mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Duh obvious Mergers at this scale are reconfiguring the American economy in ways that seem to be tilting the scales toward the interests of ever-larger corporations, to the broad detriment of labor. New York Times, November 2, 2016, on the proposed $85 billion merger of AT&T and Time Warner © 2016
Innovation M & A is the new R & D © 2015
Kwiple dictionary mergers and acquisitions (mûr'jərs and ak'wə zish'əns), n. The branch of finance based on the notion that life's better when 1 job + 1 job = 1.2 jobs. © 2015
Kwiplers say Prohibit private equity funds from designating or paying for legal counsel that scrutinize potential loans banks give to the funds to finance buyouts © 2015
Mergers and acquistions I have recently been awarded an honour for political science. I am told I can now apply to the College of Arms for a coat of arms. The King of Arms says this must include allusions and references to my life an achievements. My entire career has been in mergers and acquistions, some of which worked and others which didn't. What do you suggest? question submitted to David Tang, Financial Times's “Agony uncle”, the gist of whose answer was, Are you out of your damn mind? © 2015
Mergers and acquistions Rule #1: Sacrifice everyone else on the altar of preferred shareholders © 2015
Sleepers at the wheel say Mergers and acquisitions generally create more value than they destroy © 2018
Tech bros say It's better to buy than compete. Mark Zuckerberg © 2022