Trumpism, Trumpists

Monday 22nd of July 2024

2016 Presidential election Our back-up strategy is to fuck her up so badly that she can't govern. Steve Bannon, Trump's campaign manager, on the Republican Party's strategy if Hillary Clinton won the election  © 2021
2018 midterm elections No! Crowd's response when Trump asked them if he should tone it down just a little during his rally in Murphysboro, Illinois, on October 27, 2018, following the murder of 11 Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh earlier that day © 2018
2020 Presidential election The insurrection may be over, but the plot to steal the presidency is intact. Jamelle Bouie, New York Times, June 10, 2022 © 2022
2020 Presidential election On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all the electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all Jim Jordan to Mark Meadows, Trump's chief of staff, suggesting that vice presidents have the authority to simply refuse to count electoral votes from states his party lost © 2021
2024 Presidential election That objective [in spouting the Big Lie] is  not somehow to rescind the 2020 election, as they would have us believe. That’s constitutionally impossible. Trump’s and the Republicans' far more ambitious objective is to execute succesfully in 2024 the very same plan they failed in executing in 2020 and to overturn the 2024 election if Trump or his anointed successor loses again in the next quadrennial contest. The last presidential election was a dry run for the next. J. Michael Luttig, April 27, 2022 © 2022
Bad news Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun. In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people. There has never been anything like it! citation  Donald Trump, February 13, 2021, after his second, historic acquital for high crimes and misdemeanors © 2021
Beliefs Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. attributed to Voltaire © 2022
Bullshitters say The woke class wants to teach kids to hate each other, rather than teaching them how to read. Ron DeSantis, strawman argument against teaching children about America's encounter with racism © 2021
Conservatism What passes for “conservatism” now, however, is nearly the opposite of the Burkean conservatism I encountered then. Today, what passes for the worldview of  “the right” is a set of resentful animosities a partisan attachment to Donald Trump or  Tucker Carlson, a sort of mental brutalism. The rich philosophical perspective that dazzled me then has been reduced to Fox News and voter suppression. David Brooks, The Atlantic, January/February 2022 [“then” is the 1980s] © 2021
Conservatives Trump came to power as the repudiation of the Republican establishment. But the conservative political class and the new leader soon reached an understanding. Whatever their differences on issues like trade and immigration, they shared a basic goal: to strip-mine public assets for the benefit of private interests. George Packer, The Atlantic, June 2020 © 2020
Corruption The Trump administration spawned such abundant corruption, Bloomberg News launched an interactive guide to keep track if it, sortable by individuals and categories of scandal. Adam Jentleson, Kill Switch © 2021
Crime … committed the felony offense of … Phrase appearing one or more times in 35 of the 161 overt acts in furtherance of the Trumpist conspiracy to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election that are specified in State of Georgia Fulton County v. Donald John Trump and 18 others © 2023
< Death threats One email, sent on Jan. 2 to officials in nearly a dozen counties, threatened to bomb polling sites: “No one at these places will be spared unless and until Trump is guaranteed to be POTUS again.” Reuters, June 11, 2021, in an article about Georgia entitled: “Trump-inspired death threats are terrorizing election workers” © 2021
< Death threats “You actually deserve to hang by your goddamn, soy boy, skinny-ass neck,” said a woman in one voicemail, to Richard Barron, director of elections for Fulton County, GA. Reuters, June 11, 2021, in an article about Georgia entitled: “Trump-inspired death threats are terrorizing election workers” © 2021
Democracy It couldn’t be more simple. A vote for Republicans is a vote to destroy Democracy. Rob Reiner, 8:03 AM – Apr 20, 2022, on the Republicans during the Trump era © 2022
Evolution I don't believe in evolution. I don't believe in that type of so-called science. I don't believe in evolution. I believe in God. Marjorie Taylor Greene © 2021
Facts During the first day of public impeachment hearings on Wednesday, Mark Meadows, one of Mr Trump's most loyal congressional allies, said: “Everyone has their own impression of what truth is.” When conservatives embrace relativism, facts have clearly lost their use. Edward Luce, Financial Times, November 13, 2019 © 2019
Fascism Trumpism is what fascism looks like in twenty-first-century America. Ruth Ben-Ghiat, The New Republic, May 16, 2024 © 2024
Foreign policy Level whatever criticisms you may about the often bloodstained hands of the American colossus on the world stage, but Trump's foreign policy was different: shortsighted, transactional, mecurial, untrustworthy, boorish, personalist, and profoundly illiberal in rhetoric, disposition and creed. Jonathan Kirshner, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2021 © 2021
Hypocrites say Because I'm not president. Donald Trump, responding to CNN moderator Kaitlin Collins's question, "So what's different now?" during a May 10, 2023, televised "town hall" meeting after Trump had encouraged Republicans to vote to default on the nation's debt and she had reminded him that he had said, when he  was president, that it was wrong for Democrats to use the prospect of defaulting on it as a negotiating tactic [The audience of staunch Trump supporters responded with peals of laughter and applause at the prospect of ruining the country's credit rating; the loss of 6-8 million jobs; increases in all interest rates; reductions in Social Security/ veterans/other welfare programs; reductions in investor confidence/stock market prices, etc.] © 2023
Impeachment Don’t confuse me with the facts. I've got a closed mind. I will not vote for impeachment. I'm going to stick with my president even if he and I have to be taken out of this building and shot. Earle Landgrebe, Indiana Republican Representative, Nixon supporter, and revered role model for today's Republican Congressmen, the day before Nixon resigned in 1974 © 2020
Juries My advice to you is that you never disclose that you were on this jury. Judge Lewis Kaplan, to members of the jury after it awarded E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million in her second defamation suit against Donald Trump [To ensure its safety, Kaplan kept the jury partially sequestered and fully anonymous and instructed its members to not reveal their real names to one another, given Trump's supporters' penchant for violence against his opponents] © 2024
Liars say I don't know. Vern Buchanan, Republican representing Florida's 16th congressional district, explaining why he voted against a bill he co-sponsored to name a Florida courthouse after Joseph Hatchett, the first black Florida supreme court justice and first black state supreme court justice south of the Mason-Dixon line, following the circulation of a letter opposing the honor by Georgia representative Andrew Clyde — who's agaist the Emmett Till Anti- Lynching Act and recognizing Juneteenth as a federal holiday and called the January 6 insurrection a “normal tourist visit” — because Hatchett upheld the Supreme Court's ban on school prayer in a 1999 decision, leading to killing the bill © 2022
Liberalism In which half of the West is liberalism more vulnerable: the US or Europe? Well, the raw individual clout of Trump unites and fuels America’s hard right. What serves the equivalent role in Europe  is a sense of demographic and cultural siege. The difference is that Trump will one day be gone. Janan Ganesh, Financial Times, November 28, 2023 © 2019
Lies The lie outlasts the liar. Timothy Snyder, New York Times, January 9, 2021 © 2021
Mental health Don't testify. It's either that or an orange jump suit. John M. Dowd, Trump's former lawyer, doubting Trump is mentally capable of testifying to Speclal Counsel Robert Mueller without lying  © 2018
The military Trump and his allies understand that by leaving the military outside their political control the last time around, they also left intact a crucial bulwark against their plans.  They will not make the same mistake twice. --> Tom Nichols, The Atlantic, January/February 2024 © 2024
Money in politics Anybody that makes a “Contribution” to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp. Donald Trump, Jan 24, 2024, 8:49 PM [By “Birdbrain,” Trump means Nikki Haley, not himself or his spawn. “MAGA camp” is a nationwide day camp where disinformed adults frolic and wallow.] © 2024
Money in politics There's … there's two people, I think, Putin pays. Putin pays: [California Representative Dana] Rohrabacher and Trump … [laughter]… swear to God. Kevin McCarthy, 2017, now a devout Trumpist  © 2019
Money in politics With the RNC now joining President Trump's campaign in a joint fundraising committee, we're issuing new guidelines for candidates and committees who choose to use President Trump's name, image, and likeness in fundraising solicitations.  Beginning tomorrow, we ask that all candidates and committees who choose to use President Trump's name, image, and likeness split a  minimum of 5% of all fundraising solicitations to Trump National Committee JFC. … Any split that is higher than 5% will be seen favorably by the RNC and President Trump's  campaign and routinely reported to the highest  levels of leadership within both organizations.  April 15, 2024, letter from JFC to all (R) campigns © 2024
Morality Ambition is a powerful antidote to moral qualms. Robert Kagan, Washington Post, September 23, 2021 © 2021
Nationalism The relevant polarity is not really between nationalists and liberals, but between nationalists and cosmopolitans. When Trump's supporters blame America's ills on liberals, they are generally talking about cosmopolitans. John Judis, The Nationalist Revival © 2020
Political violence  Our surveys have consistently found that between 15 million and 20 million American adults agree that the “use of force is justified” to retore Trump to the presidency and that well over 50 million agree that Joe Biden stole the election and is an illegitimate president. These 18 million with pro-Trump insurrectionist sympathies have dangerous capabilities and training (8 million own guns, 2 million have prior US military service) and near-term organizational growth potential (1 million are a militia member or know one, 6 million support anti-government militias like the Oath Keepers and extremist groups like the Proud Boys). Robert A. Pape, Boston Globe, August 16, 2022 [Survey conducted by Chicago Project on Security and Terrorism (CPOST)] © 2022
Politics What Trump has done is take this human impulse toward cruelty, and elevate it to a political virtue. Adam Serwer © 2021
Populism Before it is anything else — divisive, inept, sometimes perceptive and necessary — populism is exhausting. It generates too much noise and scandal in government for all but the most news-hungry citizens to bear for long. It would be nice to think that Americans were making a Jeffersonian statement about the importance of civic standards when they evicted [Trump] from the White House in 2020. “Enough, already,” was more like it. Janan Ganesh, Financial Times, December 27, 2022 © 2023
Populism The hardest thing to convey about the Trump phenomenon, especially to intellectuals, trained to think in terms of philosophical doctrines, is how secondary the content of it has become. European populism is about something.  American populism is, to an amazing extent, about someone. Janan Ganesh, Financial Times, November 28, 2023 © 2023
Populists This, far more than Mr Trump, is the liberal nightmare: a populist agenda in the hands of insiders. As long as it was wild cards and eccentrics who espoused these views – Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor, was a droll example – they were more or less containable. Lacking the guile to navigate Washing- ton's checks and balances, populists would be, as Mr Trump now seems, in office but not in power. The trouble starts when those with institutional knowledge embrace the same programme. Janan Ganesh, Financial Time, July 8, 2020 © 2020
Public discourse Images of small men usually arise and persist widely only because big men find good use for them. C. Wright Mills, White Collar © 2019
Racketeering Defendants Donald John Trump [& 18 indicted & 30 unindicted co-defendants] …  constituted a criminal organization whose  members and associates engaged in various related criminal activities including, but not limited to, false statements and writings, impersonating a public officer,  forgery, filing false documents, influencing witnesses, computer theft, computer trespass, computer invasion of privacy, conspiracy to defraud the state, acts involving theft, and perjury. State of Georgia Fulton County v. Donald John Trump and 18 others © 2023
Racketeering This criminal organization constituted an en- terprise as that term is defined in O.C.G.A. § 16-14-3(3), that is, a group of individuals in fact. The Defendants and other members and associates of the enterprise had connections and relationships with one another and with the enterprise. The enterprise constituted an  ongoing organization whose members and asso- ciates functioned as a continuing unit for a common purpose of achieving the objectives of the enterprise. The enterprise operated in  Fulton County, Georgia, elsewhere in the State of  Georgia, in other states, … The enterprise oper-  ated for a period of time sufficient to permit its  members and associates to pursue its objectives. State of Georgia Fulton County v. Donald John Trump and 18 others © 2023
Racketeering This was an act of racketeering activity under O.C.G.A. § 16-14-3(5)(A)(xxii) and an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy. Phrase appearing one or more times in 28 of the 161 overt acts in furtherance of the Trumpist conspiracy to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election that are specified in State of Georgia Fulton County v. Donald John Trump and 18 others © 2023
Republicans Party At some point, the blame for modern Republicanism must pass from the party to an electorate that could cure it at once by levying harsher political costs. Until then, the strictly tactical case for renouncing either Trump or his fabled-ism will remain weak within the party. Moderate Republicans are left to petition their colleagues' consciences and principles instead. It is only necessary to read that sentence to despair of their chances. Janan Ganesh, Financial Times, April 27, 2021 © 2021
Republican Party One reason the Republican party was so easy for Trump to pick off in the last decade was that it had the mental habits of the corporate C-suite and the Chamber of Commerce. Party grandees assumed that Trump was a rational actor who had a price: flattery, fame, a measure of influence. Pay it, and he’d be their creature. They had little concept of the zeal of his movement, because they had little concept of zeal. Janan Ganesh, Financial Times, December 12. 2023 © 2023
Republican Party The Republican Party today is a zombie party. Robert Kagan, Washington Post, September 23, 2021 © 2021
Republican Party motto Heads we win. Tails we coup.  citation Slogan for the Trumpist Republican Party suggested by Bill Maher, April 22, 2022, Real Time with Bill Maher © 2022
Republicans say Aren't you embarrassed? Mitt Romney, to Trumpists booing him at a May, 2021, Utah GOP convention © 2021
Selfie A couple of weeks ago, I was watching video of people fighting on the street in Washington. A group of Trump guys surrounded an Antifa kid and started pounding the living shit out of him. It was three against one, at least. Jumping a guy like that is dishonorable obviously. It’s not how white men fight. Yet suddenly I found myself rooting for the mob against the man, hoping they’d hit him harder, kill him. I really wanted them to hurt the kid. I could taste it. Tucker Carlson, January 7, 2021 © 2023
Selfie Even when I'm wrong, I'm Right. Graham Ledger, news anchor of OAN's The Daily Ledger © 2020
Selfie I ain't evolvin'. Clarence Thomas  © 2022
Selfie Jeff Sessions wouldn't have gotten to the Senate had I not overseen his race in 1968. Now I look back at that and say, “What kind of goddamn penance  do I have to pay for that?” John Weaver, long-time political consultant and co-founder of the Lincoln Project, a group of never Tumpers © 2020
Sleepers at the wheel say I think it's a mistaken concept that there's a body of this country that's loyal to a person — they're loyal to a country, most of them. Vivek Ramaswamy,, venture capitalist and multimillionaire who's vowed to spend $100 million of his money trying to win the Republican nomination (or to become Trump's running mate) in 2024 by moving to the right of him  © 2023
Snapshot  You know why Lindsey kisses my ass? So I'll endorse his friends. Lindsey Graham portrayed by Donald Trump © 2022
Snapshot The mastermind of the damage [to democratic norms], Mitch McConnell will come to be considered one of the greatest traitors to this country since Robert E.Lee, with this difference — McConnell has been trying to take us down from within. Mitch McConnell portrayed by Mary Trump in The Reckoning  © 2021
Snapshot Noem is Trumpism with a cowgirl face. Kristi Noem portrayed by Stephen Rodrick in Rolling Stone, March 16, 2021 © 2021
Snapshot This president, perhaps more than any of his modern predecessors, encourages flattery. He likes it, he expects it, and he seems ot eat it up. Donald Trump portrayed by Washington Post, June 5, 2018 © 2018
Snapshot If Donald Trump gets up and tells them that, “I didn’t know there’s a moon that circles the earth,” they’d believe it. Trump's supporters portrayed by Michael Steele, former RNC Chair © 2023
Snapshot They're fucking crazy. Trump's supporters portrayed by Donald Trump © 2022
Snapshot They identify with the fact that he gets away with everything. Trump's supporters portrayed by Mary Trump © 2023
State of the union He has shown that inspiring revulsion in one half of a split country is a workable strategy. For it seems that my revulsion, and that of those like me, does not merely correspond to enthusiasm on the other side, it adds to enthusiasm on the other side. Robert Armstrong, on Trumpism, Financial Times, November 6, 2020 © 2020
State of the union Just as a herd of elephants leaves behind traces of its passage, so will the Trump team. Madeleine Albright, Financial Times, October 11, 2020 © 2020
State of the union The Trump movement was always authoritarian and illiberal. It indulged periodically in the rhetoric of violence. Trump himself chafed against the restraints of law. But what the United States did not have  before 2020 was a large national movement willing to justify mob violence to claim political power. Now it does. David Frum, The Atlantic, July 13, 2021 © 2021
State of the union We are entering Nixonian territory. Not even Nixon fired the head of the FBI.  Edward Luce, Financial Times, May 9, 2017 © 2017
Supreme Court During the Trump administration, for instance, the justices issued 28 orders at the request of the administration that blocked adverse lower-court rulings while the government appealed. This had the effect of allowing the government to enforce policies that had been invalidated by every other court ruling on their legality. In contrast, the Supreme Court issued only four such orders during the 16 years spanning the presidencies of both George W. Bush and Barack Obama. The court is also using these orders far more often to directly block government policies at the outset of litigation, when lower courts have refused to do so. Washington Post, September 3, 2021 © 2021
Trumpism An upside-down flag, adopted by Trump supporters contesting the Biden victory, flew over the justice’s front lawn as the Supreme Court was considering an election case. Judicial experts said in interviews that  the flag was a clear violation of ethics rules, which seek to avoid even the appearance of bias, and could sow doubt about Justice Alito’s impartiality in cases related to the election and the Capitol riot. New York Times, May 16, 2024 © 2024
Trumpism And he came to see there was nothing arbitrary or capricious about the Trump administration's attitude toward public data. Under each act of data suppression usually lay a narrow commercial motive: a gun lobbyist, a coal company, a poultry company. “The NOAA webpage used to have a link to weather forecasts,” he said. “It was highly popular. I saw it had been buried. And I asked: Now why would they bury that?” Then he realized: the man Trump nominated to run NOAA thought that people who wanted a weather forecast should have to pay him for it. There was a rift in American life that was now coursing through American government. It wasn't between Democrats and Republicans. It was between the people who were in it for the mission and the people who were in it for the money. Michael Lewis, The Fifth Risk © 2019
Trumpism As long as Donald Trump is breathing,  the odds are that he will run again in 2024. This has become clear not because his ambitions have changed — Trump is no longer concerned with his business except to prevent its collapse — but because Republicans are all in for Caesarism. The party as a whole now has one truth, which is whatever Trump says, even if it is different after breakfast than before. Edward Luce, Financial Times, July 29, 2021 © 2021
Trumpism Conservatives love to jeer Democrats for being obsessed with Trump, for letting him live, as many put it, rent-free in our heads. It's a cruel accusation, like setting someone's house on fire and then  laughing at them for staring at the flames. The outrage Trump sparks leaves less room for many other things – joy, creativity, reflection – but every bit of it is warranted. The problem is the president, not how his victims respond to him. Michelle Goldberg, New York Times, October 29, 2020 © 2020
Trumpism The constitutional problem that America is heading towards is that the Justice Department's protocol not to prosecute sitting presidents dates from another age, when a president could be expected to resign with a modicum of honour before any charges were drawn up, as Nixon did. That norm no longer applies. The unwritten convention now says in effect that, if his skin is thick enough, a president is indeed above the law. The Economist, August 25, 2018 © 2018
Trumpism Donald Trump, with his feral cunning, knew. The oleaginous Mike Pence, with his talent for toadyism and appetite for obsequiousness, could, Trump knew, become America's most repulsive public figure. And Pence, who has reached this pinnacle by dethroning his benefactor, is augmenting the public stock of useful knowledge. Because his is the authentic voice of today's lickspittle Republican Party, he clarifies this year's elections: Vote Republican to ratify groveling as governing. George F. Will, May 9, 2018 © 2018
Trumpism The fact that Trump's party and his net- work always look for ways to excuse him has been hugely liberating for Trump. He can actually deny he said things that were recorded – like his trashing of the British prime minister. He can take one side of any issue (like trashing key NATO allies to satisfy his base), and, when he gets blowback, take the other side (claim to love the Atlantic alliance). And he can declare that he really meant to ask why “wouldn't” Russia be the one hacking us instead of why “would” it, as he did say. Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times, July 18, 2018 © 2018
Trumpism Flattery is a necessary but not a sufficient condition with Trump. There has to be a win in there. Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations © 2018
Trumpism For a sense of how person– rather than idea–centered US populism has become, ask yourself: if Trump proposed a truce with China,  or embraced green taxes, or even softened his line on immigration somewhat,  how much of his core support would he lose? Given that he has already championed the Covid-19 vaccines that much of his base mistrusted, without alienating them, I suspect the answer is “less than we  think”. Janan Ganesh, Financial Times, November 28, 2023 © 2023
Trumpism For as much as it seems that Donald Trump has changed something about the character of this country, the truth is he hasn't. Everything we've seen in the last four years – the nativism, the racism, the corruption, the wanton exploitation of the weak and unconcealed contempt for the vulnerable – is as much a part of the American story as our highest ideals and aspirations. Jamelle Bouie, New York Times, October 29, 2020 © 2020
Trumpism He [Ryan Zinke] had so many scandals that the White House officials told him he had until the end of the year to leave or be fired. That is impressive. Getting fired for ethics violations in the Trump administration is like being fired from the Rockettes for kicking. Stephen Colbert, The Late Show, December 17, 2018 © 2018
Trumpism His supporters know there should be a Surgeon General's warning on Trump, that he's unhinging as we speak. If they felt the barometric pressure change to another Republican, they would switch. Anthony Scaramucci, quoted in Financial Times, October 11, 2019 © 2019
Trumpism However much resurgent liberals detest America's 45th president, they can thank him for sweeping away the mindset of systemic caution that has mesmerized Democratic leaders for a generation. … Mr Trump now has Republican lawmakers eating out of his hand. Those who still believed it would be possible to work across the aisle – and who pined for the days of Rockefeller Republicans – were robbed of any remaining force. Trump has done a service for the American left. Edward Luce, Financial Times, Jan. 13, 2019 © 2019
Trumpism I think what we discoverd in the Trump years is that the oligarchic pathway Republicans had carved before he came along was adjacent to authoritarianism . . . and with Trump they have made that leap. Biden gets this, interestingly enough. We now recognise in this moment what has actually been there for a long time. Now people see what’s been happening. Thank God. Heather Cox Richardson, quoted in Financial Times, July 16, 2021 © 2021
Trumpism If the first Trump presidency was, for the most part,  an improvised exercise in petty corruption, a second would likely consist of systemic abuse of the government.  There's a term to describe the sort of regime that might emerge on the other side: a Mafia state. --> Franklin Foer, The Atlantic, January/February 2024 © 2024
Trumpism If Trump did not exist, you might describe DeSantis's philosophy as fossil fuel Christian nationalism. Its enemies are amoral tech oligarchs, Big Pharma, ESG-endorsing finance,  the corporate media and elite universities.  Since Trump does exist, we call it Trumpism. The difference lies in the competence of its execution. Edward Luce, Financial Times, December 21, 2022 © 2022
Trumpism In the person of Donald Trump, resentment entered the White House. It rode in on the back of an alliance between a tiny subset of super-wealthy 0.1 percenters (not all of them necessarily American) and a large number of 90 percenters who stand for pretty much everything the 9.9 percent are not. Matthew Stewart, The Atlantic, June 2018 © 2020
Trumpism In 2016, after several counties in North Carolina suffered severe flooding, the state tried to distribute federal disaster-relief food-benefit cards on the day of the presidential election, to give poor people a choice between eating and voting. Michael Lewis, The Fifth Risk © 2019
Trumpism It has been written, and I've written it myself, that the Republicans have been weak in the face of Trumpism. But I've come to think that's wrong. They're not weak at all. Most of them are perfectly happy to have become Trump's vassals. They were waiting for just such a man. Michael Tomasky, New York Review of Books, August 16, 2018 © 2018
Trumpism It is not as though Mr Trump lacks business friends. But they differ from the traditional crowd. Almost none run publicly listed com- panies. They tend to be property developers, private equity billionaires, casino magnates, and heads of family-owned companies. They swim in different water to C-suite executives. Many are based in middle America and cater to a purely domestic market. They are little affected by the tariff wars Mr Trump has unleashed. Nor do they worry about public relations. Apple and Nike may oppose a US state when it bans transgender bathrooms, or restricts gay rights. Their stakeholder reputation demands it. America's multinational companies remain staunch internationalists. Mr Trump's friends are nationalist-populists. Edward Luce, Financial Times, Jan. 6, 2019 © 2019
Trumpism Jenny Hopkinson, a Politico  reporter, obtained the curricula vitae of the new Trump people. Into USDA [Dept. of Agriculture] jobs, some of which paid $80,000 a year, the Trump team had inserted a long- haul truck driver, a clerk at AT&T, a gas-company meter reader, a country club cabana attendant, a Republican National Committee intern, and the owner of a scented candle company, with skills like “pleasant demeanor” listed on their rêsumê. Michael Lewis, The Fifth Risk © 2019
Trumpism Keep reminding yourself: this is not normal. Write it on a Post-it note and stick it on your refrigerator, hire a skywriter once a month, tattoo it on your ass. Because a Klan-backed internet troll is going to be delivering the next State of the Union address. And that is not normal: it is fucked up. John Oliver © 2019
Trumpism  Last summer, two years after an upside-down American flag was flown outside the Virginia home of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., another provocative symbol was displayed at his vacation house in New Jersey, according to interviews and photographs. This time, it was the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which, like the inverted U.S. flag, was carried by rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.  During the period the Appeal to Heaven flag was seen flying at the justice’s New Jersey house,  a key Jan. 6 case arrived at the Supreme Court, challenging whether those who stormed the Capitol could be prosecuted for obstruction. New York Times, May 22, 2024 © 2024
Trumpism Liberals and Democrats in particular need to distinguish between their ongoing battle with Republican policies and the challenge posed by Trump and his followers. One can be fought through the processes of the constitutional system; the other is an assault on the Constitution itself. Robert Kagan, Washington Post, September 23, 2021 © 2021
Trumpism A map of his support may coordinate with racist Google searches, but it coordinates even better with deindustrialization and despair, with the zones of economic misery that thirty years of Washington's free-market consensus have brought to the rest of America. Thomas Frank, Rendevous with Oblivion © 2018
Trumpism Modern political parties are an ecosystem of interest groups, lobby organizations, job seekers, campaign donors and intellectuals. All have a stake in the party’s viability; all ultimately depend on being roughly aligned with wherever the party is at a given moment; and so all had to make their peace with Trump, too. Robert Kagan, Washington Post, September 23, 2021 © 2021
Trumpism … the most reliable predictor for who was a Trump voter wasn't race  but the combination of race and education. Among white people, 38 percent of college graduates voted for Trump, compared with 64 percent without college degrees. This margin —the great gap between Smart America and Real America — was the decisive one. It made 2016 different from previous elections, and the trend only intensified in 2020. George Packer, The Atlantic, July/August 2021 © 2021
Trumpism Nine days in spring offered a case study in Mr. Trump's approach to some of the most daunting issues confronting him and the nation: When the goal seems frustratingly out of reach through traditional means, threaten drastic action, set a deadline, demand concessions, cut a deal – real or imagined – avert the dire outcome and declare victory. If nothing else, he forces attention on the issue at hand. Whether the approach yields sustainable results seems less certain. Peter Baker, New York Times, June 9, 2019, after calling off threatened tariffs on Mexico © 2019
Trumpism No Friends, No Enemies Trump Doctrine defined by an unnamed “a senior administration official” quoted in The Atlantic, June, 2018 © 2018
Trumpism  No movement that centres on Palm Beach has a tragic view of life and history. Janan Ganedh,, Financial Times, March 31, 2023 © 2023
Trumpism No one in the Trump administration was likely to ever come right out and say: “We want to let kids and old people go hungry.” But, obviously, they might run the program so ineptly that it lost its political support. And then kids and old people would go hungry. Michael Lewis, The Fifth Risk © 2019
Trumpism One of the hallmarks of the Trump era is the alacrity with which intelligent people embrace stupidity. Stuart Stevens, It Was All a Lie © 2020
Trumpism One of the most corrosive effects of Trumpism upon the political culture has been to detach the law from any behavioral definition and to attach it to political identity. As Trump likes to say, “The other side is where there are crimes.” He has trained his supporters to under- stand this statement as a syllogism: If Trump's opponents are doing something, its a crime; if Trump and his allies are doing it, it isn't. Jonathan Chaitt, New York, September 14-27, 2020 © 2020
Trumpism Permanent destabilization created American advantage Trump Doctrine defined by an unnamed “senior national security official” quoted in The Atlantic, June, 2018 © 2018
Trumpism The surreal nature of his presidency was captured on Saturday when his lawyers, including former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, held a press conference at a nondescript small business on the outskirts of Philadelphia called Four Seasons Total Landscaping, nestled between a crematorium and a sex shop called Fantasy Island. Financial Times, November 8, 2020 © 2020
Trumpism There is no discernible Trumpism independent of Trump himself. His presidency was an earthquake, the immediate result of a political landscape  shifting after decades of mounting pressure. Earthquakes do not build anything. They disrupt and destroy, but they are tempory, and they provide the benefit of exposing structues that were sloppily built or that rested on crumbled foundations. … The important question to ask about the earthquake is not about the earthquake at all. It is: What should we build now? Oren Cass, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2021 © 2021
Trumpism “There's definitely a Trump Doctrine.” What is it? I asked. Here is the answer I received: “The Trump Doctrine is, ‘We're America, Bitch.’ That's the Trump Doctrine.” Jeffrey Goldberg, quoting a “senior White House official with direct access to the president and his thinking” in The Atlantic, June, 2018 © 2018
Trumpism The presidency and dishonesty have become synonymous. Alliances are founded on trust. When that goes, they begin to dissolve. Roger Cohen, New York Times, October 29, 2020 © 2020
Trumpism The president manufactures a crisis, galvanizes his base around the challenge, leaves the definition of success undefined, pretends to play hardball, and, lo and behold, finds a solution that entails little more than window-dressing, if that. For Trump, it's a win-win. The loser tends to be the American people, oftentimes Trump's base, first and foremost. Ned Price © 2019
Trumpism Put diplomatically, during Trump's tenure in office, the United States ceased to be the so-called leader of the free world. Put more bluntly, large parts of the Trump administration  effectively defected to the autocratic camp. Yascha Mounk, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2021 © 2021
Trumpism The Republican Party was built on a coalition of the nation's biggest winners from globalization and its biggest losers. The winners wrote the policy; the losers provided the votes. While the party leaders coalesced upon more immigration, less secure health coverage, and one more Bush, the rank and file were frantically signaling: less immigration, better health coverage, and no more Bushes. David Frum, Trumpocracy  © 2019
Trumpism  The sheep are leaving the shepherd. Edward Luce, Financial Times, June 7, 2018, on the effects of Trump's policies on America's long-standing allies  © 2018
Trumpism The thing to fear from the Trump presidency is not the bold overthrow of the Constitution, but the stealthy paralysis of government; not the open defiance of law, but an accumulating subversion of norms; not the deployment of state power to intimidate dissidents, but the incitement of private violence to radicalize supporters. … Trump gambled that Americans resent each other's difference more than they cherish their shared democracy. So far, that gamble has paid off. David Frum, Trumpocracy  [2018] © 2019
Trumpism This is a presidency marked by chaotic lurching actions that often make no sense, leaving even some top Trump appointees baffled. The political termites Trump has loosed into our government are a wrecking crew doing damage not so obvious because they eat away at the foundations of good government … This is a kakistocracy, a government of the worst people. The Trump administration can be described with three words: Dissemble, Dismantle, and Destroy. David Cay Johnston, It's Even Worse Than You Think © 2019
Trumpism [T]he Trump administration doesn't believe in fact-based policy. Basically, it doesn't believe in facts, period. Everything is political. Paul Krugman, New York Times, May 9, 2019 © 2019
Trumpism Trump has severed America from the idea of America. Liberty's torch cannot be the symbol of a country committed to building walls. Roger Cohen, New York Times, October 29, 2020 © 2020
Trumpism  The Trump presidency is about Trump. Period. Full stop. David Cay Johnston, It's Even Worse Than You Think  © 2019
Trumpism Trumpism is a political tendency catering to the deep visceral sense that we  used to run things  until they  came along and took that control away. That's it. And now they  run things and we  need someone strong, powerful, potent, who will take the country back so we  can run it and make it great again. …  The wes on average, in the main, tend to be white,  working-class folks, particularly those who are  rural, Christian-identified, although they are by  no means the only people who fall into this group. … As for the theys, in contrast to the wes, the list keeps getting longer and longer. … It's black folks  and non-white folks in general. It's LGBTQ folks,  businesses that host drag lunches, teachers and  librarians, academics, the media, public health officials, woke billion-dollar corporations, the so-called deep state, the FBI, just to name a few. Chris Hayes, All In with Chris Hayes, Jan. 20, 2023 © 2023
Trumpism Trumpocracy as a system of power rests not on deregulation but on nonregulation, not on deconstructing the state but on breaking the state in order to plunder the state. David Frum, Trumpocracy © 2019
Trumpism Two traits have historically marked off European-style fascism from more home- grown American traditions of illiberalism: contempt for legality and the cult of violence. Presidential-era Trumpism operated through at least the forms of law. Presidential-era Trumpism glorified military power, not mob attacks on government institutions. Postpresidentially, those past inhibitions are fast dissolving. The conversion of Ashli Babbitt into a martyr, a sort of Horst Wessel, expresses the transformation. David Frum, The Atlantic, July 13, 2021 © 2021
Trumpism Unremarkable people can get a remarkable life in Congress and that's what keeps the average Republican backbencher in fatso's thrall. Sticking with Trump guarantees them something that's bigger than faith, family, country or objective reality. They get to keep the best job they could ever get with absolutely nothing to recommend their lazy, ignorant ass for it. Bill Maher, Real Time with Bill Maher, August 6, 2021 © 2021
Trumpism What we’re seeing, I liken it to a land, sea and air attack. The land attack is on voting rights. That is one of the ways that you begin to undermine democracy. The sea attack are these attacks against  teaching critical race theory and “divisive” topics, so you can erase people from American history and  erase the role of various people in American history. And the air attack is the loosening of gun laws  that we're seeing in Texas, Tennessee and Georgia.  This is a full-blown assault on American democracy that’s going after voting rights, that's going after education and that is reinforcing political violence as an acceptable method of bringing about your political aims. Carol Anderson, New York Times Magazine, March 20, 2022 © 2022
Trumpism When scientists examine a species that resembles another, but only incompletely or imperfectly, they add the suffix oid. A chemical compound that's not quite an alkaline is an alkoloid;  an orbiting space rock not quite a planet is a planetoid. In the same way, Trump and his ilk are fascoid  — near it,  but not quite the same, a failure even as fascists. David Frum, Trumpocalypse  © 2020
Trumpism The worst fate of the press in a second Trump term would be neither legal jeopardy nor financial ruin. It would be irrelevance. --> George Packer, The Atlantic, January/February 2024 © 2024
Trumpists But in the past 18 months, what was once nuanced praise has metastasized into obsequious fawning. Too much is never enough. Superlatives are tossed out like Mardi Gras beads on Fat Tuesday. Roxanne Roberts, Washington Post, June 5, 2018 © 2018
Trumpists Giuliani: Trump Could Have Shot Comey And Still Couldn't Be Indicted For It Congress would have to impeach Trump first before any criminal prosecution could move forward headline, Huffington Post, June 3, 2018 © 2018
Trumpists I agreed with [conservatives who said the Christian right would never vote for an atheist even if the atheist sided with them on hot-button issues like abortion] , at least to an extent. My partner, the theologian, was aghast. He said that the atheist would be per- fectly fine with the two conservatives, because their religion was political, rather than their politics being religious. Watching the Christian community line up behind Donald Trump has made me realize how very right that guy was back in 1979. Charles P. Pierce © 2018
Trumpists If someone looked at you that way, you'd be disturbed and think about a restraining order. Omarosa on Mike Pence's adoration for Trump © 2018
Trumpists In Cabinet meeting, Pence praises Trump once every 12 seconds for three minutes straight headline, Washington Post, December 20, 2017 © 2018
Trumpists In Cabinet meeting, Pence praises Trump once every 12 seconds for three minutes straight headline, Washington Post, December 20, 2017 © 2018
Trumpists In 2009, it was a big deal when congress- man Joe Wilson yelled out “You lie!”  during Obama's state of the union address. But this year, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert repeatedly, repeatedly interruped Biden during his state of the union address. Look at them! [accom-  panying photo of them standing and yelling]  Excuse me, Karen! The president is talking. It's not a black kid you caught trying to use the pool.  No, you can't have another skinny margarita, and if you don't sit down, this flight is never getting to Orlando. Bill Maher, Real Time with Bill Maher, April 1, 2022 © 2022
Trumpists The most intriguing Donald Trump voters I met there weren't the most extreme. They were upper-middle people in several senses — age, income, education — who had never been able to play the rebel before. What he conferred on these country club and Chamber of Commerce types was the glamour of transgression: a sort of second youth. Again, I don’t say they were misguided. I just report the glee with which they cocked a snook. Janan Ganesh, Financial Times, September 30, 2022 [“To cock a snook” is British slang for “to show disrespect for something”]  © 2022
Trumpists Of course, to stay, you must be seen as on his team, so you make further compromises. You use his language, praise his leadership, tout his commitment to values. And then you are lost. He has eaten your soul. James Comey, New York Times, May 2, 2019 © 2019
Trumpists One thing that I found disturbing during the address to the joint session of Congress was how Mike Pence gazed worshipfully at the back of Trump's head for an hour straight. Everyone in the senior staff thought that Mike Pence was a Stepford Veep. Omarosa, Unhinged © 2018
Trumpists The people Trump despises most love him the most. He'd be disgusted by them. Go to Mar-a-Lago, see if there's any people who look like you. I'm talking to you in the audience. Howard Stern © 2020
Trumpists  Republicans in tariff-hit states give Trump benefit of doubt President's ratings stay high in regions most likely to be affected by trade war  headline, print edition, Financial Times, July 14-15, 2018 © 2018
Trumpists They brought the Trumpocalypse upon the country and a post-Trumpocalypse country will have to find a way to either reconcile them to democracy — or to protect democracy from them. David Frum, Trumpocalypse  © 2020
Trumpists They were living in the world dominated by the self-serving professionals who screwed things up and survived to screw things up again. Despite what the Beltway types assured them, they knew that the wars were corrupt and the trade deals were bad. And what others saw as Trump's false- hoods they saw as a form of honesty, a plain-speaking directness that was refreshing in all its vulgarity. They looked not to be saved by experts but rescued from them, and Trump's achievement was to make himself the vehicle of their hopes. Thomas Frank, Rendevous with Oblivion © 2018
Trumpists Virtually all the people Trump had sent into the Department of Agriculture were white men in their twenties. They exhibited no knowledge of, or interest in, the problems of rural Americans. Michael Lewis, The Fifth Risk © 2019
Trumpists A Washington Post-Schar School poll, conducted between June 27 and July 2, found that 57 per cent of Americans disapprove of Mr Trump's actions on trade. However, in the 15 states ranked by the Brookings Institution as most likely to be affected by the tariffs tit-for-tat, Mr Trump currently has a 57 per cent  approval rating, according to the same poll. That is five points higher than his support in those states during the 2016 election. Financial Times, July 13, 2018 © 2018
Trumpists What set them apart from other Republicans was their economic insecurity and their cultural anxiety. David Frum, Trumpocracy  © 2019
Trumpists say My name is Leigh Wambsganss, and my pronouns are Bible believer, Jesus lover, gun carrier, and mama bear. Leigh Wambsganss, executive director, Patriot Mobile Action, PAC for Patriot Mobile, "Americas only Christian conservative wireless provider” © 2022
Trumpists say My only regret is that they should have brought rifles [to the Capitol on January 6]. We could have fixed it right there and then. Stewart Rhodes, leader of the Oath Keepers © 2022
Trumpists say My views are a little controverial when it comes to voter registration. Everyone is wanting to make it as easy as possible and kind of appeal to the lowest common denominatior of the easiest way to get as many people as possible. I see it the exact opposite. I want to make it hard. … I want it to be a privilege to vote. Rachel Hamm, Republican candidate for Secretary of State in California who says she's running because, in a closet in their home, Jesus handed her son, a seer, a scroll telling her to run [It's unclear whether Jesus acted before or after she had a Satanist sacrifice a raven on her lawn] © 2022
Trumpists say Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye Liz Cheney Madison Cawthorn, 9:33 AM – May 12, 2021, Repubican representing North Carolina's 11th congressional district, on Liz Cheney's ouster from her Republican Party leadership position for refusing to spread Trump's Big Lie © 2021
Trumpists [W]hile the Republicans would rather win than not, defeat isn’t a disaster. For the grassroots, there is still the feeling of tribal belonging that Trump confers on his flock. It isn’t results-dependent. In fact, as the Alamo showed, and Dunkirk too,  group identities can grow stronger in defeat. Janan Ganesh, Financial Times, February 27, 2024 © 2024
Trumpists  You can dismiss Trump voters all you want but give them this: They're every bit as American as any idealized vision of the place. If Trump wins in 2024, his detractors will have to reckon once again with the voters who got us here — to reconcile what it means to share a country with so many citizens who keep watching Trump spiral deeper into his moral void and still conclude, “Yes, that's our guy.” Mark Leibovich, The Atlantic, January/February 2024 © 2024
< Trumpists say @realDonaldTrump has single-handedly changed the definition of what behavior is “presidential” from phony, failed & rehearsed to authentic, successful & down to earth Jerry Falwell, 7:50 PM - Jan 9, 2018 © 2020
Trumpists say All the Swifties want is swift abortions. Charlie Kirk © 2024
Trumpists say America was until this past generation a white country designed for ourselves and our posterity. It is our creation, it is our inheritance, and it belongs to us.  Richard Spencer © 2022
Trumpists say The American people are smart and understand this is the epitome of the illegal and unprecedented weaponization of the federal government against Joe Biden’s leading opponent, President Donald J. Trump. The radical Far Left will stop at nothing to  interfere with the 2024 election in order to prop up the catastrophic presidency and desperate campaign of Joe Biden. Elise “Girl from the North Country” Stefanik, responding to the DOJ's 37-count indictment against Trump for mishandling classified documents [NOTE: she says “President Trump”, not “former/ex-President Trump”] © 2023
Trumpists say And so, my hat's off to you for taking that stance and presenting a clear message around the world that America's going to continue to lead in the area of energy. Rick Perry, congratulating Trump on withdrawing from the Paris Agreement to mitigate the effects of climate change © 2018
Trumpists say And then they remind me that there's a lot of liberal folks in those other schools who maybe we don't want to vote. Maybe we want to make it just a little more difficult. And I think that's a great idea. Cindy Hyde-Smith, 2018 Republican candidate  for Senator from Mississippi, home to many historically black colleges, speaking in Starkville, Mississippi, home to Mississippi State University © 2018
Trumpists say Any honest assessment of Donald Trump's spiritual walk will show a man who has a reverence for God. Does he make mistakes? Yes. Can he be a little “New Yawk” around the edges? You bet. But don't lose sight of the fact that a man with billions of dollars and more power than you can ever imagine could easily have no interest in a connection with God. Instead, he seeks out men and women of God. David Brody and Scott Lamb, The Faith of Donald J. Trump:  A Spiritual Biography  © 2018
Trumpists say Are they going to have a strike force that goes in with AK-15s already loaded,  ready to shoot some small business person in Iowa? Chuck Grassley, 88-year-old Republican enquiring mind, fearmongering about plans to hire more IRS auditors to investigate tax evasion and financial fraud © 2022
Trumpists say Are we just going to sit by and watch $22 trillion – that's the value, that's the sum total of the G.D.P., that's the U.S. economy – are we just going to sit by here and watch it evaporate? Because that’s what we’re doing, under the guise of not losing any unnecessary life. Rush Limbaugh, March 31, 2020, on COVID-19 coronavirus stay-at-home orders © 2020
Trumpists say As a Christian, I certainly believe that's possible. Mike Pompeo, when asked, “Could it be that President Trump right now has been sort of raised for such a time as this, just like Queen Esther, to help save the Jewish people from the Iranian menace?” © 2019
Trumpists say As far as I’m concerned,  Israel can bounce the rubble in Gaza. Anything that happens in Gaza is the responsibility of Hamas — Hamas killed  women and children in Israel last weekend. Tom Cotton, a Harvard-educated fan of indiscriminate violence when used against people he dislikes by people he likes © 2023
Trumpists say As I've said for the last two weeks, the Senate will be glad to vote on a measure that the House passes that the president will sign. But we're not going to vote on anything else. Mitch McConnell, January 2, 2019, guaranteeing he will keep the government shut down until Trump gets his Mex best thing © 2019
Trumpists say As someone who's run for office five times, if the devil called me and said he wanted to set up a meeting to give me opposition research on my opponent, I'd be on the first trolley to Hell to get it. And any politician who tells you otherwise is a bald-faced liar. Jeanine Pirro, former judge and district attorney and Fox News' Justice with Judge Jeanine host, defending Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with emissaries of the Russian government even though he knew it wanted to help Trump win, and she knew it's illegal for foreigners to contribute, donate or spend funds on any election in the United States © 2017
Trumpists say As we are dealing with changes in our economy, tax cuts are always a good idea. Nikki Haley © 2021
Trumpists say As you know, I've been  identifying as black for a while, years now, because I like to be on the winning team. Scott Adams © 2023
< Trumpists say At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not? If that's true, why are there still apes? Think about it. Herschel Walker, March 13, 2022, while frontrunner for the Georgia Republican Senate nomination in 2022 © 2022
Trumpists say The atrocities in America are equal to or worse to the atrocities in Saudi Arabia. Tom Barrack, major fundraiser for Trump and Presidential Inaugural Committee chairman, commenting on the chopping up of journalist Jamal Khashoggi ordered by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman © 2019
Trumpists say A bathroom door locks. Kevin MCarthy's defense of Donald Trump after a photo from the DOJ's 37-count indictment of Trump in the documents case showing boxes of classified documents stacked floor to ceiling beside a toilet, against the facing wall, and behind a shower curtain in a bathroom in Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence went viral © 2023
Trumpists say Before the IRS took it down yesterday, there was a posting — watch this. On their website  that listed the requirements for a special agent's position the major duties require the agents to quote, “carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.” A little like James Bond, but instead of hunting down evil maniacs, these agents hunt down and kill middle class taxpayers that don't pay enough. It's Joe Biden's new army. Bran Kilmeade, August 11, 2022, as Tucker Carlson's fill-in host, commenting on plans to restore IRS funding to 2013 levels over 10 years as part of the Inflation Reduction Act [The ad was for criminal investigators who investigate financial fraud by criminals, not for auditors. The special skill needed is to be an accountant able to identify financial fraud.] © 2022
Trumpists say Biden should concede. I want his concession on my desk tomorrow morning. Don't make me come over there. Paul “The Lunatic” Gosar, 12:05 PM – Jan 6, 2021 © 2023
Trumpists say The biggest crimes of the Biden Crime Family remain untouched. Millions of dollars from foreign influence peddling into Joe Biden’s bank account.  Hunter Biden just became the Deep State’s sacrificial lamb to show that Justice is “balanced” while the other Biden crimes remain ignored. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 1:32 PM – Jun 11, 2024, showing amateurs, by example, how to pack 1 tweet with 3 bags worth of bullshit © 2024
Trumpists say The biggest thing I said to the president is, we are here tonight to say to you, and to you First Lady Melania, and to Ivanka and to Jared, we love you and we believe in you. You are doing amazing, amazing things. Unidentified religious leader who attended an August 27, 2018, White House dinner for evangelical pastors, quoted by The New York Times, August 29, 2018 © 2018
Trumpists say Blacks hate Mexicans … Mexicans move in and shoot black people, the jobs have been taken. Anything he says about Mexicans, his vote goes up with the brothers. Ann Coulter, on Trump's attack on a Mexican-American judge © 2018
Trumpists say Blah, blah, blah. If you're trying to silence me through the Hatch Act, it's not going to work. Let me know when the jail sentence starts. Kellyanne Conway, giving the finger to the Trump-appointed Office of Special Counsel, who recommended that she be removed from office for repeatedly violating the Hatch Act  © 2019
Trumpists say But if they put him in jail for his First Amendment right, he will be like Nelson Mandela. I mean, that would be just absurd. Alina Habba, his lawyer [He'd be jailed not for violating his First Amendment right, but for violating a judge's gag order prohibiting him from speaking publicly about courtroom staff, prosecutors, or any of their family members, and jurors or witnesses, knowing his supporters often dox and threaten those he attacks] © 2024
Trumpists say By reversing the previous administration's steps to ban one of the most widely used pesticides in the world, we are returning to using sound science in decision-making – rather than predetermined results. Scot Pruitt, on reversing the ban on chlorpyrifos, a pesticide linked to neurodevelopmental problems in children © 2019
Trumpists say By the way, the United States is not a democracy. Do you know what a democracy is? Two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner. You don’t want to be in a democracy. Majority rule: not always a good thing, Mike Johnson, in 2019, to parishioners at First Baptist Church of Haughton, LA © 2023
Trumpists say Cain commented to God, “Am I my brother's keeper?” The obvious answer is no. No, I am not my brother's keeper. But just don't kill him. Jeanette Ward, a Christian nationalist member of the Wyoming House of Rrpresentatives © 2023
Trumpists say Can we be surprised that after years of being told that they are the problem, that their manhood is the problem, more and more men are withdrawing in the enclave of idleness and pornography and video games? Josh Hawley © 2021
Trumpists say Case closed. Case closed. Mitch McConnell, May 7, 2019, who refused to sign a bipartisan statement warning Russia to cease meddling when informed about it in September, 2016, now calls for ending all current and future investigations and inquiries following up on the Mueller report © 2019
Trumpists say CASES!!!!! OMG CASES!!!!! THERE ARE CASES!!! MORE CASES!!!! CASES ARE GOING UP!!!!!!!! CASESESESESESES!!!! CASES WENT UP!!!!! OMG!!!!!! THERES MORE CASES!!!!!!!! CASES!!!!!!!!!!! CASES INCREASED!!! THERE ARE CASES!!!! CASES CASES CASES–WOW CASES WENT UP!!!!! SCARY CASES! WOW Anthony Sabatini, State Representative, Florida House District 32, University of Florida graduate, Captain, Army National Guuard, 9:40 PM   Dec 3, 2020 a day where there were 217,000 new cases and 2,857 deaths from COVID in the US © 2020
Trumpists say The children were eager to learn and were kind and in good spirits. Melania Trump, in a statement written for her by White House staffers and released on her return from an unannounced visit to a McAllen, Texas, detention center for unaccompanied minors from Central America © 2018
Trumists say The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. That is not how our Founding Fathers intended it. I'm tired of this separation of church and state junk that's not in the Constitution. It was in a stinking letter, and it means nothing like what they say it does. Lauren Boebert, June 26, 2022, referring to an 1802 Thomas Jefferson letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in which he declared his reverence for the First Amendment for “building a wall of separation between church and state” © 2022
Trumpists say The climate has always changed,  and no amount of taxes and no government can do anything to stop climate change. Marjorie Taylor Greene © 2022
Trumpists say  CNN pledges to “fact check” Trump all night — i.e. lie, smear and spin for Biden. Stephen Miller, 9:53 PM – Jun 26, 2024 [CNN promised no such thing. In fact, its moderators at the first 2024 “debate” let Trump “gish gallop” — intentionally spew forth lies, half truths, non sequitors and disdinformation so fast that it's not possible to fact check it in real time — i.e., they let Trump be Trump.] © 2024
Trumpists say The comments are shameful and cringeworthy. The words are disgusting, devastating, and embarrassing. It's the kind of locker room and frat house talk that personally infuriates me. But guess what: I still without a doubt support support Donald Trump. Jeanine Pirro, after release of the Access Hollywood tapes in which Trump proudly boasts about groping women by the pussy © 2018
Trumpists say Cops don't have “standing” if they're laying on the ground in a pool of their own blood. Contribution to a discussion about planning for the January 6 rally posted to, a self-described “never-ending rally dedicated to the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump,” which generated a million visits a day before its owner shut it down following the January 6 insurrection; displayed during the public hearing held on July 12, 2022, by the House committee investigating events of January 6 © 2022
Trumpists say The country wants the President to be “one of us” who bears the same responsibilities of citizenship that all share. But I believe that the President should be excused from some of the burdens of ordinary citizenship while serving in office. … the indictment and trial of a sitting President, moreover, would cripple the federal government, rendering it unable to function with credibility in either the international or domestic arenas. Brett Kavanauhg, arguing presidents should be above the law © 2018
Trumpists say DC would be the only state — the only state — without an airport, without a car dealership, without a capital city and without a landfill. Jody Hice, Republican Congressman from Georgia, who previously announced he'll be running next year to replace Brad Raffensperger as Georgia's Secretary of State because Raffensperger refused to commit election fraud by announcing Trump won Georgia, here expressing the Republicans' argument against granting statehood to Washington, DC © 2021
Trumpists say Death to ALL traitors! Michele Morrow, 5:28 AM – 17 May 2020, responding to a fake Time magazine cover showing Barack Obama in an electric chair [She's the 2024 Republican candidate for superintendent of schools in North Caroilina] © 2024
Trumpists say Democracy isn't the objective; liberty, peace, and prospefity [sic] are. We want the human condition to flourish. Rank democracy can thwart that. Mike Lee, 2:24 AM · Oct 8, 2020 © 2020
Trumpists say Democrats have so normalized hatred and violence against the president of the United States that I fear it will result in some crazy leftie trying to assassinate him. Jeanine Pirro © 2018
Trumpists say Embryos, to me, are babies. Nikki Haley © 2024
Trumpists say Evangelicals know they are not compromising their beliefs in order to support this great president. Robert Jeffress, Texas megachurch pastor © 2020
Trumpists say Every action that the president took was taken with full constitutional authority pursuant to Article II of the United States Constitution. As such, these actions cannot constitute obstruction, whether viewed separately or even as a totality. John M. Dowd and Jay A. Sekulow,  Trump's lawyers, in a letter to Special Counsel Robert Mueller © 2018
< Trumpists say Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump. Omarosa © 2020
Trumpists say Every leader kills people, including my leader. Every leader kills people, some kill more than others. Leadership requires killing people, sorry, that's why I wouldn't want to be a leader. Leaderdship requires killing people. Tucker Carlson, February 12, 2024, when asked why, during his interview of Putin in Moscow, he didn't ask him hard questions about freedom of speech in Russia or Russia's treatment of Alexei Navalny, who died four days later in the “Polar Wolf” penal colony forty miles north of the Arctic Circle, where he was serving a decades-long sentence for criticizing Putin © 2024
Trumpists say Every practicing Muslim is a radical Muslim. Brigitte Gabriel, founder of ACT! for America © 2022
Trumpists say Every single thing you can think of is worse under Joe Biden. Sean Hannity © 2024
Trumpists say Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone is entitled to a mulligan once in a while. Sen. Mike Lee, excusing the mob of Trump insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, killing five, including a Capitol policeman  © 2021
Trumpists say [T]he evidence developed during the special counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the president committed an obstruction-of-justice offense. William “Whitewash Willie” Barr, Trump's self-proclaimed Exonerator General  and Republican-proclaimed Attorney General, superseding Congress's authority to decide the issue left unresolved by special counsel Mueller's investigation © 2019
Trumpists say Experts project that  homosexual marriage is the dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy that could doom even the strongest republic. Mike Johnson on same-sex marriage  © 2023
Trumpists say Father, we just claim Oklahoma for you. Every square inch, we claim it for you in the name of Jesus. … We just thank you and we claim Oklahoma for you as the authority that I have as governor and the spiritual authority and the physical authority that you give me. I claim Oklahoma for you that we will be a light to our country and to the world. We thank you that your will was done on Tuesday and Father, that you will have your way with our state, with our education system, with everything within the walls behind me. Kevin Stitt, November 10, 3022, after being reelected Oklahoma's governor © 2023
Trumpists say The FBI, an organization set up to fight organized crime, has become the most powerful organized crime syndicate in the world. We now need to carry the fight against organized crime to its logical conclusion: Shut down the FBI and prosecute this gang of dangerous criminals. Dinesh D'Souza, who Trump pardoned for Trump campaign finance violations,  commenting on the court-ordered search by the FBI of Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago © 2022
Trumpists say The FBI is the crime family. Jeanine Pirro © 2018
Trumpists say The federal government, we don’t get involved in elections. We should not be involved in elections. That is something that states have to do. Byron Donalds © 2024
Trumpists say Find another scapegoat. You might want to look at the last president. Jeanine Pirro, defending the Trump administration by denying White house staffers leaked information about their fellow staffer Rob Porter's history of spousal abuse and suggesting instead that Barack Obama is the real culprit © 2018
Trumpists say First of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. Todd Akin, responding to a question about whether women who became pregnant as a result of being raped should be allowed to end the pregnancy via abortion © 2023
Trumpists say Follow the chain of command without exception. Submit yourselves, as the saying goes, to the authorities that have been placed above you. Trust your superiors, trust your orders, and you'll serve and lead well. Mike Pence, to the 2017 graduating class at the United States Naval Academy © 2019
Trumpists say For all his obvious shortcomings, Donald Trump is certainly a different direction, and I think if he is in the White House he'll have to respond to the right-of- center world which elected him, and the things we believe in. So I'm comfortable supporting him. Mitch McConnell, June 2016 © 2018
Trumpists say [F]or the good of society … transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely. Michael J. Knowles © 2023
Trumpists say For us, it's conquer or die. Richard Spencer, speaking to an audience of white supremacists © 2022
Trumpists say The four corners of deceit:  government, academia, science and media. Those institutions are now corrupt and exist by virtue of deceit. That's how they promulgate themselves; it is how they prosper. Rush Limbaugh © 2022
Trumpists say Fuck everything about you, you motherfucking asshole. Fuck you you lousy Marxist traitor, you Pelosi cock. You and Liz Cheney can both go to hell. Fuck you you big baby, you rotten pile of dog shit. Fuck you you asshole. Fuck you. I hope you get terminal cancer you motherfucking pig. Fuck you, you pig asshole. Phone message received by interns for Adam Kinzinger, one of the two Republicans on the House's select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol © 2022
Trumpists say Game over. Republicans' let's-just-move-on mantra following release of the Mueller report, which painted a damning portrait of the Trump campaign's willingness to benefit from Russian meddling in America's elections without having found direct evidence that it conspiried with Russians to get him elected, and which left it up to Congress to act on ten instances of possible obstruction of justice by Trump, which they intend to ignore © 2019
Trumpists say [Geert] Wilders [the Dutch Islamophobe] understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies. Steve King, 1:40 PM – Mar 12, 2017 © 2022
Trumpists say Get your act together sweetheart, because I'm coming for your seat. Get the fuck outta here! Tina Forte, Republican challennger for AOC's seat representing NY's 14th congressional district © 2022
Trumpists say The gloves are off. There are no holds barred here. He is going full-throttle. He’s not worried about winning another election. It’s four years of scorched earth when Donald Trump retakes the White House. Lara Trump © 2024
Trumpists say The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think “critical race theory.” We have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans. Christopher F. Rufo, 3:17 PM – Mar 15, 2021 © 2022
Trumpists say God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent. Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come. I pray that our country listens.  Marjorie Taylor Greene, 12:13 PM – Apr 5, 2024  © 2024
< Trumpists say God loves it when I try to talk in my spirit language. He thinks it's so cute that the only person in the world who can understand me is him. When I'm praying in tongues, my brain oftentimes is active. That's just because I've got this high-powered brain that never stops and drives me crazy, and so what I'll often do is I will send it on another assignment. Kelly Tshibaka, Trump-endorsed candidate to become a new Republican Senator from Alaska in 2022 to rerplace Lisa Murkowski, who's too sane © 2018
< Trumpists say The Godless left is relentlessly attacking me for my Christian faith. I am a proud Christian  and a proud American. That's why I am a proud  Christian Nationalist. Claim your Proud Christian Nationalist shirt now and share your love for our great country. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jul 29, 2022, 11:03  © 2022
Trumpists say Have we ever seen a President attack and malign the free press like Joe Biden has?? Jim Banks, 6:17 PM – Jan 24,2022, Republican Representative from Indiana, diverting attention from years of Trump calling journalists “enemies of the people” by calling out Biden for being overheard on a hot mic calling Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy, to whom he later apologized, a “stupid son of a bitch,” which reminded people of John McCain's on the air response to a question from Doocy: “Why would you say something that stupid? Why would you ask something that dumb? Huh?” © 2022
Trumpists say HBCUs [Historically Black Colleges and Universities] are real pioneers when it comes to school choice. They are living proof that when more options are provided to students, they are afforded greater access and greater quality. Their success has shown that more options help students flourish. Betsy DeVos © 2019
Trumpists say He [Chuck Schumer] was wondering why on Sundays Georgia would not participate in an electoral process of gathering signa- tures, registrations and things on Sunday. Georgia's a southern state just like Mississippi. I cannot speak for Georgia but I can speak for Mississippi on why we would never do that on a Sunday. And God's word in Exodus 20:18 it says, “Remember the sabbath and keep it holy.” So that is my response to senator Schumer. Cindy Hyde-Smith, during a debate about Georgia's proposal to outlaw voting on Sunday, when many Blacks go from church to the polls.  [The verse referred to is Exodus 20:8, not 20:18. The Hebrew sabbath is Saturday, not Sunday.] © 2021
Trumpists say He doesn't lie. Attendee at Trump's 2020 campaign kickoff rally explaining why she supports his reelection to an NBC News political reporter © 2019
Trumpists say He gets us. He's not a politician, and he's got a backbone. He's not afraid to say what he thinks. And what he says is what the rest of us are thinking. A 59-year-old attendee at the July 16, 2019, Women For Trump rally in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, quoted by The Philadelphia Inquirer, July 22, 2019 © 2019
Trumpists say He has always been a gentleman. Jeanine Pirro © 2018
Trumpists say  He has no intention of pardoning himself, but that doesn't say he can't. Rudy Giuliani © 2018
Trumpists say He's a unique personality, to be sure. But he's gotten this far the way he is, and I think that probably leads him to think, well, it's working for him so far, so why change? John Cornyn © 2018
Trumpists say He’s become a Christian, but he won't admit it now or tell people about it because they'll put him down; they'll kill him. All the Christians are being killed today. Jimmy Fisher, an 84-year-old Georgia Republican attending the June 9, 2023, state GOP convemtion, on Donald Trump © 2023
Trumpists say He's denied it, and that's all I needed to hear. Lindsey Graham, reacting to E. Jean Carroll's rape allegation © 2019
Trumpists say He's not gonna be removed. He's not gonna be removed. He's not gonna be removed. My .357 magnum is comfortable with that. End of story. Trump supporter in Hershy, PA, responding to a reporter who asked about the possibility of Trump being impeached and removed from office © 2020
Trumpists say Here is the the most powerful man in the world. Yet he's not too proud to bow his head in the Oval office and ask God for help. Robert Jeffress,  televangelist and pastor of the 3,000-seat, $130 million First Baptist Church of Dallas  © 2018
Trumpists say Hey @MichaelCohen212 – Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. I wonder if she'll remain faithful when you're in prison. She's about to learn a lot. Matt Gaetz, just being Matt, 4:12 PM – 2019-02-26, the eve before Cohen provides three days of testimonay to Congress about Trump [Gaetz deleted the tweet after claiming witness tampering was not his intent] © 2019
Trumpists say Hey Rick, 234 years ago the founding caucasion fathers of America gave us the Second Amendment. Time's running out, Richard. We're coming after you and every motherfucker that stole this election with our Second Amendment. Subpoenas be dammed! You're going to be served lead, you fucking, fuckng enemy communist. Phone message received by Richard Barron, Fulton County, Georgia, election administrator, after Biden narrowly won Georgia in 2020 © 2022
Trumpists say Hey you little cocksucker. Are you Liz Cheney's fag hag? You two cocksucking little bitches. We're going to get you. Coming to your house son. Gonna get you and Liz Chency. Going to get you two little cocksuckers. Ha, ha, ha. Phone message received by interns for Adam Kinzinger, one of the two Republicans on the House's select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol © 2022
Trumpists say How long until Democrats send the IRS “SWAT team” after your kids’ lemonade stand? Ronna McDaniel, mulitmillionaire and @GOPChairwoman, 1:50 PM – Aug 11, 2022, fearmongering about plans for the IRS to hire more auditors to audit returns from the rich and corporations who pay zero in taxes year after year © 2022
Trumpists say  I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote. Mark Robinson, 2024 Republican candidate for governor of NC © 2024
Trumpists say I agree with a lot of his policies, but the truth is, rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him. Nikki Haley's mantra about Trump © 2024
Trumpists say I am never going to stop fighting. I have not yet begun to fight. They will have to kill me first.  Steve Bannon, impersonating Braveheart as he heads into court to be arraigned on charges of defrauding Trumpists out of millions in a build-a-border-wall scheme © 2022
Trumpists say I am not going to be rushed into having him testify [under oath to Special Counsel Robert Mueller] so that he gets trapped into perjury. And when you tell me that, you know, he should testify because he's going to tell the truth and he shouldn't worry, well that's so silly because it's somebody's version of the truth. Rudy Giuliani © 2018
Trumpists say I believe, in the best interest of bringing the country together, I would pardon Donald Trump [if he were convicted of a felony]. Because I think it’s important for the country to move on. We’ve got to leave the negativity and the baggage behind.  I don’t want this country divided any further. I don’t think it’s in the best interests for America to have an 80-year-old president sitting in jail and having everybody upset about it. I think this would be the time that we would need to move forward and get this out of the way. Nikki Haley, February 18, 2024 © 2024
Trumpists say I believe Matt Gaetz. He should not be removed from the Judiciary Committee. Jim Jordan © 2021
Trumpists say I believe that Joe Biden will be found to be the most corrupt president in our nation's history. Elise Stefanik © 2024
Trumpists say I came to realize: life is that gift from God that I think, even if life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that is something that God intended to happen. Richard Earl Mourdock © 2023
Trumpists say I can’t believe I’m going to jail for an nft salesman. @bakedalaska (Anthime Joseph Gionet), 2:42 PM – Dec 15, 2022, white supremacist who livestreamed his participation in the January 6 insurrection and his occupation of Nancy Pelosi's office, reacting to Trump's “major announcement” that he's launching a series of $99 NFTs (non-fungible tokens/digital images) of himself in various superhero roles, complete with chiselled abs and eyes emitting laser beams © 2022
Trumpists say I can't tell you how excited and enthusiastic folks are about the United States leadership as it relates to global health security. Tom Price, after returning from health summit meetings in Europe © 2018
Trumpists say  I'd hang fucking Pelosi from the lamppost. Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers, January 10, 2021, on not having brought rifles to the attack on the Capitol on January 6 © 2022
Trumpists say I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat  T-shirt slogan seen at Trump rallies © 2018
Trumpists say I didn't even know there was a history with that phrase. Marjorie Taylor Greene on calling herself a “Christian nationalist” © 2022
Trumpists say I disagree with the House Managers' argument that, if we find the allegations they have made are true, failing to remove the President leaves us with no remedy to constrain this or future Presidents. Congress and the courts have multiple ways by which to constrain the power of the executive. And ultimately, voters themselves can hold the President accountable in an election, including the one just nine months from now. Marco Rubio © 2020
Trumpists say I do believe that the people who are engaging in selective prosecution, vindictive prosecution, using it, doing it, when I say it's rigged, they go into a place where they know the fight is unfair. It’s as bad as it was in Alabama in 1950 — if a person happened to be Black — in order to get justice. And that’s what they did in New York. So it was fundamentally rigged. Dan Bishop, GOP nominee for AG in NC, complaining that only Republicans have been  charged with and convicted of covering up payments to a porn star to win an election, and implying that New Yorkers in 2024 don't allow whites on juries and lynch them in the way white Alabamans did to blacks in the 1950s  © 2024
< Trumpists say I do have time for hearings on nominees that the president might send up here that I didn't have last year. Chuck Grassley, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman and one-time supporter of Jeff Sessions, announcing he's now ready to let Trump replace him with an Attorney General who'll kill the Mueller investigation © 2018
Trumpists say I do not believe that I've seen that conclusion that the specific intent was to help President Trump win. I'm not aware of that.  Kirstjen Nielsen, Homeland Security Secretary, claiming to be unaware the intelligence community concluded that Russia meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump win © 2018
Trumpists say I do not believe the President would ask me to do that. Gina Haspel, during her Senate confirmation hearing,  responding to Sen. Susan Collins, who asked, “If the President gave you a direct order to waterboard a terrorism suspect, what would you do?” © 2018
Trumpists say I don’t back down. I don’t apologize. Marjorie Taylor Greene © 2022
Trumpists say I don't believe in anything. I’m just here for the violence. slogan on patch worn by Kelly Meggs, one of the Oath Keepers on trial for seditious conspiracy for their role in the January 6 attack on the Capitol © 2022
Trumpists say I don't care if @realDonaldTrump wants to perform abortions in White House after this immigration policy paper. Ann Coulter, 9:36 AM – 16 Aug 2015 © 2018
Trumpists say I don't know if that's a real request or him just needling the press, knowing you guys were going to get outraged by it. Marco Rubio, responding to a reporter who asked, “Do you think it's okay for president Trump to ask China to launch an investigation of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden?” © 2019
Trumpists say I don’t care what the hell happens in this world. If President Trump gets reelected, the border’s going to be sealed, the military will be deployed, the National Guard will be activated, and the illegals are going home. Stephen Miller © 2024
< Trumpists say I don’t even want to call it the Palestinian flag because they’re not a state, they’re a territory, that’s about to probably get eviscerated and go away here shortly, as we're going to turn that into a parking lot. Max Miller, fromer aide to Trump, current House member from Ohio  [NOTE: “we're (not they're) going to”]  © 2023
Trumpists say I don’t know how you could have a genocide of transgender people because genocide refers to genes, it refers to genetics, it refers to biology. And the whole point of transgenderism is that it has nothing to do with biology. Nobody's calling to exterminate anybody because the other problem with that statement is that transgender people is not a real ontological category. It’s not a legitimate category of being. Michael J. Knowles © 2023
Trumpists say I don't know. I'm not really focused on these things. Paul Ryan, when asked if he agreed with Trump's claim that millions of illegal voters voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016  © 2018
Trumpists say  I don't know Steve Bannon, so I have no concerns. I trust Donald's judgment. Paul Ryan,  when asked if he had any concerns about Steve Bannon serving in the White House  © 2018
Trumpists say I don't think anybody could say that the president is anti-Muslim. Mick Mulvaney © 2019
Trumpists say I don't think he meant what everybody is saying, being a dictatorship — and actually you know right now under Biden, that’s probably what we got because he does what he wants to do and he's not really listening to the voters. I think we need somebody that’s going to move forward fast to clean up everything, and I think that's what he meant. Leann Reed, a 66-yearold from Washington, Iowa, who attended Trump's speech in Iowa in which he doubled down on wanting to be a dictator, quoted in Washington Post, December 13, 2023 © 2023
Trumpists say I don't think he should fire Mueller and I don't think he's going to. So this is a piece of legislation that isn't necessary in my judgment. I'm the one who decides  what we take to the floor. That's my responsibility  as the majority leader. We will not be having this on the floor of the Senate.  Mitch McConnell, on a proposed bill with bipartisan support to prevent Trump from arbitrarily ending Special Counsel Mueller's investigation into posible collusion with Russia and obstruction of justice by Trump © 2018
Trumpists say I don't think that this president has done that. Rudy Giuliani, responding to George Stephanopoulos, who asked whether Trump lied when he denied knowledge of hush money payments that he had made to Stormy Daniels © 2018
Trumpists say I don’t think there’s any way Israel can be expected to coexist or find some diplomatic off-ramp with these savages. … They [Palestinians in Gaza Strip] have to be eradicated. Marco Rubio, October 9, 2023  © 2023
Trumpists say I don't think we're in a trade war. We're in a situation of trade disputes. Steven Mnuchin © 2018
Trumpists say I had a picture one time of Obama sittin' on a stump as a witch doctor and I posted that on Facebook. I was making fun of the white half of Obama, not the black half. Roy Yelton, Buncombe County Republican captain and member of North Carolina's Republican Party Executive Committee © 2021
Trumpists say I HATE BLACK PEOPLE. Like fuck them all … I hate blacks. End of story. Crystal Clanton, former field director for Turning Point USA,  former housemate of Ginni and Clarence Thomas, and recently selected by him to be one of his law clerks, saying of her, “I know bigotry. Bigotry is antithetical to her nature.“ © 2024
Trumpists say I have concerns about the treatment of January 6 hostages. I have concerns. We have a role in Congress of oversight over our treatments of prisoners. And I believe that we're seeing the weaponization of the federal government against not just President Trump, but we're seeing it against conservatives. Elise Stefanik, a Trump echo chamber © 2024
Trumpists say I have not.  Jim Jordan, representing Ohio's 4th Congressional District, responding to Anderson Cooper's question, Have you ever heard the president lie? © 2018
Trumpists say I have not. I have been on the road. Thank you very much. Joni Ernst, responding to a reporter who asked if she had read the DOJ's 37-count indictment against Trump for mishandling classified documents and participating in a conspiracy to obstruct justice  © 2023
Trumpists say I have total confidence in Justice Thomas's impartiality in every aspect of the work of the Court. Each of the nine judges should feel free to make every single judicial decision they make with total independence and complete freedom, what cases they hear, how they hear them, how they rule,  whether and when they recuse themselves, and whether and when they retire. Mitch McConnell, opposing any ethics standards for Supreme Court justices, including ones preventing them from ruling in cases where they have conflicts of interest, like Thomas, who voted to prevent evidence of his wife's attempts to overturn the 2020 election to be turned over to Congress © 2022
Trumpists say I have worked with President Trump for two years and he is not a racist. He is a compassionate man whose policies have focused on the minority community. He is a results-oriented president who is focused on helping uplift all Americans, including blacks, including Hispanics. Mercedes Schlapp, July, 2019, Trump 2020 campaign advisor  © 2019
Trumpists say I haven’t given you all a history lesson in a while, and I wanted to give you a little history on homelessness. [In] 1910, Hitler decided to live on the streets for a while. So for two years, Hitler lived on the streets and practiced his oratory, and his body language, and how to connect with citizens and then went on to lead a life that got him in the history books. It’s not a dead end. They can come out of these homeless camps and have a a productive life — or in Hitler’s case, a very unproductive life. Frank Niceley, Republican state senator in Tennessee, supporting a bill to criminalize homeless encampments on public property © 2022
Trumpists say I haven’t read it at all. I'm not a legal analyst. I'm gonna leave that to the legal professionals to tell us about it. I've read everything I can of secondary sources of it, but not the original. Chuck Grassley, 89-year old senior senator from Iowa, president pro tempore emeritus of the Senate, longtime member of its Judiciary Committee, and its chair from 2015 to 2019, providing an "I'm-a-legal-rube" excuse for not reading the DOJ's 37-count indictment against Trump for mishandling classified documents and participating in a conspiracy to obstruct justice  © 2023
Trumpists say I haven't seen any evidence that the attempts to interfere in our election infrastructure was to favor a particular political party. Kirstjen Nielsen, secretary of Homeland Security, days after Putin said “Yes I did” when asked if he ordered interference in the 2016 presidential election to help Trump win © 2018
< Trumpists say I haven't slept much since the election because I'm sad that Donald Trump is not our president. He's gonna be our president though. One of thousands of people attending the Million MAGA March in Washington, DC, to support Trump's baseless claims of election fraud Quoted in The Guardian, November 15, 2020 © 2020
Trumpists say I hope that Senator McCain is going to look long and hard at this, that his family and his advisers are going to look at this, and they're going to advise him to step away as quickly as possible. So that the business of the country and the business of Arizona being represented at the federal level can move forward. Kelli Ward. wannabe Senator from Arizona, on hearing Trump critic John McCain was diagnosed with aggressive brain cancer © 2018
Trumpists say I just couldn't believe that this guy – all this stuff he said the whole campaign – he's not even president yet and he worked on this deal with the company. I'm just in shock. A lot of the workers are in shock. We can't believe something good finally happend to us. It felt like a victory for the little people. A Carrier employee, after Trump met company officials before being inaugurated and announced 1,000 jobs would remain in Indiana © 2018
Trumpists say I knew those were people that love this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break a law, so I wasn't concerned. Had the tables been turned, and president Trump won the election, and those were tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and antifa protesters, I might have been a little concerned. Ron Johnson, on the mob of white Trump supporters that stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021 © 2021
Trumpists say I know some people in the media will break out the pitchforks when they hear that I ask God for direction in my work. I'm proud to say that President Trump has let our State Department do that. Indeed, he has demanded that we do.  Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State © 2020
Trumpists say I like to think that I helped get Donald Trump elected President. Maybe I helped a little, maybe a lot.  Michael Flynn © 2018
Trumpists say I love him because I love him. Unidentified man wearing a MAGA hat outside the courthouse where Trump was arraigned on 37 counts for mishandling classified documents and participating in a conspiracy to obstruct justice [Quoted in New York Magazine, June 17, 2023] © 2023
Trumpists say I'm a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I'm going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE The funny thing is I actually can't be Anti Semitic because black people are actually Jew also Kanye West, a.k.a Ye a.k.a Yeezus a.k.a. Louis Vuitton Don a.k.a. Yeezy a.k.a. Saint Pablo a.k.a. Christian Billionaire Genius, 3:55 AM – Oct 9, 2022 © 2022
Trumpists say I’m going in with 20 strong men. I’m gonna speak in front of the school board and I’m gonna give them an option. They can leave or they can be removed. And then after that we're gonna replace them with nine parents and we're gonna vote down the mask mandates that evening. That evening. This is how you get stuff done. Forget writing your legislators. Forget it. They’re not listening. You gotta do something. It's us. It's we the people. Steve Lynch, August 29, 2021, Republican candidate for Northhampton County, PA, executive, on school boards that invoke anto-Covid mask mandates © 2021
Trumpists say I'm going to win the election and I will accept that result.  Kari Lake, 2022 Republican gubernatorial candidate in Arizona, responding to a reporter who asked if she'd concede if she lost the electon [Refusing to commit to honoring election results  is common among Republican candidates in 2022] © 2022
Trumpists say I'm gonna tell you something: I'm not into conspiracies; I'm not into anti-government rhetoric. This is the first time in my lifetime that I would say I am deathly afraid for Donald Trump. I would not put assassination behind these people. Bernard Kerik, former NYC Police Commissioner,  commenting on the court-ordered search by the FBI of Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago © 2022
Trumpists say I'm here today because I think he's the greatest president there ever was in this country. Attendee at Trump's 2020 campaign kickoff rally quoted by The Atlantic, June 19, 2019  © 2019
Trumpists say I'm looking at society today and it's like I'm watching an X-Men movie … It's like we have mutants living among us on planet Earth.  Some people don't like that but that's a fact. We have people that live among us today on Planet Earth that are happy to display themselves as if they were mutants from another planet. This is the planet Earth! Where God created men, male and women, female. I'm a proud Christian, conservative Republican. I'm not on the fence. Webster Barnaby, Florida state lawmaker, on transgender people, who he also called “demons”" and “imps”" © 2023
Trumpists say I'm not going back to yesterday's Republican Party. I'm not going back to losing politely, with Mitt Romney. I'm not going back to the Bushes or the Cheneys. This is Donald Trump's party, and I am a Donald Trump Republican. Matt Gaetz, promising to try to overturn Biden's already-certified Electoral College win © 2020
Trumpists say I'm not going to let Democrats and their water carriers in the media use Russia's attack on our democracy as a Trojan horse for partisan wish-list items that would not actually make our elections safer. Mitch McConnell, refusing to let the Senate vote on election security bills, leading to him being nicknamed “Moscow Mitch” © 2019
Trumpists say I’m not going to add to the numbers. A Trump supporter who refused to go to the hospital after developing COVID-19 because he didn't want to add to the liberal's case against Trump, quoted by Robert Kagan, Washington Post, September 23, 2021 © 2021
Trumpists say I'm not going to go open a court case saying this: [Hillary] Clinton eats children. But I can believe that she might eat children. Doug Sweet, of Hudgins, Virginia, one of the mob of Trump supporters arrested for invading the Capitol © 2021
Trumpists say I'm not talking to you. You're a liberal hack. Martha McSally, Arizona Republican Senator, to a CNN reporter who asked her, “Should the Senate consider new evidence as part of the impeachment trial?” © 2020
< Trumpists say I'm not trying to get political here. Markwayne Mullin, Republican House member from Oklahoma, refusing to wear a protective mask offered to him while confined for hours in a crowded room with fellow congressmen during the assault on the Capitol © 2021
Trumpists say I'm the least racist person that many of you have ever met by the way. I have no bigotry. I just try to see the world for where it is.  I have no, uh, sort of army to hit back at them. Right? Cuz I'm the young guy in the room and they're not even going after any other young people. The other young people in the White House are total hoes and thots like Cassidy Hutchinson and this Alyssa Farah [Griffin] hoebag who are just terrible. I mean they have no clue what they're saying. They're Bolsheviks so they probably do hate the American Founders and most white people in general. Garrett Ziegler, 6:51 PM – Jul 20, 2022, in 27-minute audio-only livestream after testifying before the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol © 2022
Trumpists say I made a mistake and I think humans are flawed and we all make mistakes, Tulsi. I think we can all look ourselves in the mirror and admit that once in our life we have all made a mistake. I'm having to admit this on national television for all the country to see and I have the courage to do so because, in order to move past this and to move forward and be an effective member of Congress, I have to face my mistakes. … I'm not a fraud. I'm not a fake. I didn't materialize from thin air. I worked damn hard to get where I am my entire life. Congressman-elect George Santos, to Tulsi  Gabbard about lying during his campaign about  his grandarents being Holocaust survivors, being  Jewish, having worked for Goldman Sachs & Citi- bank, having graduated college, owning 13 pro- perties, his income, mother's death, residence … © 2023
Trumpists say I mean, our race, the size of our feet, the color of our eyes, these are things we’re born with and we cannot change.  Homosexual behavior is something you do, it’s not something that you are. Mike Johnson © 2023
Trumpists say I no longer believe freedom and democracy are compatible. Peter Thiel © 2020
Trumpists say I now support reparations – Trump should have 2 yrs added to his 1st term as pay back for time stolen by this corrupt failed coup. Jerry Falwell, Jr., 6:00 PM – 4 May 2019, commenting on the Mueller investigation © 2019
Trumpists say I personally wish he would choose his words a little more carefully. On the other hand, I kind of find him refreshing, that he doesn't take any guff from anybody. Orrin Hatch © 2018
Trumpists say I prefer a Pay Per View of him in front of the firing squad. I do not want to waste another dime on supporting his life. We could make some money back from televising his death. Michele Morrow, 7:01 PM – 13 May 2020, responding to a conspiracy theory about shipping Barack Obama to Guantanamo Bay detention camp [She's the 2024 Republican candidate for superintendent of schools in North Caroilina] © 2024
Trumpists say I saw how easy it would be, as a parent, to accept the idea that my children deserve healthcare and education.  Virginia Kruta, associate editor of Daily Caller, a conservative news and opinion website, telling viewers of Fox and Friends how horrified she was by what she heard at a Democratic rally in St. Louis featuring Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who advocated Medicare for all © 2018
Trumpists say I support and agree with the former President. Unprecedented fraud requires unprecedented cure. Paul Gosar, 12:26 PM – 7 Dec 2022, in a tweet accompanied by a screenshot of Trump's posting on his social media site in which he justified terminating rules, even those in the Constitution, to get him installed as president [Gosar later deleted this tweet] © 2022
Trumpists say [I take] The Fifth. Michael Flynn, retired United States Army lieutenant general and Trump's U.S National Security Advisor who's sworn many oaths of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and who Trump pardoned after he twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, responding to Liz Cheney, who asked him, during his deposition to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, “Do you believe in the peaceful transfer of power in the United States of America?” © 2022
Trumpists say I talked to a student recently at one of our woke college campuses who said she is required in every class to  introduce herself and to give her pronouns. Well, I'm Ted Cruz, and my pronoun is, kiss my ass. Ted Cruz, July 23, 2022 © 2022
Trumpists say I think electing Republicans is better than electing Democrats.  So I drew this map to help foster what I think is better for the country. David Lewis, Republican member of the North Carolina committee that gerrymandered the state's congressional districts to so obviously disadavantage minorities and Democrats that a federal judge declared it unconstitutional © 2018
< Trumpists say I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times. And I think he wanted Donald Trump to become president and that's why he's there. Sarah Huckabee Sanders © 2019
Trumpists say I think he has changed a lot of his life once he was elected. I think Trump is a much better person today than he was then. I think most people in this country realize that Donald Trump comes from a different world. He comes from New York City, he comes from a slam-bang, difficult world. It is amazing he is as good as he is. If anything, you have to give him plaudits for the way he has run the country. Orrin Hatch © 2018
Trumpists say I think he's just trolling people. Paul Ryan, commenting on Trump's threat to strip security clearances from former top intelligence chiefs who criticize him © 2018
Trumpists say I think I disagree with every single word in H.R. 1, including the words “but,” “and,” and “the.” Everything about this bill is rotten to the core. This is a bill as if written in Hell by the Devil himself. Mike Lee, March 10, 2021, on the proposed For the People election reform bill, which would protect voting rights and the integrity of elections by outlawing major voter suppression tactics favored by Republcians like himself © 2021
Trumpists say I think, most importantly, what you saw today is the same thing that we have said since day one: There is absolutely no evidence that Paul Manafort was involved with any collusion with any government official in Russia. Kevin Downing, Manafort's attorney, announcing Manafort had been sentenced to 47 months for bank and tax fraud in a trial where the judge declared that Manafort was “not before this court for anything having to do with collusion with the Russian government,” making his statement as misleading as saying, “Most importantly, there is no evidence that Paul Manafort raped Mrs. McGillicuddy in the kitchen with a Coke bottle.” © 2019
Trumpists say I think Ronald Reagan gave us a great example when federal employees decided they were going to strike. He said, “You strike, you’re fired.” Simple concept to me, to the extent that we can use that once again. Tim Scott, commenting on the UAW strike against Ford, GM and Stellantis, America's Big 3 automakers  © 2023
Trumpists say I think some of it, on the media side, was probably blown out of proportion. Do I think someone should have died? Do I think they should have went to the Capitol? No. I think the rally itself made enough of a point. But I really don’t think it was planned or anything. I don’t think they were incited, either. I think a lot of people just got all their emotions all up in an uproar and there were consequences to that. Justin, 39, white, La., administrative assistant, a participant in New York Times focus group, asked about your memories of January 6 © 2023
Trumpists say I think spying did occur. Yes, I think spying did occur. William “Whitewash Willie” Barr, Trump's self-proclaimed Exonerator General, legitimizing conspiracy theories propular with Trumpists that his 2016 campaign was subjected to unlawful surveillance by the FBI and intelligence agencies as part of their investigation into Russian meddling in the election © 2019
Trumpists say I think the American people are fed up with this over-dramatization of a riot that happened here at the Capitol one time. They are sick and tired of January 6. It's over. OK? Marjorie Taylor Greene, April 11, 2022 [By “over-dramatization” she means the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol] © 2022
Trumpists say I think they wanted to have a particular narrative that they hope is negative to me. Kelli Ward. wannabe Senator from Arizona, claiming that the announcement from John McCain's family that he was halting treatment for brain cancer was timed to hurt her campaign to replace Jeff Flake as Senator [McCain died the next day]  © 2018
Trumpists say I think what's important about that conversation is, it's not that one side is right and one side is wrong. Anybody that is advocating violence, we need to work to mitigate. Kirstjen Nielsen, refusing to denounce the white nationalist who murdered a counter-protester and injured several others using his car in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 © 2018
Trumpists say I told them, you know, it's really funny to me to see the splodey heads keep 'sploding over this movement. Sarah Palin © 2018
Trumpists say I understand it's a risk, but I think it's an appropriate risk to be able to say let's allow Americans to keep more of their own money to invest in this economy. James Lankford, defending adding more than $2 trillion to the nation's debt by giving huge tax cuts to corporations and the rich © 2018
Trumpists say I’ve been proud to be the leader standing up for chocolate milk. Elise Stefanik © 2023
Trumpists say I've decided to “identify” as Chinese. Coke will like me, Delta will agree with my “values” and I'll probably get shoes from Nike & tickets to @MLB games. Ain't America great? Mike Huckabee, 10:18 AM – Apr 3, 2021 © 2021
Trumpists say I've never really felt it was society's responsibility to take care of other people's children. Ron Johnson, defending his oposition to government helping families afford childcare © 2022
Trumpists say I've said we need to build more gallows.  If we try some of these high-level criminals, convict them and use a newly built set of gallows, it'll make an example of these traitors who have betrayed our country. Wendy Rogers, Republican state senator from Flagstaff, AZ, fantasizing about hanging poitical opponents in a speech zoomed to the white nationalist American First Political Action Conference in Florida on February 25, 2022 © 2022
Trumpists say I've seen enough. The Department of Justice has reached an intolerable state of weaponized politicization. When the Republicans take back the House, we will conduct immediate oversight of this department, follow the facts, and leave no stone unturned. Attorney General Garland, preserve your documents and clear your calendar. Kevin McCarthy, 9:01 PM – Aug 8, 2022, pissed by the FBI's court-ordered search of  Trump's Mar-a-Lago home to retrieve documents belonging in the National Archives, some of which are so secret they cannot be legally described in an unclassified document [“follow the facts” is a cute touch] © 2022
Trumpists say I've seen this guy throw a dead spiral through a tire. I've seen him at Madison Square Garden with a topcoat on. He's standing in the key and he's hitting foul shots and swishing them, okay? He sinks three-foot putts.  Anthony Scaramucci © 2019
Trumpists say I want to tell you something. If Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, we would’ve been armed, Marjorie Taylor Greene, December 10, 2022, speaking to guests at a dinner hosted by the New York Young Republican Club about the January 6th insurrection © 2022
Trumpists say I want to thank you on behalf of the people of Puerto Rico for your leadership, for your team's leadership, and for having a commitment to stay with the people of Puerto Rico, with the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico, here for the long haul. Ricardo Rosselló, governor of Puerto Rico, whose flattery got Puerto Rico bupkis © 2018
Trumpists say I was surprised to hear there was anything negative in the Mueller report at all about president Trump. I hadn't heard that before. I mainly listen to conservative news and I hadn't heard anything negative about that report and that president Trump had been exonerated. Attendee at May 28, 2019, town hall meeting held by Representative Justin Amash, the first Republican member of Congress to declare Trump should be impeached for obstructing justice © 2019
Trumpists say I was very upset. I never expected anything like that. And when that happened I thought, this is antifa, and no one can convince me it was so-called Trump supporters, and we know there's a lot wrong there, and I cannot wait for a real investigation. Marjorie Tayloer Greene, blaming the January 6 attack on the Capitol on anti-fascists  © 2022
Trumpists say I will not vote to remove the president because doing so would inflict extraordinary and potentially irreparable damage to our already divided nation. Marco Rubio © 2020
Trumpists say I wish that in a circumstance like this I would be able to concede to a worthy opponent. But I do not have a worthy opponent to which I can concede. This was the most deeply deceitful, dishonorable, despicable campaign I've ever seen run for the courts. It was truly beheath contempt. … My opponent is a serial liar. … We can have the rule of law or we can have the rule of Janet. The people of Wisconsin have chosen the rule of Janet. Daniel Kelly, April 4, 2023, conceding  losing the race for Wisconsin Supreme Justice to Democrat Janet Protasiewicz, who won by 11% in a state where winners often win by 1% or less © 2023
Trumpists say I worked with other senators to make sure that we have the right to ask for more documents and witnesses, but there is no need for more evidence to prove something that has already been proven and that does not meet the United States Constitution's high bar for an impeachable offense Lamar Alexander © 2020
Trumpists say I would encourage the other side to not so lightly throw around the idea of “innocent Palestinian civilians.” I don't think we would so lightly throw around the term “innocent Nazi civilians” during World War II. I would challenge anybody in here to point to me which Palestinian is Hamas and which one is an innocent civilian. Brian Mast, equating Palestinians with Nazis and implying all of them, including children, are personally responsible for atrocities committed by Hamas, days after admitting it was he who eliminated the provisions for food, medicine and other humanitarian aid from a proposed bill about aid for people in Gaza Strip © 2023
Trumpists say I would say,  based on the current way things are going,  the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people. Just get the fuck away. Wherever you have to go, just get away. It makes no sense whatsoever as a white citizen to try to help black citizens anymore. It doesn't make sense. Scott Adams © 2023
Trumpists say  I would not have done what Mike Pence did. I don’t think that was the right approach. Elise Stefanik, auditioning to be Trump's running mate by respondiing to Kaitlin Collins, who aske her,  “Had you been vice president on January 6, 2021, what would you have done?”, with an answer confirming that she would have violated the Constitution and participated in Trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 election © 2024
< Trumpists say I would tell Bibi finish the job once and for all with these butchers Hamas. I’m sick of hearing the media, I’m sick of hearing other people blame Israel just for defending itself. We will stand with Israel, in word and in deed, in private and in public Ron DeSantis, when asked during the November 8, 2023, Republican presidential debate what advice he would give Benjamin Netanyahu about Israel's ongoing war with Hamas © 2023
Trumpists say If he invited me to a public hanging, I'd be on the front row. Cindy Hyde-Smith, 2018 Republican candidate for Senator from Mississippi, where 539 blacks were lynched between 1882 and 1968, to a supporter at a campaign stop © 2018
Trumpists say If he [Trump] is the nominee, if he was up against Biden [in 2024], I'd vote for him again. Simply because what he did the first time, before COVID, was so good for the country. [Even though] I think this man does not have the character to lead the country again. Rusty Bowers, the Arizona House Speaker who testified before the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol about Trump's pressures to violate his oath to the Consitution by appointing fake electors from Arizona © 2022
Trumpists say  If I had been vice president [on Jan. 6, 2021],  I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania,  Georgia, and so many others, that we needed to  have multiple slates of electors, and I think the  U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there. That is the legitimate way to deal with an election that a lot of folks, including me, think had a lot of problems in 2020. I think that’s what we should have done. J. D. Vance, auditioning to be Trump's running mate by confirming that he would have violated the Constitution and participated in Trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 election  [Over 60 courts denied Trump's claims of there being "a lot of problems" in the 2020 election] © 2024
Trumpists say If I were the president and I picked someone to be the country's chief law enforcement officer, and they told me later, “Oh, by the way, I'm not going to be able to participate in  the most important case in the office,” I would be frustrated too. Trey Gowdy, expressing sympathy for Trump's regrets that Jeff Sessions obeyed the law and recused himself from Mueller's investigation © 2018
Trumpists say If MLK, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, if JFK were alive today, if our founding fathers were alive today, they would be America-first Republicans. I really believe that. Kari Lake, October 19, 2022, Republican candidate for governor of Arizona and election denier © 2022
Trumpists say If monkeypox is a sexually transmitted disease, why are kids getting it? Marjorie Taylor Greene, 6:22 PM – Jul 23, 2022, who will hopefully learn through experience that sex is not the only way monkeypox can be transmitted  © 2022
Trumpists say  If something like this happened in Arkansas on a bridge there, let’s just say that there would be a lot of very wet criminals that would have been tossed overboard, not by law enforcement, but by the people whose road they are blocking. If they glued their hands to a car or pavement,  it would probably be pretty painful to have their skin ripped off, but I think that’s the way we’d handle it in Arkansas.  And I’d encourage most people, anywhere, that get stuck behind criminals like this that are trying to block traffic like this, to take matters into their own hands. Tom Cotton, on the Right way to handle peaceful protesters © 2024
Trumpists say If Trump becomes Speaker of the House, the House chamber will be like a Trump rally everyday!! It would be the House of MAGA!!! Marjorie Taylor Greene, 1:25 PM — Oct 5, 2023   © 2023
Trumpists say If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion. One nation under God and one religion under God, right? Michael Flynn © 2021
Trumpists say  If we got to pick up arms again, we will. We will take our country back. We come peaceful. [But] if you don't want to listen . . . we won't be peaceful next time. We're tired of it. William Holmes, Ohio gunsmith, who attended Trump's January 6, 2021, rally in Washington, DC, with his wife  Quoted by Financial Times, January 7, 2021 © 2021
Trumpists say If you are pregnant, God made you completely capable to be a mother, and he will provide for you, as you strive in life and become a mother. Motherhood will be the most incredible journey of your entire life, bringing you continuous joy you’ve never known. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 9:06 AM – Jun 28, 2022  © 2022
Trumpists say If you believe Hillary Clinton is virtually as off-her-rocker-leftwing socialist as Senator Bernie Sanders, if you believe that Hillary Clinton is in part responsible for the rise of ISIS and what took care [sic] in Benghazi ... how the hell could you take any steps, passively or affirmatively, that would put that woman in the Oval Office! ... As bad as the Republican may be, how could you stay home and allow that? Mark Levin © 2019
Trumpists say If you put this to the American people, and they weigh the two needs, I think they are going to say standing with Israel and protecting the innocent is in our national interest, and  a more immediate need than IRS agents. Mike Johnson on his bill to rob the IRS of $14.3 billion earmarked for it to reduce tax cheating by large corporatiions and the very rich and thereby reduce the national debt by $100 billion in the next decade — in order to pay for $14.3 billion in additional military aid to Israel to help it pay the costs of slaughtering Palestinians © 2023
Trumpists say  If you're a CEO or a leader, that's what you want your team to be, a bunch of people who are loyal to the team. Steve Doocy, defending Trump's demand for a pledge of personal loyalty from FBI director James Comey © 2019
Trumpists say If you're looking for a circumstance where the President of the United States was threatening the Ukraine with cutting off aid unless they investigated his political opponent, you'd be very disappointed. That does not exist. Lindsey Graham © 2019
Trumpists say If you see someone with a beard and chest hair and a voice like Barry White, that's a dude. But we know that. Lia Thomas— I am sorry, Lia Thomas [the trans swimmer] looks like Michael Phelps. And people across the country, across the world, are, like, that don't make any sense. Ted Cruz, at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas in August, 2022 © 2022
Trumpists say If you want to end the violence, end impeachment. Lindsey Graham, advocating reducing violence by right-wing domestic terrorists by letting their chief inciter go scott free © 2021
Trumpists say If you want to get to President Trump, you're going to have to go through me, and you're going to have to go through 75 million Americans just like me. And I'm going to tell you, most of us are card-carrying members of the NRA. That's not a threat — that's a public service announcement. Kari Lake, the defeated Republican candidate for Arizona governor in 2022, on the DOJ's indictment of Trump for mishandling classified documents [NOTE: she says “President Trump”, not “former/ex-President Trump”] [NOTE TOO: 4.3 million NRA members are nowhere near most of 75 million Americans] © 2023
Trumpists say If you want to respect the rule of law, you’ve got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses. Jeff Landry, governor of Louisiana, on signing a law that mandates displaying the Ten Commandments in every classroom in every public school and college in the state [Moses lived about 1,000 yeare after Ur-Nammu codified laws in ancient Sumer] © 2024
Trumpists say  In 20 years, Russia will be  the only country that is recognizably European. Ann Coulter, 8:42 PM - 3 Jun 2017 © 2018
Trumpists say In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung. Paul Gosar, one of Trump's lunatic echo chambers © 2023
Trumpists say In America you can't even get a parking ticket based on hearsay testimony. But you can impeach a president? I certainly hope not. Lindsey Graham, 6:40 AM – 28 Sep 2019 © 2019
Trumpists say In every instance that I dealt with him, he was truthful, he listened, and he was great to work with. Nikki Haley © 2019
Trumpists say In fact, quite frankly, every election since, I think, George Washington, there's been some kind of a defect in the system. Mark Finchem, Oath Keeper and 2022 Republican candidate for Arizona secretary of state © 2022
Trumpists say In over 30 years in my experience with the UN, I never heard a bolder or more courageous speech.  Benjamin Netanyahu, after Trump's September 2017 speech to the United Nations © 2018
Trumpists say In retrospect, it is clear the 2020 election was a grave betrayal of American democracy. Given the facts that have since emerged about that election, no honest person can deny it. Tucker Carlson, on what election officials at all levels of government have called “the most secure in American history” © 2023
Trumpists say In some parts of the country, it does seem the America we know and love doesn't exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people. And they're changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us don't like. Laura Ingraham, who later said her comment has nothing to do with race  © 2018
Trumpists say The insurrection took place on November 3, Election Day. January 6 was the Protest!  Donald Trump © 2021
Trumpists say Intriguingly, Mr. [Bill] Taylor says in his statement that many people in the administration opposed the [Rudy] Giuliani effort, including some in senior positions at the White House. This matters because it may turn out that while Mr. Trump wanted a quid-pro-quo policy ultimatum toward Ukraine, he was too inept to execute it. Impeachment for incompetence would disqualify most of the government, and most presidents at some point or another in office. Wall Street Journal editorial, Oct. 23, 2019 © 2019
Trumpists say Islam is wrong. It is a heresy from the pit of hell. Mormonism is wrong. It is a heresy from the pit of hell. Judaism – you can't be saved being a Jew. You know who said that, by the way? The three greatest Jews in the New Testament: Peter, Paul and Jesus Christ. Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas © 2018
Trumpists say Isn't this kind of like a dry run of the Green New Deal? Caller from Prescott, Arizona, to Rush Limbaugh, on April 17, 2020, who sees the shutdown of the economy to fight the COVID-19 coronavirus as an experiment in life after the Green New Deal © 2020
Trumpists say Israel is facing existential threat. Any funding for Ukraine should be redirected to Israel immediately.  Josh Hawley, 3:35 PM — Oct 9, 2023 © 2023
Trumpists say It actually puts an exclamation point on the fact that we have a two-tiered justice system. If you're a Republican, you can't even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they’re coming after you. They're gonna bury you. They're gonna put you in the D.C. jail and terrorize and torture you and not live up to the Constitution there. Louie Gohmert, complaining about the FBI's arrest of Peter Navarro for refusing to respond to a subpoena to testify before the January 6 committee days after a grand jury acquitted a Democrat accused of lying to the FBI © 2022
Trumpists say It doesn't matter, he's dying anyway. Kelly Sadler, Trump White House special assistant, commenting after John McCain, suffering from brain cancer. announced his opposition to Trump's nominee for CIA director, Gina Haspel, saying that “her refusal to acknowledge torture's immorality is disqualifying” © 2018
Trumpists say It's fun to blow stuff up. It's fun to shoot guns.  And it's fun to say ridiculous offensive shit. And if it offends you, so what? I don't care about your feelings and how you feel about words. Sorry! Barry Croft, wannabe kidnapper of Gretchen Whitmer © 2024
Trumpists say It's obvious to me, our founders hated democracy. Loren Culp, who claimed massive voter fraud after losing the 2020 race for governor in Washington state by a mere 545,000 votes, and is now the Trump-endorsed candidate running against Dan Newhouse, one of the ten Repubican Repreentatives who voted to impeach Trump in 2021  © 2022
Trumpists say It's just like God to use a young Jewish couple to help Christians. David Jeremiah, pastor of a Southern Baptist megachurch in El Cajon, California, comparing Jared and Ivanka to Joseph and Mary © 2020
Trumpists say It’s time to do it. Let’s go find [Eric] Swalwell. It’s time to do it.  Then we’ll see how brave the rest of the are. It’s time to do it. It’s either [Jerry] Nadler or Swalwell has to die before the election. They need to get the message.  Let’s go find Swalwell and get this over with.  I’m just not putting up with this shit anymore. Roger Stone to one of his bodyguards after the House Judiciary Committee including Nadler and Swalwell announced that it would investigate Trump's commutation of his prison sentence just days before he was to report to prison in 2019 for lying to Congress, witness tampering and obstruction © 2024
Trumpists say It’s time to reaffirm in law what exists in our Constitution  and in the hearts of our fellow Americans. We must abolish the legal duty of retreat everywhere. Matt Gaetz, proposing a nationwide stand-your-ground law © 2023
Trumpists say It's very simple. I’m a political prisoner  because I have a very successful platform that reaches the common man. They hate that. They will do anything to shut that down. Steve Bannon, on his way to federal prison for four months after being convicted of contempt of Congress for blowing off a subpoena from the House January 6 investigative committee to testify about his role in the insurrection  © 2024
Trumpists say It's not whether a woman should be forced to bring a child to term;  it’s whether a child should be allowed to live even though the circumstances of that child's birth are somehow inconvenient or a problem to the society. J. D. Vance, talking about abortion in cases of rape or incest © 2022
Trumpists say Joe Biden has destroyed U.S. energy independence. Marsha Blackburn © 2024
Trumpists say Joe Biden's five million illegal aliens are on the verge of replacing you, replacing your jobs, and replacing your kids in school, and coming from all over the world, they're also replacing your culture. Marjorie Taylor Greene © 2022
Trumpists say Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interests of the country to remove a President from office. Marco Rubio © 2020
Trumpists say Just start putting things back on the right track. It makes me scratch my head that the country never did better than when Trump was president — never. You know what I mean? The gas prices were low. The border was under control. Everything was just great. And he got run out of town just because  he sends mean tweets and has a big mouth. They'd rather elect a nice guy and have the country in the toilet. Andrea, 49, white, N.J., executive assistant, a participant in New York Times focus group, asked what you'd like Republicans to do now that they control the House © 2023
< Trumpists say Kanye. Elon. Trump. House Judiciary GOP@JudiciaryGOP 8:05 PM – Oct 6, 2022 Meaning what?  Tweedledee, Tweededum, and Tweedledumbest? The Holy Trinity of Trumpism? The Three Little Pigs? The Three Stooges?  © 2022
Trumpists say xx Keep in mind where the coronavirus came from. It came from a country that Bernie Sanders wants to turn the United States into a mirror image of: Communist China. Rush Limbaugh © 2020
Trumpists say The KKK in modern times, a lot of young people think somehow it’s a right-wing organization, when it is the military wing of the Democratic Party. Decidedly, unabashedly, racist and antisemitic.  Scott Perry © 2024
Trumpists say The Kurds helped destroy ISIS, true. It's also true that the Kurds would have fought ISIS anyway, since the psycho caliphate was right next door. Let's be honest – the Kurds didn't show up for us at Normandy or Inchon or Khe Sanh or Kandahar. Kurt Schlichter, October 10, 2019, whose words Trump used to justify selling out the Kurds to the Turks [US suffered 6 casualties fighting ISIS; the Kurds suffered 11,000+ casualties]  © 2019
Trumpists say “The left in the media — they're  all about democracy?” he ranted to me one day. “On November 8, the War Room  and the War Room  posse and all the little people at the school boards and things — we're gonna give you democracy shoved up your ass. Okay? We're gonna give you a democracy suppository.  Steve Bannon, quoted by Jennifer Senior, in The Atlantic, June 6, 2022 © 2022
Trumpists say Let's make this clear. I'm not buying a fucking mask. I've made it this far by not buying into that damn hype. Richard “Rick” Rose, of Port Clinton, Ohio, who died two weeks after posting this to Facebook  © 2021
Trumpists say Lets not fuck around. We've descended into civil war. Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers © 2021
Trumpists say Let’s start rounding up people who participate in pride events. Kelly @kelly_neidert 2:54 PM – Jun 18, 2022 © 2022
Trumpists say A liberal Catholic is oxymoronic. C. John McCloskey, Opus Dei priest who converted Sam Brownback, Newt Gingrich and other prominent Republicans before being accused of sexual misconduct by an adult woman © 2020
Trumpists say The main reason for President Trump to pardon Sheriff Joe [Arpaio] was fuck you, leftists. The new rules, bitches.  Kurt Schlichter, 6:43 PM – 25 Aug 2017 © 2019
Trumpists say Mark, in seeing what's happening so quickly, and reading about the Dominion law suits attempting to stop any meaningful investi- gation we are at a point of no return  !! Our LAST HOPE is invoking Marshall Law!! PLEASE URGE TO PRESIDENT TO DO SO!! Ralph Norman, January 17, 2021, text message to Mark Meadows, Trump's White House Chief of Staff [Enquiring minds want to know: Was Law a marshal or a sheriff?] © 2023
Trumpists say  May we all  have guns and concealed carry to handle what’s coming! Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court judge Clarence Thomas © 2022
Trumpists say Maybe it is time to change the traditional relationship the press will have with the White House. In this day and age of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, does Trump really need to be granting access to biased journalists that openly oppose him? Sean Hannity © 2018
Trumpists say Mr. President, it's a privilege to serve, to serve the students of this country, and to work to ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to get a great education, and therefore a great future. Betsy DeVos © 2018
Trumpists say Mr. President, thank you for the opportunity to help fix the trade deficit and other things. Wilbur Ross © 2018
Trumpists say Mueller is now slightly more distrusted than trusted, and Trump is a little ahead of the game. So I think we'e done really well. And my client's happy. Rudy giuliani, Trump's lawyer, on the effect of his all-out campaign to discredit Special Counsel Robert Mueller © 2019
Trumpists say The Mueller Report  TRUMP CLEAN No crimes committed Dem hoax destroyed front-page headline, New York Post, Friday, April 19, 2019 [The New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporoation, owner of Fox News, which broadcast the page to a much wider audience] © 2019
Trumpists say “My family and colleagues told me that when I have kids I'll think about the separations differently. But I don't think so … DHS sent me to the border to see the separations for myself — to try to make me more compassionate — but it didn't work.” “It didn't work? I will never forget what I saw. Seriously. Are you a white nationalist?” I asked exasperated. “No, but I believe if you come to America you should assimilate. Why do we need to have ‘Little Havana’?”  Katie Miller,  former DHS spokesperson, quoted by Jacob Soboroff in his book, Separated, about Trump's child separation policy © 2020
Trumpists say My kids call me a dictator, I thought my parents were dictators …  He said he was only going to do it for a day. Like if you had a home that was in disrepair and your parents came in and they were firm and they wanted to get it done, and when you got done you had this beautiful home, how could you be mad? “A woman in her 50s from northwest Iowa who spoke on the condition that she be identified only as Sue,” quoted in Washington Post, December 13, 2023, responding to Trump's speech in Iowa in which he parroted Hitler's speeches and doubled down on wanting to be a dictator © 2023
Trumpists say My message tonight to the press is simple: You guys are done. You've been exposed as fake, as having an agenda, as colluding. You're a fake news organization. Sean Hannity, Fox News host, responding to CNN reporting that Trump's claim that millions of illegal votes were cast in 2016 was baseless, which it was © 2018
Trumpists say Nancy, Bigo was here, you bitch. The note left on Nancy Pelosi's desk by Richard “Bigo"” Barnett, Trumpist and self-declared white nationalist from Gravette, Arkansas, who reclined in her chair and propped his boots on her desk during the January 6, 2021, occupation of the Capitol  © 2021
Trumpists say  Navalnys death in prison is a brutal reminder that jailing your political opponents is inhumane and a violation of every principle of a free society. Watch the Biden Administration speak out against Putin and his jailing of his leading political opponent while Democrats in four different jurisdictions try to turn  President Trump into an American Navalny. The hypocrisy and corruption of the left is astonishing. Newt Gingrich, 12:52 PM – Feb 16, 2024, comparing Trump's legal troubles and court- imposed fines to Putin killing Alexei Navalny [The stupidity of Newt's tweet is breathtaking] © 2024
< Trumpists say Neanderthals are hunter-gatherers, they're protectors of their family, they are resilient, they're resourceful, they tend to their own. So I think Joe Biden needs to rethink what he is saying. Marsha Blackburn, reponding to Biden's criticism of Republican-led states like Texas that prematurely lifted mask mandates as examples of “Neanderthal thinking” © 2021
Trumpists say Never in my life did I think I'd like to see a dictator, but if there's going to be one, I want it to be Trump. Attendee at rally featuring Steve Bannon, who led the ensuing applause © 2019
Trumpists say The news media in the West pose a far greater danger to Western civilization than Russia does. Dennis Prager, 10:55 AM – 14 Jul 2017 © 2019
Trumpists say No! Crowd's response when Trump asked them if he should tone it down just a little during his rally in Murphysboro, Illinois, on October 27, 2018, following the murder of 11 Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh earlier that day © 2018
Trumpists say No more banana republic stuff from Joe Biden. So long as he goes after his political opponents, I will hold nominations to the Department of “Justice” J. D. Vance, 3:02 PM – Nov 1, 2023 ["hold" = prevent consideration of] [Courts in — so far — four jurisdictions are going after Trump, not Biden] © 2023
Trumpists say No, not at all, especially this Jan. 6 commission. Like I said, they could have started at 8 on a Monday. They would have had their conclusion at   five after 8. They knew what they were going to do. Barney, 72, white, Del., retired, a participant in New York Times focus group, asked if you've heard anything that changed your mind about what happened on January 6 © 2023
Trumpists say No president has ever consulted more widely, or talked with more people from more backgrounds, to seek input about a Supreme Court nomination. Brett Kavanaugh's first public claim after Trump nominated him for appointment to the Supreme Court © 2018
Trumpists say Nobel! Nobel! chant at Trump rallies after he met with Kim Jong-un in Singapore © 2018
Trumpists say Nobody is going to consider impeachment if public opinion has concluded that this is an unfair investigation, and that's why public opinion is so important. Rudy Giuliani, commenting on Mueller's investigation © 2019
Trumpists say The notion that tariffs are a tax on US consumers is a lie pushed by outsourcers and the Chinese Communist party. A “Republican spokesperson” quoted by Edward Luce, Financial Times, June 26, 2024 © 2024
Trumpists say Now, could it be that you really blacked out after having sex with Trump, which is a compliment. Truly, he screwed the brains out of her. That makes him a sex god. Greg Gutfeld, fantasizing about Stormy Daniels's brief encounter with Donald Trump  © 2024
Trumpists say  Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East? Matt Gaetz, 1:48 PM – Jun 1, 2020, after Trump called antifa terrorists © 2023
Trumpists say Now, they’re going and saying, “Vladimir Putin is Adolf Hitler,” as if that isn’t a good thing. Nick Fuentes, February 25, 2022  © 2022
Trumpists say The number of people that will be amnestied when I'm presifdent is zero. We cannot do an amnesty in this country. Ron DeSantis © 2024
Trumpists say  The number of white recruits has plummeted,  [It’s] a casualty of this cultural skirmish that  has left our Army beleaguered and besieged by “woke” ideologies. Paul Gosar © 2024
Trumpists say Of course he’s joking. He’s not going to be no dictator. You can’t be a dictator with a constitutional republic. John Russell, from Aurora, IL, quoted in Washington Post, December 13, 2023, after listening to Trump double down about wanting to be a dictator in a speech in Coralville, IA  © 2023
Trumpists say Oh my gosh, I love you! There he is! There he is! God bless our president. I will die for him. I will die for that man, happily. Anybody want to mess with him, you mess with me first. He is a hero, that man. Trump supporter watching him ride around Walter Reed Hospital in an SUV, quoted by Mary Trump in The Reckoning  © 2021
< Trumpists say On behalf of the entire senior staff around you, Mr. President, we thank you for the opportunity and the blessing you've given us to serve your agenda and the American people.  Reince Priebus, at Trump's first Cabinet meeting, shortly before being fired © 2018
< Trumpists say On bureaucracy, you know, we’re going to have all these deep state people, you know, we’re going to start slitting throats on Day One and be ready to go. You’re going to see a huge, huge outcry because Washington wants to protect its own. Ron DeSantis, July 30, 2023, giving new meaning to “cutting the workforce” at a Rye, New Hampshire, barbecue [Earlier, he said the Defense Secretary needs to “slit some throats”] © 2023
Trumpists say One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, “Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.” Mitch McConnell, bragging about preventing the Senate from considering Merrick Garland for appointment to the Supreme Court – perhaps the greatest Capitol offense in the nation's history for which the known perpetrator avoided appropriate punishment  © 2018
Trumpists say One side has about 8 trillion bullets, while the other side doesn't know which bathroom to use. … Wonder who would win. Steve King, imagining "another civil war," this time betweeen red states and blue states © 2019
Trumpists say One thing. I want my Republican colleagues to give me one thing. One. That I can go campaign on and say we did. One. Anybody sitting in the complex, if you want to come down to the floor and come explain to me, one material, meaningful, significant thing the Republican majority has done besides, “Well I guess it's not as bad as the Democrats!” Chip Roy, bemoaning Republicans' failure to build a border wall, get Mexico to pay for it, overturn the 2020 election, shut down govern- ment, and for passing a spending bill with Dems © 2023
Trumpists say Only God could deliver such a savior to our nation. Brad Parscale, Trump's reelection campaign manager © 2020
Trumpists say The only possible violation there would be, was it a campaign finance violation – which usually would result in a fine, by the way – not this big stormtroopers [the FBI] coming in and breaking down his apartment and breaking down his office. Rudy Giuliani, on the FBI's warranted search of Michael Cohen's house, office and hotel room for documents related to Cohen's $130,000 hush money payment to Stormy Daniels [Cohen said they knocked on his door] © 2018
Trumpists say The only question is: Is God going to allow our nation to enter a time of judgment for our collective sins? Or is he going to give us one more chance to restore the foundations and return to Him? Mike Johnson peeved by the number of young people who “identify as something other than straight” © 2023
Trumpists say The only thing Donald Trump is guilty of is being a threat to Joe Biden’s reelection. Tom Cotton © 2024
Trumpists say The only thing I regret, I misspelled “martial law.” Ralph Norman,  responding when asked by CNN's Kaitlin Collins if he regretted sending an email to Trump's chief of staff, Mark Meadows, telling him to urge Trump to overturn the 2020 election by invoking “Marshall Law” © 2024
Trumpists say The only thing worse than a woman who doesn’t know her place, is a man who doesn’t know his. Mark Robinson, 2024 Republican candidate for governor of NC © 2024
Trumpists say Our elections are a circus, run by clowns. Kari Lake © 2022
Trumpists say Our opponents of judicial nominees frequently claim the president has outsourced his selection of judges. I’ve been a member of the Federalist Society since law school — still am. So, frankly, it seems like it’s been insourced. Don McGahn, November 17, 2017, Trump's White House counsel, to a lawyers convention hosted by the Federalist Society © 2021
Trumpists say Our top generals have turned into woke corporate bozos, and our troops deserve better. Our military leadership  is totally incompetent. No active duty American general has ever won a war. Think about how crazy that is. These people get promoted by giving politcally correct powerpont presentations. Blake Masters, 12:00 PM – Nov 16, 2021 © 2022
Trumpists say People are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. They look at our president as one who equivocates and bloviates. Sarah Palin, 2014 [In 2014, Obama wss "our president"] © 2024
Trumpists say People realize that no one on TV is under oath. Kellyanne Conway  © 2020
< Trumpists say People think if you kiss the guy's ass, you'll get what you want. But it is not as simple as that. Trump likes to establish mutual respect. Anthony Scaramucci © 2018
Trumpists say Personally, no. I do not. I believe life begins at conception. Every life is valuable. And those are my personal beliefs. Philip Gunn, Republican House Speaker in Mississippi, responding to a reporter who asked him on June 24, 2022, just hours after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, whether he thought abortion should be legal in “the case of a 12-year-old girl who was molested by her father or uncle?” © 2022
Trumpists say Please remove your cats and pronouns from your Twitter profiles. Because when I’m Trump’s next attorney general, I’m adding you to the domestic-terrorism watchlist. Mike Davis, president of the Article III Project (A3P), 7:06 PM – Apr 7, 2023 © 2018
Trumpists say The policies that I represent are the policies that are represented by Mr. Trump. They're represented by Mr. Putin. Marie Le Pen © 2022
Trumpists say PPS — "alternative" votes is probably a better term than "fake" votes. Also it sounds like Kelli Ward and the rest of the electors would be very much into the idea. Kelli's thought it to try to keep it under wraps until Congress counts the vote Jan 6th (so we can "surprise" the Dems and media with it) — I tend to agree with her. Jack Wilenchik, Phoenix-based lawyer who helped organize the pro-Trump fake electors in Arizona, in a December 8, 2020, email at 6:59 PM © 2022
Trumpists say President Trump, on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday. Mary Miller, Trump-endorsed candidate for election to the House of Representatives from Illinois's 15th Congressional District, celebrating overturning of Roe v. Wade at a June 25, 2022, Mendon, Illinois rally attended by Trump © 2022
Trumpists say President Trump said he has “been summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami on Tuesday, at 3 PM.” This is a perimeter probe from the oppressors. Hold. rPOTUS has this. Buckle up. 1/50K know your bridges. Rock steady calm. That is all. Clay Higgins, 9:19 PM – Jun 8, 2023, responding to the DOJ's 37-count indictment against Trump for mishandling classified documents [NOTE: he says “President Trump”, not “former/ex-President Trump”] [NOTE: “rPOTUS” is Trumpspeak for “real President of the United States”] © 2023
Trumpists say The president's entitled to an attorney general he has faith in, somebody that's qualified for the job, and I think there will come a time, sooner rather than later, where it will be time to have a new face and a fresh voice at the Department of Justice. Lindsey Graham, August 23, 2018, endorsing firing AG Jeff Sessions and replacing him with someone who will end Special Counsel Mueller's investigations of collusion and obstruction of justice © 2018
Trumpists say The President's new at this. He's new to government. So, he probably wasn't steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI and White Houses. He's just new to this. Paul Ryan explaining why Donald Trump asked FBI director James Comey to drop his investigation of Michael Flynn after everyone else at a meeting with them had been asked to leave the room © 2018
Trumpists say The president's prime function as the chief executive ought not be hampered by requests for interview. Having him testify demeans the office of the president before the world. John M. Dowd and Jay A. Sekulow,  Trump's lawyers, in a letter to Special Counsel Robert Mueller © 2018
Trumpists say The problem is the human heart, it’s not guns, it’s not the weapons. At the end of the day, we have to protect the right of the citizens to protect themselves, and that’s the Second Amendment, and that’s why our party stands so strongly for that. This is not the time to be talking about legislation. In Europe and in other places, they use vehicles to mow down crowds at parades — where they’ve done that here at the United States. It’s not the weapon, it’s the underlying problem. Mike Johnson, October 27, 2023, a day after a shooter in Lewiston, Maine, killed 18 and wounded 13 in 2023's 565th mass shooting  © 2023
Trumpists say The problem the Democrats are gonna have is really simple. Everything they're gonna charge Trump with will be irrelevant to most Americans. You're driving your kids to soccer, you're worried about your mom in the nursing home, and you're thinking about your job, and you're going, This is Washington crap. Newt Gingrich © 2018
Trumpists say The process [of getting the Supreme Court to overturn a New York jury's unanimous conviction of Trump on 34 felony counts] takes a while to play out. The Democrats know that, of course, and they're dragging it out  That was the whole objective. They want to try to bankrupt Donald Trump. They want to diminish his credibility and go after his character. They wanted to keep him off the campaign trail, which they were successful in doing, for many weeks. And now they want to call him a “convicted felon.” Mike Johnson, to Fox & Friends, May 30, 2024, blaming Trump's conviction on Democrats instead of Trump's felonious acts © 2024
Trumpists say Putin: big, strong, muscular on a horse. There’s Obama riding a little bicycle with a helmet on. Sean Hannity, 2014 © 2024
Trumpists say Putin won’t lose. He will not lose. He’s not gonna lose. Ron Johnson justifying voting against military aid to Ukraine © 2024
< Trumpists say Putin's FANTASTIC counter-offer: He'll turn over the alleged Russian spies, if U.S. turns over: thieving oligarchs, Mueller & Strzok. ("law enforcement officials") Ann Coulter, 8:45 AM - 16 Jul 2018 © 2018
Trumpists say Replacement theory is real. Scott Perry © 2024
Trumpists say Republicans will never lose another election in Wisconsin after I'm elected governor. Tim Michels, 2022 Republican candidate for governor, who also said he'd consider decertifying Biden's win in Wisconsin in 2020, promising to make Wisconsin “voter proof,” like Putin's Russia and Xi Jinping's China © 2022
Trumpists say Resolved. That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that former President Donald J. Trump did not engage in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or give aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. Resolution that Matt Gaetz, Andy Biggs, Marjorie Taylor Greene and other far-righters are trying to get passed by the House © 2024
Trumpists say The rule of law appears to be suspended  tonight — not just for Trump, but for anyone who would consider voting for him. This is what it seems to be. It is a political purge. [It's] probably not the best time to give up your AR-15. Tucker Carlson, March 30, 2023, on a Manhattan grand jury's indictment of Trump for crimes related to paying hush money to Stormy Daniels © 2022
Trumpists say Science has become a home for displaced socialists and communists. Rush Limbaugh © 2022
Trumpists say Short of the nuclear codes being written on these documents in a locked behind closed doors, I just really don't understand how a document could warrant this kind of . . . warrant. Dana Perino, August 11, 2022, during Fox News’ The Five, commenting on the court-ordered search by the FBI of Trump's home ta Mar-a-Lago © 2022
Trumpists say Shut up! Shut up! Virginia Foxx, one of Mike Johnson's supporters surrounding him during a press conference  following his election as Speaker of the House, shouting at the reporter who asked him about his deep involvement in attempts to overturn the election and Trump's attempted coup, which he refused to answer and to which the others chanted "Boo! Boo!" in unison  © 2023
Trumpists say Since more illegal immigrants are rushing the border, more kids are being separated from their parents and temporarily housed in what are essentially summer camps. Laura Ingraham © 2018
Trumpists say Since we don't control the air, our good air decided to float over to China's bad air, so when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move. So it moves over to our good air space. Then, now, we got to clean that back up while they’re messing ours up. Herschel Walker, July 9, 2022 © 2022
Trumpists say So-shull-izz -ummm! Chant when Trump mentions it at rallies © 2019
< Trumpists say So what? They're Muslim. Katrina Pierson, Trump spokeswoman, dismissing concerns about Trump's ban on Muslims © 2022
Trumpists say Some credit the fall of Rome to not only the deprivation of the society and the loss of morls, but also to the rampant homosexual behavior that was condoned by the society. Mike Johnson © 2023
Trumpists say Some folks need killing! It’s time for somebody to say it. It’s not a matter of vengeance.  It’s not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It’s a matter of necessity! Mark Robinson, Republican candidate for governor of NC, on “people who have evil intent” and "wicked people,” which includes socialists, communists, and others supposedly persecutng conservatives  © 2024
Trumpists say Sorry, I'm late for lunch. Most common response provided by Republican Senators on their way to lunch when asked what they thought about teargassing peaceful protesters in Lafayette Park to clear a path so Trump could stage a photo op awkardly holding, as he said, “a Bible” in front of St. John's Episcopal Church, which didn't invite or want him there  © 2020
Trumpists say Standard gargle, mouthwash, has been proven to kill the coronavirus. Ron Johnson [LISTERINE® denied Johnson's claim] © 2023
Trumpists say Standing back and standing by, Mr. President. Matt Gaetz, 9:42 AM – May 16, 2024, echoing Trump's call to the Proud Boys from outside the courthouse where Trump  is on trial for paying hush money to Stormy Daniels © 2024
< Trumpists say Substantive due process … has harmed our country in many ways.  Accordingly, we should eliminate it from our  jurisprudence at the earliest opportunity. Clarence Thomas, in his concurring opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, the case the Supreme Court used to overturn Roe v. Wade [Substantive due process refers to rights that are not specifically mentioned in the Fourteenth Amendment, but nevertheless have been the basis on which the Court has affirmed various privacy rights, such as the rights to use contraceptives, engage in homosexual acts, and marry someone of the same sex] © 2022
Trumpists say The suggestion that there's going to be civil discourse in this country for the foreseeable future is over … it's going to be total war. I do two things, I vote and I buy guns. Joseph diGenova © 2021
Trumpists say Take it from me rumors and headlines don't equal truth. I stand with @mattgaetz Marjorie Taylor Greene, 11:00 AM – Mar 31, 2021 © 2021
Trumpists say Thank god for air conditioning. Let's talk about refrigerators. I personally like my refrigerator. I know you all like yours.  What about washing machines and dryers? Lord please God don't make me scrub clothes in a bucket and have to hang them out on a line when we switch over to wind turbines and solar panels. I'm gonna be really pissed off about that. I mean, how absurd is this? I like the lights on. I wanna stay up later at night. I don't want to have to go to bed when the sun sets. It's so silly! I mean, all of this is insane. Marjorie Taylor Greene © 2022
Trumpists say Thank God no one is accusing us any more of interfering in elections in the United States. Now they are blaming Ukraine. Vladimir Putin © 2019
< Trumpists say Thank you, Mr. President. And just the greatest privilege of my life is to serve as the — as vice president to the president who's keeping his word to the American people and assembling a team that's bringing real change, real prosperity, real strength back to our nation. Mike Pence © 2018
Trumpists say Thank you, President Trump, for allowing us to have you as our President. Diane Black, Tennessee congresswoman © 2018
Trumpists say That [the Mueller Report] was a proud moment because I knew he's been telling the truth from the beginning, and now it's been proven by our Justice Department. Attendee at Trump's 2020 campaign kickoff rally quoted by The Atlantic, June 19, 2019  © 2019
Trumpists say There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE. “Trust The Science.”   Sign denying the existence of transgender people Marjorie Taylor Greene hung outside her office  across the hall from the office of Marie Newman, who had hung a trans pride flag to honor her trans daughter and to commemorate the House passing the Equality Act, which Greene had tried to block © 2023
Trumpists say There hasn't been any non-evidence yet. A Trump supporter's response when asked why she believes QAnon's conspiracy theory that the government was run by pedophilic Democrats and Hollywood celebrities before Trump's ascension © 2018
Trumpists say There is a very scientific word for this: it’s called summer.  It’s no hotter right now than it’s ever been. I’ve been in this heat all my life in July and August as a football coach. This world’s not heating up, come on. Tommy Tuberville © 2023
Trumpists say There is no such thing, unfortunately, as facts anymore. Scottie Nell Hughes, Kellyanne Conway's aide  © 2018
Trumpists say There is one peron that changes this climate in this country and that is God. OK? Tommy Tuberville (renowned, but not for climate science) © 2021
Trumpists say There is one person that changes climate in this country, and that is God. Ron Johnson, a.k.a. “the Wizard of Wisconsin” © 2023
Trumpists say There’s an insurrection happening now on Capitol Hill. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 2:59 PM – Oct 18, 2023, equating protestors at the Capitol calling for a cease fire in Gaza Strip to the attack by January 6 insurrectionists © 2023
Trumpists say There should not be involvement from the federal government in how states decide their abortion decisions. As a physician, I've been in the room when there’s some difficult conversations happening. I don’t want the federal government involved with that at all. I want women, doctors, local political leaders, letting the democracy that's always allowed our nation to thrive to put the best ideas forward so states can decide for themselves. Mehmet Oz  [imaging states are the best protectors of rights and "local political leaders" are impartial] © 2022
Trumpists say There should not be involvement from the federal government in how states decide their abortion decisions. As a physician, I've been in the room when there’s some difficult conversations happening. I don’t want the federal government involved with that at all. I want women, doctors, local political leaders, letting the democracy that's always allowed our nation to thrive to put the best ideas forward so states can decide for themselves. Mehmet Oz  [imaging states are the best protectors of rights and "local political leaders" are impartial] © 2022
Trumpists say There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration. Mike Pompeo, explaining why he won't let officials in the State Department participate in the transition to the Biden administration © 2020
Trumpists say There will be a smooth transition, and I believe President Trump will have a very good inaugural. Kevin McCarthy, September 24, 2020 © 2021
Trumpists say There will be riots in the streets. Lindsey Graham, predicting what will happen if Trump is prosecuted for stealing classified documents © 2022
Trumpists say There will be no difference between the president's position and our position as to how to handle this. [Senate Republicans will be] in total coordination with the White House counsel's office and the people representing the president in the well of the Senate. Mitch McConnell, on letting Trump set the rules for his impeachment trial in the Senate © 2019
Trumpists say There’s a lot of developments yet to come, but I do believe the Supreme Court should step in, obviously, This is totally unprecedented. And it's dangerius to our system. … This is dimishing the American people's faith in our system of justice itself … I think that the justices on the court — I know many of them personally —  I think they’re deeply concerned about that  as we are. So I think they’ll set this straight, but it’s going to take awhile. Mike Johnson, to Fox & Friends, May 30, 2024, expecting Trump's Supreme Court to overturn a New York jury that unanimously convicted Trump of committing 34 felonies to win election © 2024
Trumpists say There's a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door. And that's what bad faith Justin Trudeau did with that stunt press conference. That's what weak, dishonest Justin Trudeau did, and that comes right from Air Force One. Peter Navarro, Trump's trade adviser, kvetching about Canada's Prime Minisiter, who, after Trump fled the G7 Summit to meet with Kim Jong-un, held a press conference in which he promised retaliation for imposing tariffs on Canadian goods and calling Canada a threat to America's national security © 2018
Trumpists say There's a widely held view among our members that, yes, he's going to say things on a daily basis that we're not going to like but that the broad legislative agenda and goals that we have – if we can stay focused on those and try and get that stuff enacted – those would be big wins. John Thune © 2018
Trumpists say There’s ethnic specialization in crime. And Hispanics do specialize in rape, particularly of children. They’re very prone to it, compared to other groups. Peter Brimelow, VDARE founder and anti-immigrant immigrant © 2023
Trumpists say There's going to be MAGA in the room counting votes because only MAGA can count fair. Steve Bannon © 2022
< Trumpists say There's no next election. This is it! There's no more time for us left! Rudy Giuliani, at the 2016 Republican National Convention © 2019
Trumpists say There's nothing wrong with taking information from Russians. They shouldn't have stolen it, but the American people were just given more information. Rudy Giuliani © 2019
Trumpists say  These are not innocent Palestinian civilians. Brian Mast,  when asked about Palestinian babies killed by Israeli attackers in Gaza © 2024
Trumpists say These folks [the Wisconsin Republicans who posed as fake electors in the 2020 election] did nothing different than what many Democrats have done in many states. It has happened repeatedly. Ron Johnson, valedictorian of his class at the  Goebbels Schule des öffentlichen Diskurses, in a typically evidence-free claim © 2023
Trumpists say They [Democrats] are not soft on crime. They’re pro-crime. They want crime. They want crime because they want to take over what you got. They want to control what you have. They want reparations because they think  the people that do the crime are owed that. Bullshit! They are not owed that. Tommy Tuberville © 2022
Trumpists say They [“little Twitter trolls”] like to say: “Oh, Jesus didn’t need an AR-15. How many AR-15s do you think Jesus would have had?” Well, he didn’t have enough to keep his government from killing him. Lauren Boebert © 2022
Trumpists say They’re Bolsheviks, so, they probably do hate the American founders and most White people in general.  This is a Bolshevistic anti-White campaign. If you can’t see that, your eyes are freaking closed. And so, they see me as a young Christian who they can try to basically scare, right? And, so today was just a lot of saying that I am invoking my right to silence under executve privilege in the Fifth Amendment. Garrett Ziegler, 6:51 PM – Jul 20, 2022, in an audio-only livestream after testifying to  the January 6th committee about sneaking Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Patrick Byrne into the White House to convince Trump to seize voting machines and declare martial law © 2022
Trumpists say  They’re going through woke training. Their toxic masculinity is completely not accepted, even though, what are the military for? I would think toxic masculinity would be a No. 1 requirement.  Marjorie Taylor Greene, who suffers from toxic masculinity, on today's military recruits © 2022
Trumpists say This decision is a disgrace to the rule of law and our Constitution. Dems invented a felony to ‘get Trump,’ with the help of a Soros funded prosecutor and a Biden donor Judge, who rigged the entire case to get this outcome. This isn’t justice, it’s election interference. J. D.Vance, May 30, 2024, kvetching beause Trump was unanimously convicted by a jury of his peers of 34 felonies related to election interference during the 2016 presidential election, in what is a transparent attempt to better his chances of becoming Trump's running mate in 2024 © 2024
Trumpists say This guy's got more stamina  than anybody I've ever met. I mean, I thought I was in good shape. I mean, it's unbelievable. He's constantly doing things.  Steven Mnuchin © 2019
Trumpists say This is a great, great teachable moment here, this whole thing with Trump and McCain. [Americans] have not seen an embattled public figure stand up for himself, double down and tell everybody to go to hell. Rush Limbaugh, defending Trump for saying John McCain, who spent years as a POW rather than receive early release not offered to enlisted men, was not a war hero © 2020
Trumpists say This is a lynching, in every sense. This is un-American. Lindsey Graham,, on the impeachment inquiry into Trump © 2019
Trumpists say This is a war on Christianity. The Ukrainian government is attacking Christians; the Ukrainian government is executing priests. Russia is not doing that. They are not attacking Christianity. As a matter of fact, they seem to be protecting it. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Putinist, who thinks Ukrainians are not Christians and bombing hundreds of their churches is, 11:52 AM – Apr 8, 2024  © 2024
Trumpists say This is the best president of my recollection. Rudy Giuliani, May 2, 2018, at age 74 © 2018
Trumpists say This is the fucking American Dream she is shitting on. Leon Cooperman, billionaire convicted of insider trading, responding to Elizabeth Warren's proposed two/three cent wealth tax on every dollar over $50 million/$1 billion in wealth © 2021
< Trumpists say Those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House. Steven Cheung, Trump 2024 campaign spokesman, responding to people who point out that Trump's calling his critics “vermin” and claiming that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country” is the exact same rhetoric used by fascist dictators Hitler and Mussolini  © 2023
Trumpists say  To authorize the prosecution of a president  for official acts would open a Pandora’s box from which this nation may never recover. D. John Sauer, a lawyer for Trump, who told the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit that a president cannot be criminally prosecuted after leaving office for any official act he performed while in it unless s/he had been impeached and convicted while in it, even if the act was to order a Seal team to assassinate her/his political rivals [Presumably, Sauer would argue that the Seal team members could not be tried or convicted for obeying an illegal order if the president had pardoned them while s/he was still in office] © 2024
Trumpists say To be honest, it's been a complete shit show since [Trump] left the White House. Nancy Mace © 2024
Trumpists say To be white is to be a striver, a crusader, an explorer, and a conqueror. We build, we produce, we go upward, and we recognize the central lie of American race relations. We don't exploit other groups.  We don't gain anything from their presence.  They need us and not the other way around. Richard Spencer © 2022
Trumpists say To say no to President Donald Trump would be to say no to God. Paula White, Trump's head of faith outreach to evangelical Christians © 2019
Trumpists say To what do you attribute these incredible advances? Jeanine Pirro, asking him a leading question after ballyhooing about economic growth © 2018
Trumpists say  Today is a shameful day in American history. Democrats cheered as they convicted the leader of the opposing party on ridiculous charges, predicated on the testimony of a disbarred, convicted felon. This was a purely political exercise, not a legal one. Mike Johnson, 5:10 PM – May 30, 2024, Speaker of the House of Reprsentatives, saying our judicial system is corrupt because Donald Trump was unanimously convicted of 34 felonies by a jury that was approved by lawyers from both sides and that included someone who said, during jury selection, that Trump's Truth Social social media platform is his primary source of news  © 2024
Trumpists say  Today is a very sad day in American history. We have never in over two centuries of our nation's history had a new president who launched the entire Department of Justice, the entire machinery of justice on a vendetta to persecute, to attack, to investigate, to indict, to try to throw in jail the former president who, it should be noted, is also currently the leading contender on the Republican side to run against the current president. Ted Cruz, after the DOJ indicted Trump for mishandling classified documents and participating in a conspiracy to obstruct justice, © 2023
Trumpists say Today is 1776. Lauren Bobert, QAnon's representative from Colorado, 8:30 AM – Jan 6, 2021 © 2021
Trumpists say Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. There is no vaccine and no booster for it. Cosseted in their social media bubbles and comforted within self-selected communities suffering from sameness, the afflicted disguise their hatred for Mr. Trump as a righteous call for justice or a solemn love of democracy and country. So desperate is the incessant cry to “get Trump!” that millions of otherwise pleasant and productive citizens have become naggingly less so. Kellyanne Conway, New York Times, January 13, 2023 © 2023
Trumpists say Trump fans should be happy he lost; it might’ve kept him alive. /end Darryl Cooper, a.k.a. MartyrMade, 2:27 PM – Jul 8, 2021 © 2021
Trumpists say Trump is fucking crazy, but I'll vote for him. The whole system is fucked. Why not vote for the craziest guy, to see the craziest shit happen? Jason Molina, an ex-Obama voter quoted by Politico in 2016 explaining why he'll vote for Trump © 2023
Trumpists say [Trump] is highly biblical, and I would say to your listeners, we will in all likelihood never see a more godly, biblical president again in our lifetime. So we need to be not only praying for him, we need to support him, in my opinion, in every possible way that we can. Michele Bachmann, on “Understanding These Times,” a conservative Christian radio show © 2019
Trumpists say Trump’s the president. He runs the country, but he’s also the king. There’s no other president that will be the king. A Mar-a-Lago club member who agreed to be quoted in the November 24, 2022, Financial Times, but refused to reveal his name because “Some readers won’t like that.  Some readers don't like royalty. The world is changing a lot.” © 2022
Trumpists say The Trumps will be a dynasty that will last for decades, propelling the Republican Party into a new party. One that will adapt to changing cultures. Brad Parscale, his 2020 campaign manager © 2019
Trumpists say Truth isn't truth. Rudy Giuliani © 2018
Trumpists say Trying to stand against President Trump and his historic record of accomplishment will be impossible. Lou Dobbs © 2024
Trumpists say The U. S. is a white nation. Peter Brimelow, February 25, 2022 © 2022
Trumpists say Vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo just like the Nazi's forced Jewish people to wear a gold star. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 7:22 AM – May 25, 2021, equating employees of a supermarket chain that were allowed to go maskless if they wore vaccination logos to assure customers they had been vaccinated to Jews living in Nazi Germany  © 2021
Trumpists say  Wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested Chryon appearing at the end of “Fox News Tonight”, hosted by Brian Kilmeade, below split-screen footage of Biden and Trump, following Trump's arraignment in Miami for mishandling classified documents and participating in a conspiracy to obstruct justice [Kilmeade introduced his coverage of Trump's response to being arraigned by calling Trump “the president of the United States”] © 2023
Trumpists say Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol, and walk through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion, staying between the stanchions and ropes, taking videos and pictures. You know, if you didn't know that TV footage was a a video from January the sixth, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit. Andrew Clyde, May 12, 2021, Republican House member representing Georgia's 9th congressional district, who also brags of being “one of the members” who “helped barricade the door [to the House] until almost 3pm,” which he must think is customary when tourists visit the House  © 2021
< Trumpists say We are going to be the first president that’s going to be willing to lean against the Mexican drug cartels. … If they’re trying to bring fentanyl into our communities that’s going to be the last thing they do because at the border they’re going to be shot stone cold dead. Ron DeSantis, July 30, 2023, to cheering attendees at a barbecue in Rye, New Hampshire © 2023
Trumpists say We are going to kill the Biden presidency in the crib. Steve Bannon, bragging to Donald Trump about the insurrection he and others were plotting © 2021
Trumpists say We are in the process of  taking this country back. We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be. Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, leader of Project 2025, creators of a plan for implementing authoritarian rule during a second Trump term, should there be one  © 2024
Trumpists say We aren’t getting through this without a civil war. Stewart Rhodes, leader of the Oath Keepers, two days after the 2020 election © 2022
Trumpists say We came here and created a blank slate. We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean, there was nothing here. I mean, yes we have Native Americans, but candidly, there isn't much Native American culture in American culture. Rick Santorum © 2021
Trumpists say We control the budget, we control the power of the purse. If Speaker Johnson supports Trump like he claims, he should stop the special counsel Jack Smith and he should be using the power of the purse to hold New York accountable for the sham convictions against President Trump.  The entire thing is political, it’s outrageous, and our country has completely turned a corner. Marjorie Taylor Greene, calling for an end to investigations of Trump and for withholding federal funds for social pograms in state whose citizens uphold the rule of law in the face of threats to themselves and families © 2024
Trumpists say [W]e demand, we absolutely demand that the criminals, the criminals in this country, if you want them held accountable, the criminals are Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, this entire criminal cabal that came about as a result of the murder of  John F. Kennedy, the people that perpetrated  the murder of John F. Kennedy, rise up to that. Military, join us and put all of them up against a concrete wall, just like [Romanian dictator Nicolae] Ceaușescu, and do what we must do to save not just our country, the entire world. Pete Santilli, on what to do if Trump is arrested or indicted by New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who, like Obama, Holder, and Rice, is black © 2023
Trumpists say We did not send him there to vote his conscience. We did not send him there to do the right thing  or whatever he said he was doing. We sent him there to represent us. Dave Ball, Washington County, PA, GOP Chairman, giving the finger to Sen. Pat Toomey for voting to impeach Trump the seocnd time around © 2021
Trumpists say We don’t need a federal ban [on abortion] when we have Comstock on the books. I think the pro-life groups should  keep their mouths shut as much as possible until the [2024] election. Jonathan Mitchell [Their objective is to estsblish a nationwide ban on abortion by enforcing the Comstock Act  of 1873, which makes it illegal to use the mail to  distribute anything “obcene,” including anything pertaining to abortion and contracepti0n] © 2024
Trumpists say We go to the people [in 2018] and say the following, Do you want to vote for impeachment? Do you want to impeach a president? You want to have Nancy Pelosi running the House of Representatives? Psst! Forget it! Rudy Giuliani, May 2, 2018 © 2018
Trumpists say We got elected on Drain the Swamp, Lock Her Up, Build the Wall. … This was pure anger. Anger and fear is what gets people to the polls. Steve Bannon © 2020
Trumpists say We got ISIS, we got Zika, we got this, we got that. At least Trump is fun to watch. Jason Molina, an ex-Obama voter quoted by Politico in 2016 explaining why he'll vote for Trump © 2023
Trumpists say We have now reached a war phase. Eye for an eye. Andy Biggs, 2:46 PM – Jun 9, 2023, responding to the unsealing of the DOJ's 37-count indictment against Trump in connection with his handling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago © 2023
< Trumpists say We have successfully frozen their brand — “critical race theory” — into the public conversation and are steadily driving up negative perceptions. We will eventually turn it toxic, as we put all of the various cultural insanities under that brand category. Christopher F. Rufo, 3:14 PM – Mar 15, 2021 © 2022
Trumpists say We have to blur some faces of persons who participated in the events of that day because we don’t want them to be retaliated against and to be charged by the DOJ. Mike Johnson, December 5, 2023, who tried to overturn the 2020 election, here obstructing justice by trying to prevent online slueths who've helped identify hundreds  of Capitol rioters from seeing the faces of rioters in previously unreleased footage of the attack on the Capitol, while simultaneously making himself an accessory after the fact to multiple federal crimes, in announcng he's releasing doctored versions of all footage of the attack in an attempt to counter the narrative of the January 6 commission report © 2023
Trumpists say We have to ensure that  every single penny of every dollar donated [to the Republican National Committee] goes to causes that people care about. That’s part of the reason that I think I’m such a great fit for this.  There’s no one more loyal to Donald Trump  and the Make America Great Again move- ment than this person you’re looking at right here; than me. Lara Trump, Etric's wife and Trump's daughter-in-law on her appointment as co-chair of the RNC [The “causes” are reelecting Donald Trump and paying his legal bills; nothing else.] © 2024
Trumpists say We'll just wake up Thursday after this absurd impeachment vote and say, “Well, that was quite a Season 3 finale. What's going to happen in Season 4? He's the most resilient politician the country has ever seen.” Cliff Sims, former Trump White House aide, pooh-poohing Trump's impeachment © 2019
Trumpists say We need to work with Israel to track serial numbers on any U.S. weapons used by Hamas against Israel. Did they come from Afghanistan? Did they come from Ukraine? Highly likely the answer is both. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 8:07 AM — Oct 8, 2023   [The Russian state news agency, RT, fact-checked Greene's claims and concluded, “Thus far, no solid evidence has emerged to support these claims”] © 2023
Trumpists say We need to have more kids,  we need to have an opportunity to do that,  and I thought this was the right thing to do. Tommy Tuberville,  on why he supports the Alabama Supreme Court's decision that effectively banned IVF (in vitro fertilization) in the state © 2024
Trumpists say We only have one choice for Speaker: President Donald J. Trump His policies stopped the globalists and communists more than anyone else. He is the leader of the Republican Party and the only person we can trust to Save America. Marjorie Taylor Greene, 5:18 PM — Oct 4, 2023  © 2023
Trumpists say We’re facing what was called in the case of the Civil War an irrepressible conflict. But this is America. People have guns. It will come to blood.  Peter Brimelow, VDARE founder and anti-immigrant immigrant © 2023
< Trumpists say We’re in a religious war here. I am with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place. Lindsey Graham, referring to Israel's war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip © 2023
Trumpists say We’re not a racist country, Brian. We never have been. Nikki Haley to Fox News’s Brian Kilmeade, despite recounting tales of the racism she experienced growing up in Bamberg, SC, in her autobiography, Can't Is Not An Option © 2024
Trumpists say  We’re not here on this earth to please man — we're here to please God. Leigh Wambsganss, executive director, Patriot Mobile Action, a conservative Christian nationalist group intent on taking over schoolboards everywhere in America © 2022
Trumpists say We’re the railhead of the big steal every day, with every aspect of it, and we take pride in it. I’m adamant. There shouldn’t be anybody in the Trump campaign or the RNC in a paid position that does not believe to the marrow of their bones that the 2020 election was stolen. If you don’t believe that, to me, you miss the point of where we are. and why we’re here. Steve Bannon © 2024
< Trumpists say We should string you up by a lamppost right now. You're running into a patriot now. Justin Andersch, conspiracy theorist, after unleasing a string of racial and anti-government empithets toward Nevada's governor Steve Sisolak and his wife, Kathy, who is of Chinese heritage and calling her a "working-for-China piece of shit” in a Las Vegas restaurant © 2022
Trumpists say We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid [to Palestinians being starved by Israelis]. It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick. Tim Walberg, pastor and self-described "good Christian" who also thinks LGBTQ people should be killed © 2024
Trumpists say We still know what records are, right? On the thing you put the needle down on and play it. Bill Castor, Jr., Trump's legal counsel, in his Day 1 remarks during Trump's second impeachment trial © 2021
Trumpists say We want family separation. Anna Paulina Luna © 2024
Trumpists say We weren’t there to steal things. We weren’t there to do damage. We were just there to overthrow the government. A 56-year-old female participant in the January 6 assault on the Capitol quoted by Robert Kagan, Washington Post, September 23, 2021 © 2021
Trumpists say We will go out and find the conspirators, not just in government but in the media. Yes, we’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections — we’re going to come after you. Whether it’s criminally or civilly, we’ll figure that out. But yeah, we’re putting you all on notice. Kash Patel, December 5, 2023e © 2023
Trumpists say We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here. Kayleigh McEnany, Trump's latest – fourth – press secretary, February 25, 2020 © 2020
Trumpists say We will vote to confirm Justice Kennedy's successor this fall. It is imperative that the president's nominee be considered fairly and not be subjected to personal attacks. Mitch McConnell, June 27, 2018, Republican Senate Majority Leader who had prevented the Senate from even considering Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court, trying to affect the 2018 midterm elections by guaranteeing appointment of whoever Trump would nominate at a later date © 2018
Trumpists say We would just be sending in ‘fake’ electoral votes to Pence so that ‘someone’ in Congress can make an objection when they start counting votes, and start arguing that the ‘fake’ votes should be counted. Jack Wilenchik, Phoenix-based lawyer who helped organize the pro-Trump fake electors in Arizona, in a December 8, 2020, email to Trump adviser Boris Epshteyn © 2022
Trumpists say Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely.  We didn’t get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this, right here. All glory is not to government. All glory to God. Jack Posobiec, the Pizzagate conspiracy theorist, addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference, (CPAC 2024), to applause and huzzahs © 2024
Trumpists say Well, I see good things about Hitler.  Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler. But this guy that invented highways, invented the very microphone that I use as a musician, you can't say out loud that this person ever did anything good and I’m done with that. I’m done with the classifications. We’ve got to stop dissing the Nazis all the time. They did good things too.  Kanye West, a.k.a. Ye, responding to Alex Jones,  who said “You’re not Hitler. You’re not a Nazi. You don’t deserve to be called that and demonized.” © 2022
Trumpists say Well, it seems to me that being elected by the Electoral College is a threshold where a title like that is probably most appropriate, and it's, I suppose you can say official, if there is such a thing as official president-elect, or anything-else-elect. Kevin Cramer, Republican Senator from North Dacovid, who would rather make an ass of himself than call Joe Biden “president-elect”  © 2020
Trumpists say We’ve got so many regulations, taxes and controls and spending and everything. Get back to the fundamentals. Less government involvement. We should have an army, a military. That's  about it. Otherwise, just stay out of the way. I tend to agree with Sandy, just hoping that we could start letting the Constitution be the Constitution and let us have our rights with freedom of speech and just start living the way that they did hundreds of years ago, when they believed in our country. Sandy, 48, white, Calif., property manager, and Michael, 65, white, Utah, retired, participants in New York Times focus group, asked about signs that would indicate to them that American democracy is healthy © 2023
Trumpists say What, are you kidding me? I'm about to fly to Paris and shoot 'em in the head myself! I am not OK with Syrian refugees. I'm not OK with terrorists. I'm OK with putting them down, blacking them out, just put a piece of brass in their ocular cavity and end their miserable life. I’m good with that. Michele Fiore, currently seeking Trump's endorsement in her run to become governor of Nevada, explaining her opposition to settling Syrian refugees in Nevada in 2015 © 2022
Trumpists say What I can tell you about the Trump policy toward Ukraine. It was incoherent. It depends on who you talk to; they seem to be incapable of forming a quid pro quo. Lindsey Graham, November 6, 2019, rolling out the latest/6th Republican defence of Trump's extortionate call with Ukraine's president, following earlier defences that: 1- there was nothing wrong with the call, 2- there was no quid pro quo, 3- we do quid pro quos all the time, 4- evidence about the call is second-hand, 5- extorting a foreign country for personal and partisan political advantage is not an impeachable offense © 2019
Trumpists say We’ve got so many regulations, taxes and controls and spending and everything. Get back to the fundamentals. Less government involvement. We should have an army, a military. That's  about it. Otherwise, just stay out of the way. I tend to agree with Sandy, just hoping that we could start letting the Constitution be the Constitution and let us have our rights with freedom of speech and just start living the way that they did hundreds of years ago, when they believed in our country. Sandy, 48, white, Calif., property manager, and Michael, 65, white, Utah, retired, participants in New York Times focus group, asked about signs that would indicate to them that American democracy is healthy © 2023
Trumpists say What I would tell Bibi is that Israel has the right and the responsibility to defend itself. I would tell him to smoke those terrorists on the southern border. And I would tell him as president of the United States, I'll be smoking the terrorists on our southern border. Vivek Ramaswamy, when asked during the November 8, 2023, Republican presidential debate what advice he would give Benjamin Netanyahu about Israel's ongoing war with Hamas © 2023
Trumpists say What is the downside for humoring him for this little bit of time? No one seriously thinks the results will change. He went golfing this weekend. It's not like he's plotting how to prevent Joe Biden from taking power on Jan. 20. He's tweeting about filing some lawsuits, those lawsuits will fail, then he'll tweet some more about how the election was stolen, and then he'll leave. An anonymous senior Republican official quoted by the Washington Post on November 10, 2020 © 2023
Trumpists say  What patriots do?  We fuckin’ disarm them [Capitol police] and then we storm the fuckin’ Capitol! Scott Fairlamb, insurrectionist from New Jersey, message sent to fellow insurrectionists © 2021
Trumpists say What's one way to get rid of a Supreme Court justice in order to get the kind of people that you want on it? Hunting. Marlene Bourne, the "ghost woman" Fox News relied on as its source for claims of election fraud during the 2020 presidential election, who believes Antonin Scalia was murdered as he was being hunted for sport during a weeklong human hunting expedition at the annual Bohemian Grove camp © 2023
Trumpists say When do you think we can have this parade? Because I want to go to the parade! Jeanine Pirro, after he said he wanted a military parade like the one he saw in Paris © 2018
Trumpists say When I'm secretary of state of Nevada, we are going to fix it, and when my coalition of secretary of state candidates around the country get elected, we're going to fix the whole country, and President Trump is going to be president again in 2024. Jim Marchant, Republican candidate for Secretary of State in Nevada in 2022 and head of a coalition of election deniers running for secretary of state in key battleground states © 2022
Trumpists say When is there not a proud moment when you have Donald Trump as your president? Attendee at Trump's 2020 campaign kickoff rally quoted by The Atlantic, June 19, 2019  © 2019
Trumpists say When the whole thing is over, things might get cleaned up with some presidential pardons. Rudy Giuliani, Trump's lawyer, dangling pardons before witnesses to limit their cooperation with the Mueller investigation © 2018
Trumpists say When we gaze upon the heavens, never forget that our DNA contains the same ingenuity that put man on the moon. Katie Britt, speaking to Americans during her response to Biden's 2024 SOTU speech © 2024
Trumpists say When you look at a pardon, the issue is less about guilt and more about what's good for the country. And I think it would be terrible for the country to have a former president in prison for years because of a documents case. So I would be inclined to favor a pardon [of Trump if he's convicted of mishandling classified documents]. Nikki Haley, after saying the DOJ's indictment of Trump for mishandling classified documents, if true, shows he was “incredibly reckless with our national security” and put “all of our military men and women in danger” © 2023
Trumpists say Why do we assume that the body’s natural immune system isn’t the marvel that it really is? Why do we think that we can create something better than God in terms of combating disease? Ron Johnson, anti-vaxxer © 2022
Trumpists say Why is it that the women with the least  likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb. Matt Gaetz © 2022
Trumpists say Will Republicans use power? This is my question. Will they wield power, because if you have a single takeaway as the result stands right now, it is that what the Republican electorate wants is a strong executive who utilizes and wields power over his enemies and then destroys his enemies and makes them grovel — makes molten, salty tears flow from their faces, as Ron DeSantis did with Disney. Benny Johnson, the "Godfather of Conservative internet," Nov. 8, 2022, when Republicans won a slim majority in the House in the midterm elections © 2023
Trumpists say With this militant raid on President Trump’s home, we have become Russia. The FBI is the KGB. Michael Caputo, former assistant secretary of public affairs in Trump's Department of Health & Human Services,  commenting on the court-ordered search by the FBI of Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago © 2022
Trumpists say WITCH HUNT!!! They KNOW they can’t beat Trump  at the ballot box, so Biden has WEAPONIZED our entire federal government against him. This is a DARK DAY in American history, but we’ll get the last laugh. Trump will be BACK in the White House!! Ronny Jackson, once Trump's White House doctor, now a Representative from Amarillo, after the DOJ indicted Trump for mishandling classified documents and participating in a conspiracy to obstruct justice, 8:52 PM – Jun 8, 2023 © 2023
Trumpists say Yeah, I do think there's a chance of that [impeaching Biden after the 2022 midterms]. And whether it's justified or not, as we talked about when [my podcast] Verdict [With Ted Cruz] launched, the Democrats weaponized impeachment. They used it for partisan purposes to go after Trump because they disagreed with him. And one of the real disadvantages of doing that is the more you weaponize it and turn it into a partisan cudgel, your know, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Ted “Cancún” Cruz, Harvard Law School graduate, solicitor general of Texas from 2003 to 2008, who thinks Trump was impeached over policy disputes and believes in impeaching opponents “whether it's justified or not” © 2022
Trumpists say Yes. Elise Stefanik, responding when asked if she stood by Trump's claims that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our counttry” [“Stefanik” is not an Iroquois name; it's a Czechoslovakian name.] © 2024
Trumpists say Yes, there may be some short-term pain but in the long run, American workers and American families are going to be better off. We absolutely believe that.  Mick Mulvaney, defending starting trade wars © 2018
Trumpists say Yes, Trump is worse than imperfect. So what? Michael Anton, “The Flight 93 Election” © 2020
Trumpists say We got ISIS, we got Zika, we got this, we got that. At least Trump is fun to watch. Jason Molina, an ex-Obama voter quoted by Politico in 2016 explaining why he'll vote for Trump © 2023
Trumpists say You are living in territory controlled by enemy tribes. You, and all like you, must assume the innocence of anyone remotely like yourself who is charged in any confrontation with those tribes and with their authorities – until proven otherwise beyond a shadow of your  doubt. Take his side. In other words, you must shield others like yourself by practicing and urging “jury nullification.” And, by the way, when the police –a fortiori the FBI – come to talk, you don't know or remember anything – except that they answer to your enemies. Don't be a good German. Angelo Codevilla, October 23, 2020 © 2021
Trumpists say You are one stupid cunt! That pimp you married not only broke his oath, he sold his soul. Yours and christian's too!  Adam's activities have not only hurt this country but countless patriotic and God Fearing families. Therefore, although it might Take time, he will be executed. But don't worry! You and Christian will be joining Adam in hell too! We find it blasphemous that you name the son of the devil Christian! Letter sent to the wife of Adam Kinzinger, the only Republican other than Liz Cheney serving on the select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol © 2022
Trumpists say You call it terrorism. I call it patriotism. Jeremy Joseph Christian, at his sentencing hearing for stabbing two people to death and wounding a third who tried to intervene when he was shouting racist and anti-Muslim slurs at two teenage girls © 2022
Trumpists say You can call it sinful or destructive — ultimately it’s both. Mike Johnson on same-sex marriage  © 2023
Trumpists say You can say Biden won the presidency kind of like O. J. is innocent. Kari Lake © 2022
Trumpists say You can tell Putin’s on top of his game. One thing he said that, it really rung a bell,  is the propaganda media machiney over here, they sell anything they possibly can to go after Russia, We kept forcing NATO all the way to Eastern Europe, and Putin just got tired of it. He said, “Listen, I do not want missiles on my border from the United States. It’d be like Russia coming to Mexico and putting missiles in Mexico.” I can understand what he’s talking about. Tommy Tuberville, justifying voting against aid for Ukraine by echoing Putin's talking points © 2024
Trumpists say You can't possibly not feel as a citizen of the world that his negotiations with North Korea are much more significant than this totally garbage investigation. Rudy Giuliani, claiming Trump has more important things to do than testify to Mueller's team about possible collusion with Russia and obstruction of justice © 2018
Trumpists say You cocksucking little bastard, we're going to get you. We know where you live. We're coming to your house. We're gonna get you boy, you little cocksucking bastard. Phone message received by interns for Adam Kinzinger, one of the two Republicans on the House's select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol © 2022
< Trumpists say You could also argue the countries they've attacked were part of Russia. Or part of the Soviet Union. Rand Paul, responding to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken's statement that the countries invaded by Russia were not members of NATO, and, in doing so, he implied that countries like Georgia, Moldova or Ukraine have no right to self-determination because they were once part of the Soviet Union or Russian Federation © 2022
Trumpists say You could fly around the world on the energy in here tonight. Toni Hunt Kramer, founder of Trumpettes, a superfan group, on Trump's speech at Mar-Lago announcing he's running again in 2024 in a speech lasting more than an hour and that was charitably described by others as “lackluster” © 2022
Trumpists say You fucking traitors! Gabriel A. Garcia, insurrectionist from Miami and pot calling the ketlte black, to Capitol police defending the Capitol © 2021
Trumpists say You guys need to be publicly executed … on pay per view. Email received by a 52-year-old member of the election board in Fulton County, GA, which Biden won and Trump accused of stealing the election © 2021
Trumpists say You have some people in this town saying we need to cut social security and throw our grandparents into poverty. Why? So that one of Zelenskyy’s ministers can buy a bigger yacht? Mike Pence, Mamaw's proud Putinista © 2023
Trumpists say You have to admit that seeing Nancy Pelosi’s lectern being carried away by a Trump supporter is pretty damn funny. Katrina Pierson, Triump 2020 campaign official, on how she got her jollies off during the January 6 insurrection © 2023
Trumpists say You just ended your campaign. Chris LaCivita, 5:57 PM – 5/30/24, Trump's campaign manager, responding to a tweet from Maryland's Republican ex- Governor Larry Hogan, who tweeted, while running for the Senate, “Regardless of the result, I urge all Americans to respect the verdict and the legal process” that resulted in Trump being unanimously convicted of 34 felonies by a New York jury  © 2024
Trumpists say You know, Barack Obama doesn't get to be the President of the United States without being ordained by God. Neither did Donald Trump. Rick Perry © 2019
Trumpists say  You know the good lord used King David. The best I can tell, King David wasn't perfect either. But he was the chosen man of God. Let's go make America great again.  Rick Perry © 2019
Trumpists say You know what? So, I think we should kill ’em all, if that makes you feel better. Everybody in Hamas. Hamas and the Palestinians have been attacking Israel for 20 years. And It’s time to pay the piper.  Andy Ogles © 2024
Trumpists say  You know what women are thinking? ‘This could be my son. This could be my husband.’ If it were me – I'm Sicilian – I would have been hitting people. What they did to him was criminal. Karen Arakelian, Republican Party and Trump supporter in a wealthy northern New Jersey suburb, commenting on Brett Kavanaugh's ranting while defending himself against accusations of sexually assaulting Christine Blasey Ford © 2018
Trumpists say You look at what Russia did – you know, buying some Facebook ads to try to sow dissent and do it – and it's a terrible thing. But I think the investigations, and all of the speculation that's happened for the last two years, has had a much harsher impact on our democracy than a couple of Facebook ads. Jared Kushner © 2019
Trumpists say You need to understand that what they’re doing to President Trump is exactly what they will do to any one of us when they deem us a threat. Marjorie Taylor Greene, June 9, 2023, on the DOJ's indictment of Trump in connection with his handling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago [NOTE: she says “President Trump”, not “former/ex-President Trump”] © 2023
Trumpists say You need 67 votes to remove a president, 47 Democrats and 20 Republicans. I see no sign at all of Republicans abandoning the president. The case is very flimsy. The most I hear from some is that his behaviour was inappropriate but not impeachable. John Barrasso, the number three Senate Republican © 2019
Trumpists say You put very sexy things like abortion and marijuana on the ballot,  and a lot of young people come out and vote. It was a secret sauce for disaster in Ohio. I don't know what they were thinking. Thank goodness that most of the states in this country don't allow you to put everything on the ballot. because democracies are not the way to run a country. Rick santorum, after Republicans in Ohio and elsewhere who attemped to ban abortion and prevent decriminalizing marijuana were defeated in the 2023 off-year elections © 2023
Trumpists say You're going to impeach a president for asking for a favor that didn't happen and – and giving money and it wasn't withheld? I don't know what you would impeach him on. And look, Norah, impeachment is, like, the death penalty for a public official. Nikki Haley to CBS Evening News anchor Norah O'Donnell © 2019
Trumpists say  You're gonna swing for fucking treason, you communist fuck. Phone message received by interns for Adam Kinzinger, one of the two Republicans on the House's select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol © 2022
Trumpists say You’re the biggest piece of shit politician in the world. Why don't you just leave and go away and shut your fucking mouth, you piece of shit. Fuck you. You're a horrible, horrible garbage fucking person. Fuck you. Phone message received by interns for Adam Kinzinger, one of the two Republicans on the House's select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol © 2022
Trumpists say You remember the North Korean leader promised “a Christmas present for America” back in December? Could it be they got together with China and this is that present? Jerry Falwell, Jr., March 13, 2020, hypothesizing about the origins of COVID-19 coronavirus © 2020
Trumpists say You see the Nazi platform in the early 1930s and what was actually put out there … and you look at it compared to like the DNC [Democratic National Committee] and you're saying, man, those things are awfully similar, to a point where it's actually scary. Donald Trump, Jr. © 2018
Trumpists say You son of a bitch. You gave $200 to that black bastard that killed Ashley Babbitt. I hope some sombody like him kills your nasty mom and your nasty wife. It's not a threat. It's a hope.  Wrath of the Lord God Almighty come upon you, your health, your family, your home, your livelihood, and I'll pray that if it be God's will that you suffer. Phone message received by interns for Adam Kinzinger, one of the two Republicans on the House's select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol © 2022
Trumpists say You surely know you can't fly high Without our love and that is why Whenever you waver, all we have to do is Screa-ea-ea-ea-eam, scream, scream, scream Screa-ea-ea-ea-eam, scream, scream, scream “All I Have To Do Is Dream,” by Boudleaux Bryant, when sung by Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh or FoxNews hosts © 2018
Truth We don't have a policy that stipulates that the information you post on Facebook must be true. Facebook, defending its decision to not take down a video created by Trumpists that depicts Nancy Pelosi as drunk and that its fact checkers labeled as “false” © 2019
Ukraine I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, “This is genius.” Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful.  So, Putin is now saying,  “It’s independent,” a large section of Ukraine. I said, “How smart is that?” And he's gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s strongest peace force … We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I've ever seen. There were more army tanks than I've ever seen. They're gonna keep peace all right. No, but think of it. Here’s a guy who's very savvy … I know him very well. Very, very well. Donald Trump, February 22, 2022 © 2022
Wannabe autocrats Donald Trump and his allies have begun mapping out specific plans for using the federal government to punish critics and opponents should he win a second term, with the former president naming individuals he wants to investigate or prosecute and his associates drafting plans to potentially invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office to allow him to deploy the military against civil demonstrations. Much of the planning for a second term has been unofficially outsourced to a partnership of right-wing think tanks in Washington. Dubbed ”Project 2025,” … Project 2025 comprises 75 groups in a collab- oration organized by the Heritage Foundation. Washinton Post, November 5, 2023 © 2023
Wannabe autocrats Former President Trump's allies are pre- screening the ideologies of thousands of potential foot soldiers, as part of an unprecedented operation to centralize and expand his power at every level of the U.S. government if he wins in 2024, officials involved in the effort tell Axios. Hundreds of people are spending tens of millions of dollars to install a pre-vetted, pro- Trump army of up to 54,000 loyalists across  government to rip off the restraints imposed on previous presidents. The screening for ready- to-serve loyalists has already begun, driven in part by artificial intelligence from tech giant Oracle, contracted for the project. Axios, November 12, 2023 © 2023
Wannabe autocrats That is not normal. That is not OK. First of all, he's just making stuff up. But, most importantly, the president of the United States is calling for the imprisonment of a private citizen, as he's done for a whole lot of people  who criticize him. That is not acceptable in this country. The president doesn't get to decide who goes to jail. James Comey, on Trump's call to imprison him for allegedly leaking classified information and lying to Congress © 2018
Wannabe autocrats say He [Kim Jong-un] speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.  Donald Trump © 2018
Wannabe autocrats say He's now President for life. President for life. No, he's great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll give that a shot some day. Donald Trump, on China's President Xi Jinping getting its parliament to abolish its constitutional presidential term limits, to applause and cheers from attendees at a fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago © 2018
Wannabe autocrats say  If I say do it, they're going do it. Donald Trump, when asked what he would do if the US military refused to follow the [illegal] order he vowed to issue to kill ISIS family members in reprisal for attacks © 2018
Wannabe autocrats say The one that matters is me. I'm the only one that matters. Because when it comes [to] it, that's what the policy is going to be. Donald Trump, when asked about his administration's failure to staff the State Department with people having expertise in foreign countries © 2017
Wannabe autocrats say Stick with us. Don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening. Donald Trump, telling veterans he and his kiss-asses are the sole source of truth about trade and other issues © 2018
Wannabe autocrats say We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came. Donald Trump, 8:02 AM - 24 Jun 2018, advocating suspending due process © 2018
Waste of time We will be asking my Republican friends in Congress and states and cities and counties to stand up, for God's sake. Help prevent this concerted effort to undermine our election and the sacred right to vote. Have you no shame? Joe Biden, July 13, 2021 © 2021