public health

Monday 22nd of July 2024

2014 midterm elections Obama's the reason ebola is in the U.S. Republican campaign theme © 2015
Assholes say I say that you're a terrible reporter. That's what I say. I think it's a very nasty question, and I think it's a very bad signal that you're putting out to the American people. Donald Trump, responding to NBC News reporter Peter Alexander, who gove him an opportunity to provide a reassurring and uplifiting message to Americans by asking him what his message was to millions of Americans “scared” by the COVID-19 coronavirus © 2020
Consiracy theorists say Tap water? You're drinking toilet water with birth control drugs in them. Chloramine, and on top of that they're putting in fluoride. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it's a mind-control drug that has no benefit to our dental health.  Mukhande Singh (née Christopher Sanborn), founder of Live Water, a purveyor of unfiltered, untreated, unsterilized – “raw” – water  © 2018
COVID-19 coronavirus I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic. Donald Trum, quoted in Bob Woodward's book, Rage, explaining why he lies to the American public about its ease of transmission and deadliness, which he's known about and understood since January , 2020 © 2020
COVID-19 coronavirus In the context of this pandemic, we need a new form of social insurance, one that di- rectly targets and works through businesses. The most direct way to provide this insurance is to have the government act as a buyer of last resort. If the government fully replaces the demand that evaporates, each business can keep paying and maintain its capital stock, as if it was operating under business as usual. … take the case of the airline industry. If demand drops by 80%, the government would compensate this missing demand, in effect buying 80% of plane tickets and maintaining sales constant. Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman © 2020
Dead-in-the-heads say Carbon dioxide has none of the characteristics of a pollutant that could harm human health. Kathleen Hartnett-White, oil and gas industry propagandist and Donalds Trump's nominee to lead the White House Council on Environmental Quality, the office responsible for coordinating environmental and energy policies and improving the environment © 2017
Dead-in-the-heads say I'd rate it a 10. I think we've done a great job. Donald Trump, responding to a reporter who asked, “And on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your response to this [COVID-19 coronavirus] crisis?” © 2020
Dead-in-the-heads say It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump. Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. I'm dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks. Rush Limbaugh © 2020
Dead-in-the-heads say There's a lot of concerns with the economy here because people are scared to go out. But I will just say, one of the things you can do if you're healthy – you and your family – it's a great time to just go out, go to a local restaurant. Likely you can get in easily. Go to your local pub. Devin Nunes, March 16, 2020, who believes social distancing is unimportant in fighting a pandemic © 2020
Dead-in-the-heads say There's a very good chance you're not going to die. Donald Trump, consoling the nation about coronavirus © 2020
Dead-in-the-heads say When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done. Donald Trump, February 26, 2020, on his administration's response to the COVID-19 coronavirus © 2020
Dead-in-the-heads say Your response when you see children wearing masks as they play should be no different from your response to seeing someone beat a kid at Walmart. Call the police immediately. Contact child protective services. Keep calling until someone arrives. What you're looking at is abuse. It's child abuse. Tucker Carlson © 2021
Death More than 1m people around the world die each year from infections linked to microbes resistant to antibiotics, according to a study that estimates the scale of a "silent pandemic" that is now more deadly than malaria or HIV. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been described by experts as one of the greatest  threats to public health in the 21st century. The figures underscore the dangers of bacteria developing resistance to existing antibiotics as a result of overuse — including during the Covid-19 pandemic — against a backdrop of scant new vaccines and drugs under development to prevent or treat infections. Financial Times, January 19, 2022 © 2022
Globalization We see repeatedly that when people anywhere are desperate, people everywhere are at risk. In a world where pandemic disease spreads from one continent to another in the span of a few hours, where terrorist attacks are more random and frequent, and where political crises trigger mass migration, it is in our collective interest to fight against the daily reality of poverty, sickness and frustration. Bill and Melinda Gates, Wall Street Journal, September 16-17, 2017 © 2016
