By the numbers

Monday 22nd of July 2024

By the numbers 1 in 6 hospital beds in this country is now in a facility that abides by Catholic restrictions on care ACLU, “Health Care Denied” © 2016
By the numbers 1 in 3,408 chance of choking to death on food 1 in 3,640,000,000 chance of being killed by a refugee in a terror attack BBC, September 20, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers 46 states allow medical professionals to personally refuse to participate in an abortion 43 states allow healthcare institutions to refuse to perform abortions 42 states prohibit abortions after a certain gestational age 19 states ban the use of the dilation and extraction procedure (perjoratively labeled “partial birth” abortion), and 9 states even restrict private companies from providing abortion coverage in insurance policies (so much for free markets) Salvatore Babones, Sixteen for '16 © 2016
By the numbers 48 people were shot during a 15-hour filibuster on gun control headline,, June 16, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers “53 to 47” Newt Gingrich, specifying the odds of his second marriage surviving, in a 1989 Washington Post  interview © 2017
By the numbers 340 Days that President Obama has left in his second term, counting from the date of Antonin Scalia's death [February 13, 2016] 125 Longest period in days, that Congress has taken to vote on a Supreme Court nominee 25 Average number of days before a Supreme Court nominee has been confirmed, rejected or withdrawn their name 6 Number of justices confirmed in a presidential election year since 1900 The Nation, March 7, 2015 © 2016
By the numbers $20.6bn Increase in the net worth of Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder, since the start of 2018 FT Wealth, March 2018 © 2018
By the numbers 2014 NEW YORK CITY AFFORDABLE HOUSING LOTTERIES 10 lotteries citywide 698 units, 486,000 applicants 0.1436% winners Upper West Side “poor door” building 55 units, 88,000 applicants 0.0625% winners 2014 ELITE COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE RATES Stanford - 5.1% Harvard - 5.9% Yale - 6.3% Princeton - 7.4% © 2015
By the numbers A 2014 Pew Research Center report suggested that the United States' adult population of pagans and Wiccans was about 730,000–on par with the number of Unitarians. The Atlantic Monthly, March 2020 © 2020
By the numbers A 2014 study … found that students who are enrolled only part time in classes (often because they need to work to cover costs) drop out at a rate of 68 percent, compared to 19 percent for full-time students. American Scientist, November-December 2016, citing National Student Clearinghouse data © 2016
By the numbers About 3.5m people were employed as cashiers in US stores last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics – more than in any other occupation aside from sales. The BLS expects that number to rise just 2 per cent in the next decade, far less than the 7 per cent increase it projects for the entire US economy. Financial Times, December 10/11, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers According to a 2017 report from the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, 1.53 percent of native-born Americans are incarcerated, compared with 0.85 percent of undocumented immigrants and 0.47 percent of legal immigrants. New York Times, June 22, 2018 © 2018
By the numbers … according to the largest survey on American sexual behavior conducted in decades … researchers at Indiana University found that only about a third of girls between 14 and 17 reported masturbating regularly and fewer than half have even tried once. When I asked about the subject, girls would tell me, “I have a boyfriend to do that,” though, in addition to placing their pleasure in someone else's hands, few had ever climaxed with a partner. Peggy Orenstein, New York Times, March 20, 2016 © 2015
By the numbers According to a report from the Pew Research Center, children born to 90th-percentile earners are on track to make three times as much as those born to 10th-percentile paupers. The Guardian, May 26, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers According to the National Institute on Retirement Security, nearly 40m working households — 45 per cent of the total — had no retirement savings whatsoever in 2013, whether an employer-sponsored 401(k) plan or an individual retirement account (IRA). Financial Times, September 21, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Across the US, 58 million people earn less than $15 an hour; 41 million earn less than $12.  The Guardian, August 21, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Adults 35 to 49 were found to spend an average of 6 hours 58 minutes a week on social media networks, compared with 6 hours 19 minutes for the younger group [18 to 34]. More predictably, adults 50 and over spent significantly less time on the networks: an average of 4 hours 9 minutes a week. New York Times, January 30, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Although manufacturing now barely reaches double digits as a share of the U.S. economy, it accounts for almost three-quarters of private sector R&D spending in the United States. Edward Luce, Time to Start Thinking  © 2017
By the numbers Amount awarded to Michael Brown's family in their settlement against the city of Ferguson, Mo.: $1,500,000 To a Maryland family whose dog was killed by Anne Arundel County police: $1,260,000 Harper's Index, October 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Amount that Carrier promised to invest in an Indiana plant in a deal with Donald Trump to save domestic jobs: $16,000,000 Percentage of that money that will be used for automation: 100 Harper's Index, September 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Amount that North Korea owes New York City in parking tickets: $152,505 That Egypt owes: $1,989,554   Harper's Index, December 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Amount the US pharmaceutical industry spent in 2016 on ads for prescription drugs: $6,400,000,000  Harper's Index, January 2018 © 2017
By the numbers An August analysis by the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, using data from multiple sources reached a similar conclusion [to the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism], finding that since 1992, 219 people have been killed in attacks by “nationalist and right wing terrorists”; 23 were killed by “left wing terrorists,” including 13 since the start of 2016. Wall Street Journal, September 20, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers As many as 24 million Americans risk losing health coverage over the next decade under the Republican plan to replace the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said on Monday. … An estimated 52 million people would be uninsured in 2026, compared with the 28 million who would lack insurance that year under the current law, according to the report. The Guardian, March 13, 2014 © 2016
By the numbers As of January 2016, the average college student would need to work nearly 28 hours at a minimum wage job to pay for just one $200 textbook. Books can account for 40 percent of academic costs at community colleges. American Scientist, November-December 2016, citing Covering the Cost, a report from the U.S. Public Interest Research Group © 2016
By the numbers As of September, Trump had made an average of 8.3 UNTRUE or misleading statements a day – more than 5,000 total – since taking office Mother Jones, November/December 2018 © 2018
By the numbers At the beginning of 2014, according to the national balance sheets published by organizations such as the Federal Reserve … global household financial wealth amounted to about $95.5 trillion. Out of this total, I estimate that 8%, or $7.6 trillion, is held in accounts in tax havens. This is a large sum. Gabriel Zucman, The Hidden Wealth of Nations  [$7.6 trillion doesn't include nonfinancial assets such as art, gold, jewelry or yachts. Other estimates are as high as $21 trllion.] © 2016
By the numbers Average acceptance rate at New York City public high schools with test-based admission: 2.7 At Ivy League universities: 8.0 Harper's Index, June 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Average change in annual earnings for students who attend a vocational program at a public community college: +$1,544 For students who attend one at a for-profit college: –$920 Harper's Index, September 2016 © 2016
By the numbers The average household income for the poorest fifth of households fell by $571 over the decade that ended last year, adjusting for inflation. Over the same period, the average income for the wealthiest fifth of households rose by $13,479, adjusting for inflation. New York Times, September 12, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Average monthly U.S. searches for: who created god? 25,142 why does god allow suffering? 9,769 why does god hate me? 2,442 why does god want us to worship him? 258 why doesn't god answer my prayers? 119 Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, New York Times, September 20, 2015 © 2015
By the numbers Average monthly U.S. searches for the question: Why did God make me … ugly? 422  gay? 145  black? 103  short? 33  stupid? 27  Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, New York Times, September 20, 2015 © 2015
By the numbers Average number of hours by which an hour of running increases one's life span: 7 Harper's Index, July 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Average number of hours that a driver in Los Angeles spends sitting in traffic each year: 104 That a driver in New York City spends looking for a parking spot: 107 Harper's Index, October 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Average percentage by which U.S. military spouses earn less than their professional counterparts married to civilians: 27 Harper's Index, August 2019 © 2019
By the numbers Between 2016 and 2017 average CEO compensation GREW 18% Average worker compensation GREW 0.2% Mother Jones , November/December 2018 © 2018
By the numbers Between ages 25 and 45, the gender pay gap for college graduates, which starts close to zero, widens by 55 percentage points. For those without college degrees, it widens by 28 percentage points. The average college-educated man … improves his earnings by 77 percent from age 25 to 45, while similar women improve their earnings by only 31 percent. Men without college degrees increase their earnings much faster than similar women in the first decade of their career, but by age 45, women catch up. New York Times, May 17, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Chance that an American adult is searchable in facial-recognition databases used by U.S. law-enforcement agencies: 1 in 2 Harper's Index, January 2017 © 2016
By the numbers Consider, first, the remarkable profitability of the global corporate sector. On the basis of data from 28,000 companies, a recent study by the McKinsey Global Institute shows corporate earnings before taxes and interest more than tripled from $2tn in 1980 to $7.2tn in 2013, rising from 7.6 per cent of world gross domestic product to almost 10 percent. Importantly, corporate net earnings after taxes and interest rose even more sharply. John Plender, Financial Times, Jan. 5, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Daily wage a prisoner in Portland, Oregon, is paid to clear out homeless camps: $1 Harper's Index, November 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Date on which the World Taekwondo Federation changed its name to avoid confusion over the abbreviation WTF: 12/7/15 Harper's Index, March 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Deforestation – and the fires that frequently accompany it – also generates one-tenth of total global warming emissions, making forestry loss one of the biggest single contributers to global warming, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists. New York Times, December 4, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Democratic House candidates netted 1.3 million more votes than Republicans in 2012, but secured 33 fewer seats. Tim Dickinson, Rolling Stone, June 29, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Estimated chance that a white woman in Washington, D.C., has a tanning salon addiction: 1 in 5 Harper's Index, January 2018 © 2017
By the numbers Estimated minimum combined net worth of Donald Trump's Cabinet members and advisers: $61,380,600,000 Number of countries whose GDP is lower than that figure: 114 Harper's Index, May 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Estimated number of additional congressional seats Republicans won last year because of gerrymandering: 22 Harper's Index, September 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Estimated number of emergency room visits last year attributed to adverse effects of sexual-enhancement supplements: 610 Harper's Index, January 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Estimated number of firearms in the average U.S. gun-owning household in 1964: 4.5 Today: 8.2 Harper's Index, January 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Estimated number of votes by which Donald Trump won the state of Wisconsin: 27,000 Of registered Wisconsin voters who lacked voter identification: 360,000 Harper's Index, January 2017 © 2016
By the numbers Estimated percentage of Americans for whose entire lives the United States has been at war: 21 For the majority of whose lives the United States has been at war: 46 Harper's Index, December 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Estimated portion of Americans born in 1980 who will go on to earn more than their parents did: 1/2 Of those born in 1940 who did: 9/10 Harper's Index, March 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Estimated portion of part-time college faculty in the United States who receive public assistance: 1/4 Harper's Index, December 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Estimated ratio of time Trump spent in intelligence briefings to golfing during his presidency's first month: 1:4 Harper's Index, May 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Even more serious is the ever-increasing number of people in extreme poverty — people living below half the poverty line, or below $9,500 for a family of three. An astonishing 20.6 million people lived in extreme poverty in 2011, up by nearly 8 million in just ten years, and 6 million had no income other than food stamps. … The near poor — those with incomes below twice the poverty line, or $46,000 for a family of four — brings the total of the poor and the near-poor to more than 106 million people Peter Edelman, So Rich, So Poor © 2016
By the numbers Factor by which more Americans died in school shootings than in combat last year: 3 Harper's Index, August 2019 © 2019
By the numbers Factor by which more Americans work in the solar industry than in fossil fuels: 2 Harper's Index, April 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Factor by which the number of children born with drug dependencies has increased in the rural U.S. population since 2004: 6 Harper's Index, March 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Factor by which a teacher in a “low-minority” school is more likely to be certified than one in a “high-minority” school: 4 Harper's Index, December 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Factor by which the gender pay gap in the White House has increased under Trump: 3.4 Harper's Index, October 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Factor by which the poverty rate has grown faster in U.S. suburbs than in cities since 1990: 2 Harper's Index, September 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Factor by which the temperature increase in Alaska since 1957 exceeds that in the rest of the United States: 2 Harper's Index, July 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Factor by which a U.S. Christian is more likely than a nonreligious person to think poverty is a personal failure: 2 Harper's Index, November 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Factor by which the U.S. budget for military bands exceeds the budget  for the National Endowment of the Arts: 3 Harper's Index, October 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Factor by which a U.S. gun death is more likely to be a suicide than a homicide: 1.8 Harper's Index, January 2016 © 2016
By the numbers From 2000 to 2010, the United States lost some 5.6 million manufacturing jobs, by the government's calculation. Only 13 percent of those job losses can be explained by trade, according to an analysis by the Center for Business and Economic Research at Ball State University in Indiana. The rest were casualties of automation or the result of tweaks to factory operations that enabled more production with less labor. New York Times, September 29, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Fully 70 percent say the federal govern- ment should require limits to greenhouse gases from existing power plants … An identical 70 percent supports requiring states to limit the amount of greenhouse gas emissions within their borders … Fifty-seven percent of Republicans, 76 percent among independents and 79 percent of Democrats support state- level limits on greenhouse gas emissions … 63 percent of respondents say yes [to paying $20 more per month for energy to limit emissions], including 51 percent of Republicans, 64 percent of independents and 71 percent of Democrats. Washington Post, June 2, 2014 on a Washington Post-ABC News poll © 2015
By the numbers Gallons of diesel fuel leaked from an Iowa pipeline one day after Donald Trump pledged to build two new pipelines: 46,830 Harper's Index, April 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Gallup poll results, 2013 and 2016, “How much money are you making today, versus five years ago?”   2013 2016 A lot more 27% 31% A little more 31% 37% Total “making more” 58% 68% About the same 14% 11% A little less 10% 7% A lot less 18% 13% Total “making less” 28% 20%  based on data reported in The Washington Spectator, January 1, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Globally, the McKinsey researchers calculated that 49 percent of time spent on work activities could be automated with “currently demonnstrated technology” either already in the marketplace or being developed in labs. That, the report says, translates into $15.8 trillion in wages and the equivalent of 1.1 billion workers worldwide. But only 5 percent of jobs can be entirely automated. New York Times, January 12, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Households with a retirement account have a median income of $86,235, while those without one have a median income of $35,509, according to the NIRS. Financial Times, September 21, 2016, National Institute of Retirement Security data © 2016
By the numbers I only believe statistics that I have falsified myself. attributed to Winston Churchill, although generally believed to have originated with Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, to discredit Churchill © 2017
By the numbers If current trends continue, a quarter of men between 25 and 54 will be out of work by mid-century. Lawrence Summers, Financial Times, September 24-25, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers In a 2010 poll, a small majority of Americans revealed that they did not realize that humans and dinosaurs never coexisted. Another showed that almost half of Americans thought the sun revolved around the earth. Edward Luce, Time to Start Thinking  © 2016
By the numbers In America about half of college degrees in business awarded since 2000 have gone to women, but the share of senior executives who are female has remained stuck at one in five. The Economist, October 5, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers In America only 15% of women with graduate degrees in science and engineering, which are in short supply, were employed in their specialism in 2011, compared with 31% of men. And nearly a fifth were out of the labour force, a share twice as high as among similarly qualified men. The Economist, October 5, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers In October, the extent of [Arctic Ocean] sea ice was 28.5 percent below average – the lowest for the month since scientists began keeping records in 1979. The area of missing ice is the size of Alaska and Texas put together. New York Times, November 23, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers In the five years after a job loss, an American family of four that is eligible for housing assistance receives average benefits equal to 25 percent of the unemployed person's previous wages, according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. For a similar family in the Netherlands, benefits reach 70 percent. New York Times, September 29, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers In the ten most dynamic states nearly 13 percent of the population was born abroad, compared with 6.7 per cent in the least dynamic quintile. West Virginia, which is the least dynamic, ranks last for immigration with 1.4 per cent of its population born abroad. Financial Times, May 24, 2017 [economic dynamism measures change in the number of companies, share of jobs in recently launched companies, labor force participation rate, etc.] © 2016
By the numbers In the year leading up to Trump's election victory, the word “transgender” appeared  in the New York Times 1,169 times. The word “opioid” appeared just 284 times.  Edward Luce, Financial Times, January 13-14, 2018 © 2018
By the numbers In 1960, when a survey asked American adults whether it would “disturb” them if their child married a member of the other political party, no more than 5 percent of either party answered “yes.” But in 2010, 33 percent of Democrats and 40 percent of Republicans answered “yes.” In fact, partyism, as some call it, now beats race as the source of divisive prejudice.  Arlie Russell Hochschild, Strangers in Their Own Land  © 2017
By the numbers In 1970, 92% of American 30-year-olds earned more than their parents did at a similar age … In 2014, that number fell to 51%. When looking only at males nationally, the decline is even starker. As of 2014, only 41% of 30-year-old men earned more tnan their fathers at a similar age. If income distribution remains as tilted toward the wealthy as it is now, it would take sustained growth of more than 6% a year, adjusted for inflation, to return to an era where nearly all children outearned their parents. Wall Street Journal, December 9, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers In 2012, 66 million voters chose President Obama, 61 million voted for Governor Romney, and 82 million eligible people did not vote at all. Demos, “Automatic Voter Registration” © 2016
By the numbers In 2012, melt was recorded at the very top of the [Greenland] ice sheet. The pace of change has surprised even the modellers. In just the past four years, more than a trillion tons of ice have been lost. This is four hundred million Olympic swimming pools' worth of water, or enough to fill a single pool the size of of New York State to a depth of twenty-three feet. Elizabeth Kolbert, New Yorker, October 24, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers In 2012 presidential election 93% of African Americans voted for Obama 73% of Asian Americans voted for Obama 71% of Hispanic Americans voted for Obama 39% of whites voted for Obama Roper Center for Public Opinion Research © 2016
By the numbers In 2013, between the wee hours of Nov. 23 and the wee hours of Nov. 24, 10 American children and teenagers were killed by guns. … The number of fatalities that day exceeded the national daily average of 6.75. New York Times, October 28, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers In 2015, the median compensation for the 200 highest-paid executives at public companies in the United States was $19.3 million, up from $9.6 million five years earlier. New York Times, December 8, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers In the 2016 presidential race, the 100 biggest donors have spent more than the 2 million smallest donors combined. Brennan Center for Justice © 2016
By the numbers Income in the U.S. farm sector will decline for a fourth year this year, falling to $62.3 billion, half of the record $123 billion farmers earned in 2013, the USDA projects. The last time income fell four years in a row was in the mid-1970s. Wall Street Journal, April 21, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Industry reports and scientific journals provide evidence that each year 139 million chickens don't even make it to slaughter. Their legs collapse under them and, unable to move or reach food and water, they die of thirst or they starve. Or they simply cannot cope with the conditions they are living in, and their hearts give out. Or they die from the stress of being rounded up, thrown into cages, and transported to the slaugher- houses. In one way or another, they suffer to death. Peter Singer, New York Rewview of Books, May 12, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Large-scale informality [untaxed jobs] has malign effects. … if every country in the world reduced its informal economy by 10% of GDP, back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest that they would garner $1 trillion or so extra in tax each year. For comparison, economists reckon that roughly $200 billion of tax is lost each year because of crafty use of tax havens. Economist, October 15, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Last year, natural gas surpassed coal for the first time in U.S. electricity generation, providing 34% of the nation's power, versus 30% for coal, according to the EIA. [U.S. Energy Information Administration] As recently as 2011, coal provided roughly 43% of generation. Wall Street Journal, June 20, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Marriage has become a mark of status, increasingly the preserve of the wealthy and educated. Today, 26% of poor, 39% of working-class, and 56% of middle- and upper-class adults aged 18 to 55 are married, according to research by Opportunity America and the American Enterprise Institute. This compares with 51%, 57% and 65% respectively in 1990. The Guardian, October 7, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Minimum number of animal species that are not officially extinct but have not been observed for at least ten years: 857 For at least one hundred years: 104  Harper's Index, August 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Minimum number of shooting incidents in the United States in the past year in which the shooter was a dog: 2 In which the shooter was a toddler: 50 Harper's Index, January 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Minimum number of states in which laws to criminalize political protest have been introduced this year: 9 Harper's Index, April 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Minimum number of times since September 2015 that Donald Trump has referrred to Christmas in speeches: 23 Number of those references that suggest the holiday was under attack: 19  Harper's Index, December 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Minimum number of U.S. politicians who have distributed AR-15 assault rifles at campaign events this year: 3 Harper's Index, September 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Minimum percentage of inmates in local U.S. jails who have been homeless: 15 Harper's Index, November 2017 © 2017
By the numbers More than 25% of gun homcides in 2015 happened across census blocks that contain just 1.5% of the country's total population. While gun control advocates often say it is unacceptable that Americans overall are “25 times more likely to be murdered with a gun than people in other developed countries”, people who live in these neighborhood areas face an average gun homicide rate about 400 times higher than the rate across those high-income countries. The Guardian, November 15, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers The more times companies go to arbitration, the better they fare … Of 3,945 employment cases decided by arbitrators from one of the nation's biggest arbitration firms, plaintiffs won about 31 percent of them when employers had only one case before the arbitrator … The win rate plummeted by more than half when companies had multiple cases before the same arbitrator. New York Times, July 14, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers The most covetable trend in China is the most basic: education. China last year produced roughly nine times as many graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics as the US. Financial Times, September 19, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Nearly 80% of digital and print media stories about companies in crisis cited the CEO as a source of blame when the company's leader was a woman … That compared with 31% of stories assigning blame to male CEOs in stories about companies in similar situations. Of the stories about female CEOs, 16% discussed the subject's personal life and 78% of those mentioned her family and children. By contrast, 8% of stories about male leaders touched on personal life, and none of them mentioned family and children. Wall Street Journal, November 2, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Net change, in acres, in the world's forested land since 1990: −319,000,000 In China's: +126,500,000 Harper's Index, February 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Number of countries in which direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical ads are legal: 2 Harper's Index, January 2018 © 2017
By the numbers Number of countries worldwide with maternal death rates lower than that of the United States: 76 Harper's Index, August 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Number of hours after the first U.S. election polls closed that the Canadian Immigration Services website crashed: 5 Harper's Index, January 2017 © 2016
By the numbers Number of people fatally shot by British police in the past 3 years: 2 Average number of people fatally shot by U.S. police each day so far this year: 2.6 Harper's Index, July 2015 © 2015
By the numbers The number of people whose convictions or sentences have been overturned since the end of the moratorium on executions? 3059. Since 1977, more than twice as many people on death row have been exonerated as have been executed. In fact, more than one third of all people sentenced to death by American governments since 1973 have been exonerated—so far. Salvatore Babones, Sixteen for '16 © 2016
By the numbers Number of private debt collections firms that the IRS plans to use to obtain overdue payments: 4 Date on which a U.S. government agency sued one of those firms for deceptive collection practices: 1/18/2017 Harper's Index, August 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Number of questions readers of a Norwegian news site must answer correctly about an article before commenting: 3 Harper's Index, November 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Number of San Francisco homes for sale in September that were affordable on the average local teacher's salary: 1 Harper's Index, December 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Number of species that scientists have named after Barack Obama: 7 After the four previous U.S. presidents combined: 1 Harper's Index, December 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Number of states that offer pro-life license plates: 29 That offer pro-choice license plates: 3  Harper's Index, October 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Number of statues in New York City's Central Park that depict women: 19 Percentage of those statues that depict fictional women: 100 Harper's Index, January 2017 © 2016
By the numbers Number of the ten Amazon best-selling books in the United States last year that were coloring books for adults: 3 Harper's Index, June 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Number of the ten leading causes of death in the United States whose fatality rate increased in 2015: 8 Harper's Index, March 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Number of the 100 highest-paid city employees in Boston last year who were members of the police department: 98 Harper's Index, May 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Number of times Donald Trump invoked the Fifth Amendment during divorce proceedings with Ivana Trump: 97 Mother Jones, September 30, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Number of U.S. counties that have refused to issue licences for same-sex marriages since the Supreme Court legalized them: 8 Number of those counties that are in Alabama: 8 Harper's Index, October 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Number of U.S. states in which it is legal to sentence a minor to life in prison without parole: 31 Harper's Index, December 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Number of U.S. states in which legislation has been proposed this year  to protect drivers who strike protesters: 6 Harper's Index, November 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Number of U.S. states in which the poverty rate increased last year: 0 Harper's Index, December 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Number of U.S. states in which women would be at risk of losing their abortion rights were Roe v. Wade  overturned: 33 Harper's Index, April 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Number of U.S. states in which wrongfully convicted state prisoners aren't entitled to monetary compensation: 18 Number of U.S. states in which parents can be billed for the cost of their child's incarceration: 47 Harper's Index, June 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Number of weeks in solitary confinement to which Chelsea Manning was sentenced after attempting suicide in July: 2 Harper's Index, December 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Number of years by which an average U.S. book reader outlives a nonreader: 2 Harper's Index, November 2016 © 2016
By the numbers [T]he odds of being killed by an immigrant terrorist of any kind, let alone a Muslim immigrant, are one in 3.6 million., October 27, 2019 © 2019
By the numbers Odds on an online bet that Donald Trump will win the Nobel Peace Prize this year: 20:1 That he will announce the existence of aliens: 20:1 Harper's Index, June 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Of the 455 men executed for rape between 1930 and 1972, 405 were African American. The Guardian, October 8, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Oh … I'd … say … 9 point 142 or thereabouts, which we all know is nearly a full point lower than how you rate yours.  How Katanji Brown Jackson should have responded to Lindsey Graham, who asked her  during her confirmation hearing for appointment to the Supreme Court, “How would you rate your religious faith on a scale of 1 to 10?” © 2022
By the numbers On all three issues overwhelming majorities of likely Republican voters supported his [Trump's] positions: almost three quarters (73 percent) favored banning Muslims from entering the US, 90 percent favored identifying and and deporting illegal immigrants as quickly as possible, and 85 percent favored building a wall on the Mexican border. Ronald B. Rapoport, Alan I. Abramowitz, and Walter J. Stone, New York Review of Books,  June 23, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers On any given day nearly seven million adult Americans are under supervision of the nation's criminal justice system: in prison, on probation, or on parole. Salvatore Babones, Sixteen for '16 © 2016
By the numbers On average, between 1987 and 1991, 16 out of every 100 [police] officers were assaulted and 18 in every 100,000 died on active duty. Over the past five years those figures have fallen to ten assaults per 100 officers and nine deaths per 100,000. The Economist, September 2, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers On average, people in red states die five years earlier than people in blue states. Indeed, the gap in life expectancy between Louisiana (75.7) and Connecticut (80.8) is the same as that between the United States and Nicaragua.  Arlie Russell Hochschild, Strangers in Their Own Land  © 2017
By the numbers One dead in Putney equals 10 dead in Paris equals 100 dead in Turkey equals 1,000 dead in India equals 10,000 dead in China Saying among British journalists about what it takes to be front-page news © 2017
By the numbers One dead in Putney equals 10 dead in Paris equals 100 dead in Turkey equals 1,000 dead in India equals 10,000 dead in China Saying among British journalists © 2016
By the numbers One in four at Ivy League universities are legacy students. Edward Luce, Financial Times, April 27, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Outdoor air pollution contributes to the deaths of an estimated 1.6 million people in China every year, or about 4,400 people a day … New York Times, August 14, 2015, based on a report by Berkeley Earth, a California-based research organization © 2015
By the numbers Over 20% of all the world's prisoners are locked up in American prisons. In short, the land of the free is the home of the jailed. Salvatore Babones, Sixteen for '16 © 2016
By the numbers Palo Alto's minimum wage is $12 an hour, but someone would have to earn $42.69 an hour to rent a two-bedroom apartment while having enough left over for other necessities. The Guardian, June 29, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers People tapped, swiped and clicked a whopping 2,617 times each day, on average.  For the heaviest users – the top 10% – average interactions doubled to 5,427 touches a day. Per year, that's nearly 1 million touches on average – and 2 million for the less restrained among us. dscout, June 16, 2016 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage by which a marijuana user is likelier than others to eat fast food five or more times in a given week: 75 Harper's Index, January 2018 © 2017
By the numbers Perentage by which the average response time of privately run ambulances exceeds that of publicly run ambulances: 55 Harper's Index, October 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Perentage by which using traffic circles rather than stop signs at intersections decreases injurious car accidents: 75 Percentage of U.S. intersections that are traffic circles: 0.09 Harper's Index, June 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Perentage by which a young Republican is more likely to know a millionaire than a Muslim: 27 Harper's Index, August 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Perentage change in downloads of Signal, an encrypted text and calling app, since the presidential election: +400 Harper's Index, February 2017 © 2017
By the numbers  Perentage change in the length of time someone can withstand pain if they use profanity: +34 Harper's Index, November 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage change in median CEO compensation for S&P 500 companies last year: +6.6 In median shareholder returns: −5.8  Harper's Index, August 2019 © 2019
By the numbers Percentage change since 1961 in the portion of U.S. residents who are Christian: −24 In the portion of congresspeople who are: −4 Harper's Index, March 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage change since 2006 in the number of U.S. cities that have banned living in vehicles: +143 Harper's Index, March 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage change since 2010 in the number of firearms silencers registered in the United States: +217 Harper's Index, April 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage increase in the last year in the number of U.S. taxpayers who fear an IRS audit: 64 Number of successive years that the IRS has audited fewer people than it did the year before: 7  Harper's Index, June 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage increase since 2015 in the amount West Virginia spends on substance abuse prevention and treatment: 3 On hiring contractors to transport corpses: 102  Harper's Index, December 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage of Americans who spend more than 90 percent of their lives indoors or in vehicles: 92 Harper's Index, November 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage of Americans worth $25,000,000 or more who make at least $10,000 in charitable contributions each year: 65 Who spend at least that much on home improvement: 69 Harper's Index, February 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage of black Americans earning less than $25,000 a year who say they have been called a racial slur: 40 Of black Americans earning more than $75,000: 65 Harper's Index, January 2018 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage of DC residents making less than $50,000 a year who have marched in protests against Donald Trump: 16 Of residents making more than $100,000: 50 Harper's Index, October 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage of immigrants seeking asylum who are successful in an Atlanta Court: 2 In a New York City court: 84 Harper's Index, January 2017 © 2016
By the numbers Percentage of income and wealth taxes in Norwary, Sweden and Denmark that are evaded each year: 3 That are evaded among the nations' top 0.01 percent of earners: 30  Harper's Index, October 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage of news stories about Donald Trump during his first sixty days that were positive: 5 Harper's Index, January 2018 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage of Republicians who believe millions of illegal votes were probably cast in last year's election: 52 Of Democrats who believe Russia tampered with the vote count: 59 Harper's Index, August 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage of students at the top 30 U.S. law schools who are Asian-American: 10 Of elected prosecutors who are: 0.2 Harper's Index, October 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage of U.S. apartments under construction that are unaffordable for those making less that $75,000 a year: 83 Harper's Index, March 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage of U.S. Latinos who would support a law criminalizing offensive speech about white people: 47 Of US whites: 26 Harper's Index, January 2018 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage of U.S. whites who believe white Americans are discriminated against: 55 Who say they've experienced discrimination themselves: 21 Harper's Index, January 2018 © 2017
By the numbers Percentage of registered U.S. voters who voted in the 2014 midterm elections: 63 Who say they “definitely” voted: 75 Harper's Index, June 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Percentage of Republican-primary voters who are “mostly embarassed” by their party's campaigns: 60 Of Democratic-primary voters: 13 Harper's Index, June 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Percentage of US jobs created since the recession that have gone to workers with postsecondary education: 99 Harper's Index, October 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Percentage of US retirees who are funding their retirement with cash savings: 56 Of French retirees: 17 Harper's Index, June 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Percentage of the world's civilian-owned firearms that are owned by Americans: 48 Harper's Index, January 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Percentage of worldwide vaccine-preventable mumps cases last year that occurred in the United States: 95 In Canada: 0.3 Harper's Index, July 2017 © 2017
a By the numbers A person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. Donald Trump © 2016
By the numbers Portion of Americans aged 18 to 34 who live with their parents or other family members: 2/5 Harper's Index, March 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Portion of Americans who believe that people can be supernaturally healed: 2/3 Who claim to have experienced such healing personally: 1/4 Harper's Index, December 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Portion of Americans who have worked as independent contractors who would not do so again: 2/3 Harper's Index, December 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Portion of Americans who think that most of the work currently done by humans will be automated in fifty years: 2/3 Who think their job will still exist in its current form: 4/5 Harper's Index, June 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Portion of Americans who would choose to live in the United States if given the option of any country in the world: 4/5 Harper's Index, October 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Portion of EPA Superfund sites whose cleanup costs are borne entirely by taxpayers: 3/10 Harper's Index, December 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Portion of U.S. college freshmen who are required to write papers longer than 11 pages: 1/4 Who spend an average of less than five hours a week on assigned reading: 1/2 Harper's Index, May 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Portion of U.S. senators who had military experience in 1975: 4/5 Today: 1/5  Harper's Index, May 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Portion of U.S. workers who believe strongly in their company's values: 1/4 Harper's Index, December 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Portion of voting-age Floridians who have been disenfranchised because of felony convictions: 1/10 Harper's Index, January 2018 © 2017
By the numbers Preferred sources for election news according to Pew Research Center ALL voters TRUMP's CLINTON's Fox News 19% Fox News 40% CNN 18% CNN 13% CNN 8% MSNBC 9% Facebook 8% Facebook 7% Facebook 8% Local TV 7% NBC 6% Local TV 8% NBC 6% Local TV 5% NPR 7% MSNBC 6% ABC 3% ABC 6% ABC 5% CBS 3% NY Times 5% NPR 4% Locl radio 3% CBS 5% CBS 4%     NBC 4% NY Times 3%     Locl papers 4% Locl papers 3%     Fox News 3%  Financial Times, January 19, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers President Trump has broken 2000. With just 10 days before he finishes his first year as president, