Mitch McConnell

Monday 22nd of July 2024

KY Republican Mitch McConnell's Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 I pledge allegiance to the millionaires and billionaires behind Grover Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge, and to their interests above all others, so help me God, come hell or high water. The Pledge of Allegiance 2.0 is the implicit pledge made by signing Norquist's Taxpayer Protection Pledge © 2015
2018 midterm elections This is going to be  a challenging election year. We know the wind is going to be in our face. We don't know whether it's going to be a Category 3, 4 or 5. Mitch McConnell, Republican Senate Majority Leader, April 4, 2018 © 2018
2020 Presidential primaries Mr McConnell has the skills to stop a Japanese bullet train. Against him, no Democratic president would have much chance of pushing through the healthcare bills, green new deals, progressive judges or other pledges on which the candidates were trying to outbid each other. Edward Luce, Financial Times, June 27, 2019, on what he calls the Democrats' “Mitch McConnell problem” © 2019
Asslickers say I'm coordinating with White House counsel. There will be no difference between the president's position and our position as to how to handle this. Mitch McConnell, guaranteeing Republicans like himself would acquit Trump despite overwhelming evidence he abused his power and obstructed Congress © 2020
Bad news Senate confirms Scott Pruitt, preeminent pimp for polluters, as EPA administrator If water becomes undrinkable and air becomes unbreathable, blame him and his enablers: Lamar Alexander (R) Steve Daines (R) Johnny Isakson (R) Pat Roberts (R) John Barrasso (R) Mike Enzi (R) Ron Johnson (R) Mike Rounds (R) Roy Blunt (R) Joni Ernst (R) John Kennedy (R) Marco Rubio (R) John Boozman (R) Deb Fischer (R) James Lankford (R) Ben Sasse (R) Richard Burr (R) Jeff Flake (R) Mike Lee Tim Scott (R) Shelley Moore-Capito (R) Cory Gardner (R) Joe Manchin (D) Richard Shelby (R) Bill Cassidy (R) Lindsey Graham (R) Mitch McConnell (R) Luther Strange Thad Cochran (R) Chuck Grassley (R) Jerry Moran (R) Dan Sullivan (R) Bob Corker (R) Orrin Hatch (R) Lisa Murkowski (R) John Thune (R) John Cornyn (R) Heidi Heitkamp (D) Rand Paul (R) Thom Tillis (R) Tom Cotton (R) Dean Heller (R) David Perdue (R) Pat Toomey Mike Crapo (R) John Hoeven (R) Rob Portman (R) Roger Wicker (R) Ted Cruz (R) Jim Inhofe (R) James Risch (R) Todd Young Continental Resources (oil company) Lucas Oil Products (oil company) Devon Energy (oil and gas company) Murray Energy (coal copmany) KochPAC (Koch Industries PAC) Oklahoma Strong Leadership (his super-PAC) Liberty 2.0 (energy industry super-PAC) Protecting America Now (anti-EPA lobbyists) © 2017
Bankruptcy I would certainly be in favor of allowing states to use the bankruptcy route. We’re not interested in solving their pension problems for them. Mitch McConnell, on bailing out state and local governments in addition to bailing out big businesses overwhelmed by COVID-19 coronavirus © 2020
Bullshitters say Our Country is being systematically destroyed by the Radical Left Marxists, Fascists and Thugs - THE DEMOCRATS. UNLESS YOU GET EVERYTHING, SHUT IT DOWN! Close the Border, stop the Weaponization of “Justice,” and End Election Interference — WE MUST HAVE HONEST ELECTIONS. It’s time Republicans learned how to fight! Are you listening Mitch McConnell, the weakest, dumbest, and most conflicted “Leader” in U.S. Senate history? HE's AREADY GIVEN THE DEMOCRATS EVERYTHING. THEY CAN’T BELIEVE HOW LUCKY THEY GOT. Donald Trump, Sep 24, 2023, 9:22 PM ordering Republicans to shut down government © 2023
COVID-19 coronavirus  I haven't actually been to the White House since August the sixth because my impression was their approach to how to handle this thing was different from mine and what I insisted we do in the Senate, which is to wear a mask and practice social distancing. Mitch McConnell, October 8, 2020 © 2020
Deficits It's disappointing, but it's not a Republican problem. It's a bipartisan problem: unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future. Mitch McConnell, claiming the $779 billion deficit for fiscal year 2018, Trump's first full fiscal year, resulted from spending on entitlements [Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security], and not from adding a trillion dollars to the national debt by cutting taxes for corporations and the rich © 2018