Gun lobbyists say  Forbid the Centers of Disease Control from studying gun violence © 2018
Leadership The Federal government is not supposed to be out there buying vast amounts of items and then shipping. You know, we're not a shipping clerk. Donald Trump, leaving it to state and local governments to compete with one another to obtain hospital beds, face masks, ventilators, personal protective equipment, test kits and other equipment needed to fight the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic © 2020
Leadership I don't take responsibility at all. Donald Trump, deflecting blame for his administration's COVID-19 coronavirus testing fiasco onto the Obama administration © 2020
Liars say I've always known this is a real — this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic. All you had to do was look at other countries. Donald Trump, March 17, 2020, who called COVID-19 coronavirus a "hoax" © 2020
Public health The blighted prospects of the less educated are a public health crisis, and, as the number of victims [of COVID-19 coronavirus] mounts, it will be harder to ignore. Atul Gawande, New Yorker, March 16, 2020 © 2020
Public health Depriving patients of a drug that is of proven necessity in order to offer a long-shot bet to people with coronavirus is bad policy. Financial Times editorial, April 8, 2020, commenting on Trump's continual touting of hydroxychloroquine as a “game changer,” which has made it virtually unavailable to malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis patients, who depend on it © 2020
Public health Since the great influenza epidemic of 1918, the United States has been spared terrifying epidemics. Americans now are epidemic voyeurs. Laurie Garrett, Foreign Policy, January 31, 2020 © 2020
Public health The Trump administration is overseeing a new type of CDC where meat plants with gigantic public health disasters unfolding within them don't actually get told what to do to keep their employees alive any more. They just get some handy hints that they're free to disregard. I expect anything from the Trump administration. I do not expect this from the CDC. CDC, are you OK? Would you let us know if you're not? Rachel Maddow, April 28, 2020, on the CDC's mealy mouthed report about the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak at Smithfield's Sioux Falls plant © 2020
Public health Two months before the novel coronavirus is thought to have begun its deadly ad- vance in Wuhan, China, the Trump admin- istration ended a $200-million pandemic early-warning program aimed at training scientists in China and other countries to detect and respond to such a threat. The project, launched by the U.S. Agency for International Development in 2009, identi- fied 1,200 different viruses that had the potential to erupt into pandemics, including more than 160 novel coronaviruses. The initiative, called PREDICT, also trained and supported staff in 60 foreign laboratories - including the Wuhan lab that identified SARS-COV-2 [which causes] COVID-19. Los Angeles Times, April 2, 2020 © 2020
Public health We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC and World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock market starting to look very good to me! Donald Trump consoling the nation about the coronavirus © 2020
Republicans say Eliminating rules aimed at reducing exposure to the carcinogen beryllium is change we believe in © 2017
Republicans say The poor must suffer disease that the rich may flourish © 2017
Republicans say Sacrifice public health on the altar of religious liberty © 2016
Republicans say Sacrificing the environment and public health to increase corporate profits is change we believe in © 2017
Snapshot Donald Trump, the ultimate “me” guy, is in a “we” crisis and it isn't pretty.  Maureen Dowd, New York Times, March 21, 2020, on his response to COVID-19 coronavirus © 2020
State of the union Death rate of middle-aged whites surging atop drug and alcohol abuse, liver disease, suicide © 2015
Supreme Court To state the obvious, judges do not know what scientists and public health experts do. So it is alarming that the Court second-guesses the judgments of expert officials, and displaces their conclusions with its own. In the worst public health crisis in a century, this foray into armchair epidemiology cannot end well. I fervently hope that the Court’s intervention will not worsen the Nation's COVID crisis. But if this decision causes suffering, we will not pay. Our marble halls are now closed to the public, and our life tenure forever insulates us from responsibility for our errors. That would seem good reason to avoid disrupting a State's pan- demic response. But the Court forges ahead regardless, insisting that science-based policy yield to judicial edict. Elena Kagan, dissent in South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom © 2022
Surely you jest Gun owners say they add silencers to their guns to reduce damage to their ears  © 2016