; the other is an assault on the Constitution itself. Robert Kagan, Washington Post, September 23, 2021 © 2021
Trumpists say I support and agree with the former President. Unprecedented fraud requires unprecedented cure. Paul Gosar, 12:26 PM – 7 Dec 2022, in a tweet accompanied by a screenshot of Trump's posting on his social media site in which he justified terminating rules, even those in the Constitution, to get him installed as president [Gosar later deleted this tweet] © 2022
Trumpists say Every action that the president took was taken with full constitutional authority pursuant to Article II of the United States Constitution. As such, these actions cannot constitute obstruction, whether viewed separately or even as a totality. John M. Dowd and Jay A. Sekulow,  Trump's lawyers, in a letter to Special Counsel Robert Mueller © 2018
Trumpists say If he [Trump] is the nominee, if he was up against Biden [in 2024], I'd vote for him again. Simply because what he did the first time, before COVID, was so good for the country. [Even though] I think this man does not have the character to lead the country again. Rusty Bowers, the Arizona House Speaker who testified before the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol about Trump's pressures to violate his oath to the Consitution by appointing fake electors from Arizona © 2022
Trumpists say Of course he’s joking. He’s not going to be no dictator. You can’t be a dictator with a constitutional republic. John Russell, from Aurora, IL, quoted in Washington Post, December 13, 2023, after listening to Trump double down about wanting to be a dictator in a speech in Coralville, IA  © 2023
Wannabe autocrats say I have an Article II where I have the right to do whatever I want as president. But I don't even talk about that. Donald Trump © 2019
Wannabe autocrats say The saddest thing is that because I'm the President of the United States, I am not supposed to be involved with the Justice Department. I am not supposed to be involved with the FBI. … I am not supposed to be doing the kind of things that I would love to be doing. And I am very frustrated by it. Donald Trump © 2018
Wannabe autocrats The president, Barr argued, has “complete authority to start or stop” investigations and can “give direction” on individual cases, including those that touch on his political or financial interests. “The Constitution itself places no limit on the president's authority to act on matters which concern him or his own conduct,” Barr wrote. Law enforcement, he argued, was a power exclusively held by the president, because “he alone is the executive branch.” Mattathias Schwarta, New York Times Magazine, June 7, 2020 © 2020
Wannabe autocrats say We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Donald Trump, 8:02 AM - 24 Jun 2018, advocating suspending due process © 2018