Neil Gorsuch

Monday 22nd of July 2024

Affirmative action Both schools frequently choose to award a “tip” or a “plus” to applicants from  certain racial groups but not others. These tips or plusses are just what they sound like—“factors that might tip an applicant into [an] admitted class.” … And in a process where applicants compete for a limited pool of spots, “[a] tip for one race” necessarily works as “a penalty against other races.” Neil Gorsuch, concurring in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v.  Harvard College and University of North Carolina [NOTE: tips for athletes and relatives of alumni, donors, and faculty are presumed to be unrelated to race, color, or national origin] © 2023
Bad news Senate Republicans and three Democrats – Joe Donnelly (IN), Heidi Heitkamp (SD)  and Joe Manchin (WV) – conspire to appoint Neil Gorsuch as Chief Injustice of the Supreme Court, deligitimizing themselves and it © 2017
Bullshitters say I empathize with him entirely. Neil Gorsuch, feigning sympathy for the truck driver who he argued had been justifiably fired for abandoning a trailer that broke down to seek shelter from 14-below temperatures after waiting more than three hours for help, during which his torso had become numb © 2017
Bullshitters say My personal views, I tell you, Mr. Chairman, are over here. I leave those at home. Neil Gorsuch, during his confirmation hearing for appointment to the Supreme Court, claiming to be tabula rasa when he decides court cases, which explains why Republicans stole a seat on the Court to ensure he'll sit in it and vote reliably Republican for decades to come  © 2017
Christian right Five years ago, many evangelical voters still felt distaste for Mr Trump's libertine personality. They quickly learned he was the kind of pugilist they wanted. The likely Supreme Court confirmation next week of Amy Coney Barrett, and that of Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch before her are testaments to that. America's Christian right has embraced its inner Vladimir Lenin – the end justifies the means. Edward Luce, Financial Times, October 15, 2020 © 2020
Dead-in-the-heads say His [Neil Gorsuch's] nomination carries with it a superlegitimacy. … The American people played very direct role in helping choose this nominee. Ted Cruz, who thinks superlegitimacy is conferred by refusing to consider Democratic nominees, and by electing a president who encourages mob violence against protesters at his rallies; who requested and received Russian help in influencing the outcome of the election; who lost the popular vote by millions; and who depends on anti-democratic institutions like lying, the Electoral College, the Senate, nepotism, voter suppression, gerrymandering and pandering to the rich © 2017
Kwiplers say  I accuse Donald Trump and Mike Pence of conspiracy to transfer sovereignty from America's citizens to its largest  corporations and richest families and to make governments and the courts instruments for promoting their interests against all others' — actions democracies should deem treason punishable by death ——— Prominent Congressional Co-conspirators ——— Lamar Alexander • John Barrasso • Roy Blunt • John Boozman • Richard Burr • Shelley Capito • Bill Cassidy • Thad Cochran • Susan Collins • Bob Corker • John Cornyn • Tom Cotton • Mike Crapo • Ted Cruz • Steve Daines • Mike Enzi • Joni Ernst • Deb Fischer • Jeff Flake • Freedom Caucus • Cory Gardner • Lindsey Graham • Chuck Grassley • Orrin Hatch • Dean Heller • John Hoeven • James Inhofe • Johnny Isakson • Ron Johnson • John Kennedy • James Lankford • Mike Lee • Ron Johnson • John Kennedy • James Lankford • Mitch McConnell • Jerry Moran • Lisa Murkowski • Rand Paul • David Perdue • Rob Portman • Jim Risch • Pat Roberts • Mike Rounds • Marco Rubio • Ben Sasse • Tim Scott • Richard Shelby • Luther Strange • Dan Sulliven • John Thune • Thom Tillis • Patrick Toomey • Roger Wicker • Todd Young ——— Prominent Unelected Co-conspirators ——— Sheldon Adelson • Samuel Alito • American Legislative Exchange Council • Americans for Prosperity • Americans for Tax Reform • Betsy DeVos • Federalist Society • Fox News • Neil Gorsuch • Charles & David Koch • Robert & Rebekah Mercer • Scott Pruitt • John Roberts, Jr. • Sinclair Broadcast Group • Peter Singer • Peter Thiel • Clarence Thomas • U.S. Chamber of Commerce  © 2017
Minority rule Minority rule has, in turn, skewed the composition of the Supreme Court. Under Mr. Trump, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh became the first two Supreme Court justices in history to be appointed by a president who lost the popular vote and then be confirmed by senators who  represented less than half the electorate. Amy Coney Barrett is likely to become the third. Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, New York Times, October 23, 2020  © 2020
Political inequality  Four of nine current Supreme Court justices — Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett — were confirmed by a Senate majority that collectively won a minority of the popular vote in Senate elections and represented less than half of the American population. And three of them — Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett — were also nominated by a president who lost the popular vote. Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, Tyranny of the Minority  © 2023
Robots say We're all human beings. I get that. I'm not an algorithm. Neil Gorsuch © 2017
Republicans say Steal Supreme Court judgeships © 2017
Selfie Fascism Forever Club (Founder and President) Neil Gorsuch, who says he was joking in his senior biography for the 1985 Georgetown Preparatory School yearbook, but whose fellow students routinely called him “a conservative fascist” © 2017
Sleepers at the wheel say There's no such thing as a Republican judge  or a Democratic judge. We just have judges in this country. Neil Gorsuch © 2017
Surely you jest Actual questions Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee asked Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch: Does a good judge decide who should win and then work backward to try to justify the outcome? How in the world is Gorsuch able to go so many hours without peeing? What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything? What's the largest trout you've ever caught? Would you rather fight a hundred duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck? Would you tell me where your favorite fishing stream is and don't say “Notellum Creek”? © 2017
Surely you jest No man is above the law, no man.  Neil Gorsuch, during his Senate confirmation hearing for appointment to the Supreme Court  --> © 2018