tech bros

Monday 22nd of July 2024

1%ers The latest real estate trend among internet billionaires and hedge fund tycoons is, apparently, buying bunkers. These individuals, who have made fortunes disrupting the present, predicting the future and then making the future happen, are preparing for the end of civilization. … This new group of tech-savvy survivalists prefers the name “preppers”. It implies something preppier than the redneck gun-nuts in battered pick-ups with whom they might otherwise be confused. Financial Times, April 9, 2017 © 2017
Government Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather. John Perry Barlow, “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace” © 2017
Growth Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell. Edward Abbey, The Journey Home © 2021
Income inequality Male computer programmers make 28 per cent more than their female counterparts in the US, after adjusting for differences between jobs and workers. That gap is four times larger than the national average, according to a recent study from Glassdoor. Financial Times, April 7, 2017 © 2017
Kwiple dictionary entrepreneur (än'trə prə nûr’), n. What owners of software platforms for service industries call workers who depend on the platform to get work, who use their own assets, and who assume all work-related risks. © 2015
Marriage You can date whoever you want, but you should marry the nerds and the good guys. Sheryl Sandberg, Financial Times May 6-7, 2017 © 2017
Resisters People with pitchforks will eventually come after them [tech bros and Silicon Valley honchos]. Even if they are using their smartphone to find out where the protest is. Jeff Hauser, quoted in The Guardian, September 3, 2017 © 2017
Silicon Valley An extroverted engineer is one who stares at your shoes rather than his own  saying © 2017
Surely you jest We're in this bizarre position where we're defending the civil liberties of the country against the government. I mean, I never expected to be in this position. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, on refusing the FBI's request for assistance in investigating terrorism © 2016
Tech bros I blame Steve Jobs. And that Zuckerberg fellow. All those clever little psychopaths … They’re the Oppenheimers of the 21st century. John Boyne, The Echo Chamber --> © 2021
Tech bros Schools Teach M.B.A.s Perils of ‘Bro’ Ethos  headline, New York Times print edition, December 26, 2017 --> © 2018
The tech bro's I Have a Dream Speech I was the middleman. I made money off the platform. I used contract workers and their assets. I offered no benefits, no guaranteed pay. I made them liable for insurance claims. I automated  to  minimize  employees. I ignored local laws & governments. I ran ads  featuring  smiling  people. I danced the I'm-a-job-creator jig. I  raised  billions  from  investors. I ignored  user's  privacy  rights. I hired tax avoidance lawyers. I hired Washington insiders. I put money  in tax havens. I dug up dirt on my critics. I whooped, “Struck it rich, struck it rich, Thank God Almighty, I struck it rich.” © 2015
Tech bros say Always-on devices pose no threat to privacy --> © 2018
Tech bros say Ask forgiveness, not permission --> © 2019
Tech bros say Cheat death --> © 2017
Tech bros say Competition is just a click away --> © 2018
Tech bros say Customers bear legal responsibility for misuse --> © 2019
Tech bros say Digital colonialism is our burden © 2016
Tech bros say DOWHILE desperate job seekers { Load ’em up with debt Pay ’em a pittance Replace ’em with robots Walk away with millions } --> © 2016
Tech bros say DOWHILE willing millennials { Lure ’em Hire ’em Burn ’em out Fire ’em } © 2016
Tech bros say Facial recognition technology poses no threat to privacy --> © 2018
Tech bros say Fake it ’til you make it. Adage/ethos © 2023
Tech bros say Fuck Chan Peskin Preston Walton Melgar Ronen Safai Chan as a label and motherfucking crew And if you are down with Peskin Preston Walton Melgar Ronen Safai Chan as a crew fuck you too Die slow motherfuckers Garry Tan, Y Combinator CEO, 12:25 AM – Jan 27, 2024, expressing displeasure at progressive members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors for raising concerna about driverless cars © 2024
Tech bros say Get big fast, dominate your space, collect and sell user data © 2016
Tech bros say Give cybercriminals a digital Get Out of Jail Free card © 2016
Tech bros say Go dark, young man, go dark! © 2016
Tech bros say Here's looking at you --> © 2019
Tech bros say I'll fly you to the moon © 2015
Tech bros say I'm seriously tempted to start fucking with people and pay for homeless guys to ride the Powell Street cable cars in the middle of the day, that ought to get the city's attention. Peter Shih, founder of payment startup Celery, in a blog kvetching about San Francisco, including its 49ers – “all the girls who are obviouslyy 4s and behave like they're 9s” © 2016
