Joan C. Williams

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Abortion To women like myself, they [abortion rights] are the bare minimum of human rights. To working-class women, who often see motherhood, not work, as the key source of social honor, obsession with abortion rights among well-off women is selfish, exemplifying lack of an adequate devotion to family. Seen in this light, opposition to abortion rights becomes, for high-school educated women, a way of claiming social honor. Joan C. Williams, The Guardian, August 23, 2017 © 2016
Class [In] a recent employment study … sociologists Lauren A. Rivera and Andras Tilcsik sent 316 law firms résumés with identical and impressive work and academic credentials, but different cues about social class. The study found that men who listed hobbies like sailing and listening to classical music had a callback rate 12 times higher than those of men who signaled working-class origins, by mentioning country music, for example. Joan C. Williams, New York Times, May 28, 2017 © 2017
Working-class whites The [white working class] fantasy is to become an order-giver rather than an order-taker. Trump is an order-giver. That's the brilliance of “You're fired!” Joan C. Williams, Financial Times, May 13-14, 2017 © 2017