Joe Biden

Monday 22nd of July 2024

2020 Presidential election At first he feared Joe Biden, then he thought he was a joke, and then the joke was on him.  Olivia Nuzzi, New York, November 6, 2020 © 2020
2020 Presidential election It's time to put away the harsh rhetoric. To lower the temperature. To see each other again. To listen to each other again. To make progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our enemy. We are not enemies. We are Americans. Joe Biden, acceptance speech, November 7, 2020 © 2020
2020 Presidential election The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged. Remember that. It's the only way we're going to lose. Donald Trump, at a rally in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, delegitimizing a Biden presidency, should Biden win in 2020 © 2020
2024 Presidential election  Age is the only thing we have in common. My vice president actually endorses me. Joe Biden, 2024 White House correspondents' dinner © 2024
2024 Presidential election He [Biden] is caught in a generational paradox. He does not, in electoral terms, actually repre- sent the boomers: a majority of “old white people” voted for Trump in 2020 and will, if given the chance, surely do so again in 2024. But he can be seen nonetheless as a represen- tative boomer figure, the most prominent and powerful embodiment of the demographic  group that has dominated American wealth, poli- tics, and culture since the 1970s. He suffers on both sides of this contradiction — most of his own generation does not identify with him, but many younger Americans identify him with  the  age-related injustices that have shaped their lives. It is this incongruity that makes Biden so vulnerable. Being the old white man brings him no rewards, only resentments. And resentment is the medium in which Trump thrives. Fintan O'Toole, NY Rev. of Books, Jan. 18, 2024 © 2024
Afghanistan War Fuck that we don’t have to worry about that. We did it in Vietnam; Nixon and Kissinger got away with it. citation Joe Biden, responding to a question about America's moral obligation to evacuate interpreters and other Afghans who trusted and worked for the U.S. government in Afghanistan, thereby delaying the government's planning for an evacuation for months © 2022
Democracy Democracy didn't prevail. It lucked out. Gideon Rose, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2021, on the failure of the January 6, 2021, mob assault on the Capitol to prevent confirmaiton of Biden's electoral victory © 2021
Democracy The mission falls to each of us, each and every day. Democracy itself is in peril, here at home and around the world. What we do now, how we honor the memory of the fallen, will determine whether democracy will long endure. Joe Biden, Memorial Day 2021 speech at Arlington National Cemetery © 2021
Democracy The remarkable thing about American democracy is this: Just enough of us, on just enough occasions, have chosen not to dismantle democracy but to preserve democracy. Joe Biden, November 2, 2022 © 2022
Democracy We have learned again that democracy is precious. Democracy is fragile. And at this hour, my friends, democracy has prevailed. Joe Biden, inaugural speech, January 20, 2021, two weeks after the assault on the Capitol by right-wing domestic terrorists incited by Donald Trump and his ilk to prevent the peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden, which was quelled © 2021
Elections  So, I ask every elected official in America: How do you want to be remembered? At consequential moments in history, they present a choice: Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis? This is the moment to decide to defend our elections, to defend our democracy. Joe Biden, January 11, 2022, after which Mitch McConnell, speaking for  Republican lawmakers everwhere, said, in effect, “Silly of Joe to ask. Of course, we're with George, Bull and Jeff of sacred memory.” © 2022
Gun violence Every day in this country, 316 people are shot. Every single day. 106 of them die. Every day. Our flags were still flying at half staff for the victims of the horrific murder of eight primarily Asian American people in  Georgia when ten more lives were taken in a mass murder in Colorado. You probably didn't hear it, but between those two incidents, less than one week apart, there were more than 850 additional shootings. 850. It took the lives of more than 250 people and left 500 injured. This is an epidemic, for God's sake. Joe Biden, April 8, 2021 © 2021
Guns What? Do you think deer are wearing Kevlar vests? Joe Biden, on using military assault weapons to hunt © 2021
Hypocrisy A report that came out at CNN says Republicans call Biden infrastructure program socialism, and then they ask for the money. And it goes through all of the Republicans, those who call it socialism and how they’re asking. [names several identified in the report] I can go down the list. Look it up. Socialism. I didn't know there were that many socialist Republicans. Joe Biden, October 14, 2022 [CNN named: Mark Amodei (NV), Andy Barr (KY), Marsha Blackburn (TN), Lauren Boebert (CO), Larry Bucshon (IN), Jerry Carl (IN), Jim Comer (KY), Tom Emmer (MN), Joni Ernst (IA), Randy Feenstra (IA), Michelle Fisch- bach (MN), Carlos Giménez (FL), Paul Gosar (AZ), Vicky Hartzler (MO),  Ashley Hinson (IA), Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS), Jim Inhofe (OK), John Joyce (PA), Trent Kelly (MS), Darin LaHood (IL), Debbie Lesko (AZ), Julia Letlow (LA), Nancy Mace (SC), Tom McClintock (CA), Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA), Markwayne Mullin (OK), Rand Paul (KY), Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA), Mike Rounds (SD), John Rutherford (FL), María Elvira Salazar (FL), Richard Shelby (AL), John Thune (SD), Pat Toomey (PA), Tommy Tuberville (AL), David Valadao (CA) © 2022