Filibusters The ease of use is what made it such a powerful tool for McConnell. Even Richard Russell could not have organized 137 filibusters in two years, which is the number McConnell deployed against Obama from 2009 through 2010. But under the rules of the modern Senate, doing so was as easy as making a sign-up sheet. All it took was a phone call or an email from a single Republican senator and the threshold on any bill or nomination would shoot up from a majority to a supermajority, effectively granting the minority veto power. And there is nothing the majority can do about it. Adam Jentleson, Kill Switch © 2021
Hypocrites say My warning, if you will, to corporate America is to stay out of politics. It's not what you're designed for. And don't be intimidated by the Left into taking up causes that put you right in the middle of one of America's greatest political debates. Mitch McConnell, who has spent a career being the best among his Senate colleagues at attracting money from giant corporations and their CEOs, expressing his outrage that some of them stopped contributing to Republicans after the January 6, 2021, insurrection, and joined Democratic-led opposition to Republican-led efforts to pass voting suppresion laws © 2021
Hypocrites say There's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed that they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president. And having that belief was a forseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet earth. Mitch McConnell, February 13, 2021, after preventing impeachment 2.0 from starting as long as Trump was still president, and then voting to acquit him because Trump was “constitutionally ineligible for conviction” given that he's no longer president © 2021
Kwiple dictionary the Honorable (thə on'ər ə bəl) adjectival phrase. A gender-neutral adjectival phrase traditionally placed before the name of a current or past holder of a high office. When in used before Donald Trump's name or the name of one of his kiss-asses, such as Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Mike Pence or Betsy DeVos, the usage is ipso facto  ironic. © 2018
Kwiplers say  I accuse Donald Trump and Mike Pence of conspiracy to transfer sovereignty from America's citizens to its largest  corporations and richest families and to make governments and the courts instruments for promoting their interests against all others' — actions democracies should deem treason punishable by death ——— Prominent Congressional Co-conspirators ——— Lamar Alexander • John Barrasso • Roy Blunt • John Boozman • Richard Burr • Shelley Capito • Bill Cassidy • Thad Cochran • Susan Collins • Bob Corker • John Cornyn • Tom Cotton • Mike Crapo • Ted Cruz • Steve Daines • Mike Enzi • Joni Ernst • Deb Fischer • Jeff Flake • Freedom Caucus • Cory Gardner • Lindsey Graham • Chuck Grassley • Orrin Hatch • Dean Heller • John Hoeven • James Inhofe • Johnny Isakson • Ron Johnson • John Kennedy • James Lankford • Mike Lee • Ron Johnson • John Kennedy • James Lankford • Mitch McConnell • Jerry Moran • Lisa Murkowski • Rand Paul • David Perdue • Rob Portman • Jim Risch • Pat Roberts • Mike Rounds • Marco Rubio • Ben Sasse • Tim Scott • Richard Shelby • Luther Strange • Dan Sulliven • John Thune • Thom Tillis • Patrick Toomey • Roger Wicker • Todd Young ——— Prominent Unelected Co-conspirators ——— Sheldon Adelson • Samuel Alito • American Legislative Exchange Council • Americans for Prosperity • Americans for Tax Reform • Betsy DeVos • Federalist Society • Fox News • Neil Gorsuch • Charles & David Koch • Robert & Rebekah Mercer • Scott Pruitt • John Roberts, Jr. • Sinclair Broadcast Group • Peter Singer • Peter Thiel • Clarence Thomas • U.S. Chamber of Commerce  © 2017
Kwiplers say What will happen if even one Democrat votes no on federal disaster relief money for victims of hurricane Harvey, like the 36 Republican Senators — Kelly Ayotte Mike Enzi John Mccain John Barrasso Deb Fischer Mitch McConnell Roy Blunt Jeff Flake Jerry Moran John Boozman Lindsey Graham Rand Paul Richard Burr Chuck Grassley Rob Portman Saxby Chambliss Orrin Hatch Jim Risch Dan Coats Jim Inhofe Pat Roberts Tom Coburn Johnny Isakson Marco Rubio Bob Corker Mike Johanns Tim Scott John Cornyn Ron Johnson Jeff Sessions Mike Crapo Mark Kirk John Thune Ted Cruz Mike Lee Pat Toomey — who voted no on federal disaster relief money for victims of hurricane Sandy?  There'll be a record shitstorm from Trump supporters © 2017
Money in politics My warning, if you will, to corporate America is to stay out if politics. I'm not talking about political contributions. Mitch McConnell © 2022
Polarization Winners make policy, and losers go home.  Mitch McConnell © 2020
Politics If they throw a stone at you, you drop a boulder on them.  Mitch McConnell, on campaigning © 2020
Profiles in courage We can have no tolerance for an ideology of racial hatred. There are no good neo-Nazis, and those who espouse their views are not supporters of American ideals and freedoms. Mitch McConnell, like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Paul Ryan and other Republicans who fear being primaried by Trump supporters the next time they run, scoring easy points by bemoaning hatred without condemning Trump by name © 2017
Public discourse You can’t get in trouble for what you don’t say. Mitch “The Taciturn” McConnell © 2024
Punt returners say Bring It On is a movie about high school cheerleaders 9:24 PM - Nov 15, 2017 Chris Hansen, executive director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, responding to Roy Moore, who had tweeted, Dear Mitch McConnell, Bring. It. On. 5:52 PM - 15 Nov 2017 after McConnell, the Republican Senate Majority Leader, called for Moore to drop out of the Alabama Senate race because nine women, eight of whom were underage at the time, accused him of sexual harassment © 2017
Racists say The concern is misplaced, because if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans. Mitch McConnell, January 19, 2022, wrong both factually, especially when rates of voting among blacks are compared to rates among whites, and for denying that voting laws recently passed by Republican state legislatures were neither intended to nor will they have the effect of suppresing voting by minorities  © 2022
Republicans say Don't trust the United States to stick to its agreements Kelly Ayotte Chuck Grassley Rob Portman John Barrasso Orrin Hatch Jim Risch Roy Blunt Dean Heller Pat Roberts John Boozman John Hoeven Mike Rounds Richard Burr Jim Inhofe Marco Rubio Bill Cassidy Johnny Isakson Ben Sasse John Cornyn Ron Johnson Tim Scott Tom Cotton Mark Kirk Jeff Sessions Mike Crapo James Lankford Richard Shelby Ted Cruz Mike Lee Dan Sullivan Steve Daines John McCain John Thune Mike Enzi Mitch McConnell Thom Tillis Joni Ernst S. Moore Capito Pat Toomey Deb Fischer Jerry Moran David Vitter Cory Gardner Rand Paul Roger Wicker Lindsey Graham David Perdue © 2015
Republicans say Make Israel's Iran policy ours Kelly Ayotte Chuck Grassley Rob Portman John Barrasso Orrin Hatch Jim Risch Roy Blunt Dean Heller Pat Roberts John Boozman John Hoeven Mike Rounds Richard Burr Jim Inhofe Marco Rubio Bill Cassidy Johnny Isakson Ben Sasse John Cornyn Ron Johnson Tim Scott Tom Cotton Mark Kirk Jeff Sessions Mike Crapo James Lankford Richard Shelby Ted Cruz Mike Lee Dan Sullivan Steve Daines John McCain John Thune Mike Enzi Mitch McConnell Thom Tillis Joni Ernst S. Moore Capito Pat Toomey Deb Fischer Jerry Moran David Vitter Cory Gardner Rand Paul Roger Wicker Lindsey Graham David Perdue © 2015
Republicans say Pander to the base, pander to the polluters, piss away America's presitge John Barrasso (WY) Mitch McConnell (KY) Roy Blunt (MO) Rand Paul (KY) John Boozman (AR) David Perdue (GA) Thad Cochran (MS) Jim Risch (ID) John Cornyn (TX) Pat Roberts (KS) Mike Crapo (ID) Mike Rounds (SD) Ted Cruz (TX) Tim Scott (SC) Mike Enzi (WY) Richard Shelby (AL) Orrin Hatch (UT) Luther Strange (AL) Jim Inhofe (OK) Thom Tillis (NC) Mike Lee (UT) Roger Wicker (MS) Signers of a letter Republican Senators sent to President Trump calling for the U.S. to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement © 2017
Selfie I've been a proud guardian of gridlock. Mitch McConnell © 2015
Selfie I will always be well financed, and I will be well financed early. Mitch McConnell © 2015
The Senate McConnell followed generations of  white supremacist southern obstructionists who had come before him. Ever since John Calhoun set foot in the Senate [in 1832], they had fought against Madison's vision of a majority-rule institution, forging new ways to impose their will on a country where progress threatened their power. Under McConnell, the Senate was finally remade in Calhoun's vision of minority rule. The only question that remains is whether it can be saved. Adam Jentleson, Kill Switch © 2021
Snapshot It's not that they like him, or care if he goes to jail. They are getting so much power out of this and they don't want it to stop. William Barr, Mike Pompeo and Mitch McConnell portrayed by Mary Trump, Financial Times, August 7, 2020 © 2020
Snapshot If the US has someone whom historians will look back on as the gravedigger of American democracy, it is Mitch McConnell. Mitch McConnell portrayed by Christopher Browning © 2018
Snapshot “Moscow Mitch” Mitch McConnell portrayed by Joe Scarborough © 2019
Snapshot The Old Crow's a piece of shit. Mitch McConnell portrayed by Donald Trump © 2022
Snapshot The mastermind of the damage [to democratic norms], Mitch McConnell will come to be considered one of the greatest traitors to this country since Robert E.Lee, with this difference — McConnell has been trying to take us down from within. Mitch McConnell portrayed by Mary Trump in The Reckoning  © 2021
Snapshot He never had any core principles. He just wants to be  something. He doesn't want to do  anything.  Mitch McConnell portrayed by John Yarmouth, Democratic congressman from Louisville © 2020
Snapshot A despicable human being. Donald Trump portrayed by Mitch McConnell © 2024
State of the union c Sudden, widespread alarm at Russian attempts to sow doubt about America's leaders, institutions and electoral integrity, coming after decades of well-funded, comparable, widely-applauded Republican efforts led by groups like Breitbart News, Fox News and Judicial Watch, and by party leaders like Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump © 2016
Trumpists say As I've said for the last two weeks, the Senate will be glad to vote on a measure that the House passes that the president will sign. But we're not going to vote on anything else. Mitch McConnell, January 2, 2019, guaranteeing he will keep the government shut down until Trump gets his Mex best thing © 2019
Trumpists say For all his obvious shortcomings, Donald Trump is certainly a different direction, and I think if he is in the White House he'll have to respond to the right-of- center world which elected him, and the things we believe in. So I'm comfortable supporting him. Mitch McConnell, June 2016 © 2018
Trumpists say I don't think he should fire Mueller and I don't think he's going to. So this is a piece of legislation that isn't necessary in my judgment. I'm the one who decides  what we take to the floor. That's my responsibility  as the majority leader. We will not be having this on the floor of the Senate.  Mitch McConnell, on a proposed bill with bipartisan support to prevent Trump from arbitrarily ending Special Counsel Mueller's investigation into posible collusion with Russia and obstruction of justice by Trump © 2018
Trumpists say I have total confidence in Justice Thomas's impartiality in every aspect of the work of the Court. Each of the nine judges should feel free to make every single judicial decision they make with total independence and complete freedom, what cases they hear, how they hear them, how they rule,  whether and when they recuse themselves, and whether and when they retire. Mitch McConnell, opposing any ethics standards for Supreme Court justices, including ones preventing them from ruling in cases where they have conflicts of interest, like Thomas, who voted to prevent evidence of his wife's attempts to overturn the 2020 election to be turned over to Congress © 2022
Trumpists say I'm not going to let Democrats and their water carriers in the media use Russia's attack on our democracy as a Trojan horse for partisan wish-list items that would not actually make our elections safer. Mitch McConnell, refusing to let the Senate vote on election security bills, leading to him being nicknamed “Moscow Mitch” © 2019
Trumpists say One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, “Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.” Mitch McConnell, bragging about preventing the Senate from considering Merrick Garland for appointment to the Supreme Court – perhaps the greatest Capitol offense in the nation's history for which the known perpetrator avoided appropriate punishment  © 2018
Trumpists say There will be no difference between the president's position and our position as to how to handle this. [Senate Republicans will be] in total coordination with the White House counsel's office and the people representing the president in the well of the Senate. Mitch McConnell, on letting Trump set the rules for his impeachment trial in the Senate © 2019
Trumpists say We will vote to confirm Justice Kennedy's successor this fall. It is imperative that the president's nominee be considered fairly and not be subjected to personal attacks. Mitch McConnell, June 27, 2018, Republican Senate Majority Leader who had prevented the Senate from even considering Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court, trying to affect the 2018 midterm elections by guaranteeing appointment of whoever Trump would nominate at a later date © 2018