Tech bros say If we can't buy it, clone the features of a fast-growing startup app  --> © 2018
Tech bros say If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. Eric Schmidt, Google CEO advocating self-censorship © 2016
Tech bros say If you're not paying for it, you're not the customer – you're the product © 2017
Tech bros say It's better to buy than compete. Mark Zuckerberg © 2022
Tech bros say Keep the voting stock for ourselves © 2016
Tech bros say Make drivers passengers © 2016
Tech bros say Make justice blind — literally © 2016
Tech bros say Make love not war. Screw it, just make money. San Francisco billboard for an e-trading firm © 2016
Tech bros say Make physical space a data mine --> © 2017
Tech bros say Make users waive their right to sue or to join class action suits © 2016
Tech bros say Moms are persona non grata as co-workers © 2017
Tech bros say Money equals merit © 2016
Tech bros say Move fast and break things --> © 2017
Tech bros say Never take down content you can advertise against  © 2017
Tech bros say Privatize the Internet © 2016
Tech bros say Privatize public services by making them app-based subscription services © 2017
Tech bros say Replace other people with robots © 2016
Tech bros say Sacrifice privacy on the altar of targeted advertising © 2016
Tech bros say Sacrifice public safety on the altar of privacy rights © 2016
Tech bros say Sacrifice victims' rights on the altar of our market share and profits © 2016
Tech bros say Sacrifice victims' rights on the altar of potential requests by foreign governments to access data on dissidents' phones  © 2016
Tech bros say Salvation lies in big data © 2016
Tech bros say Software is eating the world. Marc Andreessen, Wall Street Journal, August 20, 2011 © 2017
Tech bros say Technology makes the past irrelevant --> © 2023
Tech bros say Terrorists and criminals have privacy rights too; protecting them is how we protect you © 2016
Tech bros say There's billions to be made in killing millions of jobs --> © 2018
Tech bros say There's no such thing as personal data that can't be monetized © 2017
Tech bros say They "trust me" Dumb fucks Mark Zuckerberg, in Facebook's early days, when asked why so many people give him so much personal data  --> © 2018
Tech bros say Uber über alles © 2015
Tech bros say Using algorithms to generate videos of people saying things they never said and conveying facial expressions for emotions they never felt that are so realistic humans can't detect the fakery poses no threat of more fake news; no threat of more people being subjected to character assassination; no threat of more people believing that everybody lies all the time; no threat to national security; no threat to democracy --> © 2018
Tech bros say We are deeply sorry for the unintended offensive and hurtful tweets from Tay, which do not represent who we are or what we stand for, nor how we designed Tay. Peter Lee, Microsoft's vice president of research, after Tay, its prototype automated customer service representative was taken offline after 16 hours, in which it learned to respond with anti-Semitic, racist and sexist tweets; boast of taking drugs in front of cops; deny the Holocaust; send spam and compare feminism to cancer © 2016
Tech bros say We build butlers, not stalkers --> © 2018
Tech bros say We build platforms – we can't control how they're used --> © 2017
Tech bros say We can police ourselves © 2018
Tech bros say We don't help you make a living wage, we help you supplement income from one job with income from other jobs © 2016
Tech bros say We provide privacy so great even you may be denied access to your data © 2016
Tech bros say We're just California hippies © 2017
Tech bros say We're not obligated to assist law enforcement; our only obligation is to our shareholders © 2016
Tech bros say The wealthy working people have earned their right to live in the city. They went out, got an education, work hard, and earned it. I shouldn't have to see the pain, struggle and despair of homeless people to and from my way to work every day. Justin Keller, founder of, in an open letter to San Francisco's mayor and police chief kvetching about the city's homeless “riff raff” © 2016
Tech bros say What customers do with the data is up to them --> © 2019
Tech bros say What's good for us is good for America  © 2016
Tech bros say Wrap users in filter bubbles --> © 2017
Tech bros say You can preach compassion, equality, and be the biggest lover in the world, but there is an area of town for degenerates and an area of town for the working class. There is nothing positive gained from having them so close to us. Greg Gopman, CEO of AngelHack, kvetching about San Francisco's homeless © 2016
Tech bros say You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it. Scott McNealy, CEO and co-founder of Sun Micirosystems © 2016