Impeachment Already there is enormous demand for impeachment. A University of Massachusetts Amherst poll in May found that 68 percent of Republican voters think the House should impeach Biden.  A majority expect that it will  impeach him. Thwarting those expectations would be dangerous for any House Republican. Barton Gellman, The Atlantic, October 26, 2022 © 2022
Impeachment Sometime next year, after an interval of perfor- mative investigations, Republicans in the House  are going to impeach Joe Biden. This may not be  their present plan, but they will work themselves up to it by degrees. The pressure from the MAGA base will build. A triggering event will burst all restraints. Eventually, Republicans will leave themselves little choice. This prediction rests, of course, on the assumption that Republicans will win control of the House next month, which seems likely: Impeachment is the corollary of election denial — the invincible certainty that Biden cheated in  2020 and Donald Trump won. If you truly believe that and haven't joined a militia, impeachment is the least of the remidies you will accept. Barton Gellman, The Atlantic, Oct. 26, 2002 © 2022
Leadership I bear responsibili9ty for, fundamentally, all that's happened of late. Joe Biden, August 26, 2021, shortly after an ISIS-K suicide bomber killed 13 and wounded 18 American service members facilitating the evacuation he ordered of Americans and Afghan allies from Kabul's airport, where nearly 200 Afghans were also killed, including children © 2021
Memory Mr. Biden will likely present himself to the jury, as he did during his interview with our office, as a sympathetic, wellmeaning, elderly man with a poor memory. While he is and must be accountable for his actions — he is, after all, the President of the United States — based on our direct observations of him, Mr. Biden is someone for whom many jurors will want to search for reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury they should convict him — by then a former president who will be at least well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness. Report from Special Counsel Robert K. Hur, February 5, 2024, which also found no evidence that Biden willfully retained classified docs © 2024
Mental health “I've been a big supporter of mental health,” Biden said at a Friday campaign event in Delaware, as first reported by Politico. “I'd recommend the people who believe it maybe should take advantage, while it still exists, of the Affordable Care Act.” Joe Biden on QAnon believers, Business Insider, September 6, 2020 © 2020
Nukes I don’t think there’s any such thing as the ability to easily use a tactical nuclear weapon and not end up with Armageddon. Joe Biden, October 6, 2022 © 2022
Patriotism You can't love your country only when you win. Joe Biden © 2022
Polarization Here we return to the lesson that Trump has to teach Biden about life in hyperpolarized politics. To wit: blitz. Do everything at once. No matter what the Biden administration does, it will be accused of socialism and corruption by the right. The only thing Biden will have real control  over is his administration and what it does.  And his North Star, his organizing principle, should be doing as much good on as many fronts as fast as possible. Blitz. David Roberts, Vox, December 1, 2020, advocating a flurry of executive orders  © 2020
Politics Remember the phrase, “It's the economy, stupid?” It was coined by James Carville, strategist of US President Bill Clinton's successful 1992 campaign against George H W Bush. Yet it doesn't appear to be working for Joe Biden, even though many of the top economic indicators … have been in his favour. … I suspect if Carville was on Biden’s team today, he might come up with a different phrase for the next election cycle: “It's geopolitics, stupid.” Rana Foroohar, Financial Times, February 21, 2022 © 2022
Presidency The presidency is a performance. You are not just making decisions, you are also acting out the things people want to believe about their president — that the president is in command, strong, energetic, compassionate, thoughtful, that they don’t need to worry about all that is happening in the world, because the president has it all under control. Whether it is true that Biden has it all under control, it is not true that he seems like he does. Ezra Klein, The Ezra Klein Show, Feb. 16, 2024 © 2020
Psychopaths say That was a retweet. That was an opinion of somebody. And that was a retweet. I put it out there. People can decide for themselves. I don't take a position. Donald Trump, justifying retweeting a QAnon conspiracy theory to his 87 million followers that Barack Obama and Joe Biden had members of Navy SEAL Team 6 killed to cover up the fake death of Osama bin Laden © 2021
Public discourse The words of a president matter. Even a lousy president. Joe Biden © 2020
Punt returners say Oh my God, I am so ready to go to work. Kamala Harris, responding to Joe Biden, who made her his running mate by asking, “You ready to go to work?” © 2017
Punt returners say May I point out that only one of you is sitting on Putin's lap with his hand up your butt. Stephen Colbert responding to Donald Trump, who said: “Joe Biden is a dummy” © 2019
Punt returners say We understand one another. Vladimir Putin,  responding to Joe Biden, who had said, “Mr President, I'm looking in your eyes and you have no soul.” © 2017
Punt returners say You're dipping into the Kool Aid and you don't even know the flavor. Cory Booker responding to Joe Biden about a comment Biden made about Booker's tenure as mayor of Newark, NJ © 2019
Selfie Ask yourself: Do I lok like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters? Really? Joe Biden © 2020
Selfie Don’t compare me to the Almighty, compare me to the alternative. Joe Biden © 2023
Selfie I talked like Morse code. Joe Biden, on his years in a Catholic prep school, where he was called Joe Impedimenta because of his stutter © 2021
Selfie  I've done some dumb things. And I'll do dumb things again. Joe Biden © 2019
Selfie If I were president of the United States the first thing I would do is put a day care center in the White House. Joe Biden, June, 1987 © 2021
Selfie The more he [Trump] talks, the better off I am. Joe Biden © 2020
Snapshot What Biden offers voters is much of the substance of populism without the attendant noise and danger. And that very restraint might be the result of never having to prove his Everyman bona fides. Joe Biden portrayed by Janan Ganesh © 2021
Snapshot By the standards of most US presidents, Biden's ego is modest. That is an admittedly low bar. But at 78, it is hard to claim you personify the wave of the future. The best kind of politics is to govern, rather than fret about your brand. This sets Biden apart from Obama as well as Trump. Not everything needs to be about him. Joe Biden portrayed by Edward Luce Financial Times, March 18, 2021 © 2021
Snapshot Similar obituaries were being penned  only two weeks ago as Biden's poll numbers  dropped below even Donald Trump's nadir. Yet here we are. America's oldest president can now boast of a stronger legislative record in less than two years than either Obama or Bill Clinton achieved in eight. It turns out that low expectations are Biden's secret weapon. Joe Biden portrayed by Edward Luce Financial Times, Auguest 9, 2022 © 2022
Snapshot Young people look at him like a typewriter is running for president. Joe Biden portrayed by Bill Maher © 2019
Snapshot What leaps out about Biden's people is their competence. Neither he nor his team need training wheels. Joe Biden portrayed by John Podesta, former Clinton and Obama official © 2020
Snapshot Say what you will about Joe Biden: He's allowd us to go days at a time without remembering he's there. Joe Biden portrayed by Jennifer Senior, The Atlantic, January/February 2024 © 2024
Snapshot He doesn't suffer from inner demons, he doesn't bear grudges and he loves being around people. Joe Biden portrayed by Louis Susman, former US ambassador © 2020
Snapshot Secretary of State Pompeo. Mike Pompeo portrayed by Joe Biden, laughing and not commenting further © 2020
Snapshot Even when he was running, I don't think anybody thought he would be as bad as he is. Donald Trump portrayed by Joe Biden in 2019 © 2019
Snapshot The only thing he knows  is being in the mosh pit. He's been there his whole life. Donald Trump portrayed by Joe Biden © 2019
Snapshot There's only three things he mentions in a sentence: a noun, a verb, and 9/11. Rudy Giuliani portrayed by Joe Biden © 2016
State of the union The challenge for the Democratic party is whether it can win back white working class voters faster than Republicans win over non-white voters. At the moment that is an open question. The fate of Mr Biden's presidency – and his party – may rest on the answer. Edward Luce, Financial Times, December 15, 2020 © 2020
Trumpists say Every single thing you can think of is worse under Joe Biden. Sean Hannity © 2024
Trumpists say Well, it seems to me that being elected by the Electoral College is a threshold where a title like that is probably most appropriate, and it's, I suppose you can say official, if there is such a thing as official president-elect, or anything-else-elect. Kevin Cramer, Republican Senator from North Dacovid, who rather make an ass of himself than call Joe Biden “president-elect”  © 2020
Trumpists say Yeah, I do think there's a chance of that [impeaching Biden after the 2022 midterms]. And whether it's justified or not, as we talked about when [my podcast] Verdict [With Ted Cruz] launched, the Democrats weaponized impeachment. They used it for partisan purposes to go after Trump because they disagreed with him. And one of the real disadvantages of doing that is the more you weaponize it and turn it into a partisan cudgel, your know, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Ted “Cancún” Cruz, Harvard Law School graduate, solicitor general of Texas from 2003 to 2008, who thinks Trump was impeached over policy disputes and believes in impeaching opponents “whether it's justified or not” © 2022
Ukraine Biden has been overestimating Putin’s nuclear red lines from the start. As a result, Ukraine is still having to defend itself with one hand behind its back. Edward Luce, Financial Times, December 13, 2023 © 2023
Waste of time We will be asking my Republican friends in Congress and states and cities and counties to stand up, for God's sake. Help prevent this concerted effort to undermine our election and the sacred right to vote. Have you no shame? Joe Biden, July 13, 2021 © 2021
Wealth inequality  It's time to reward hard work in America — not just wealth. Joe Biden, 8:39 PM – Dec 3, 2020 © 2021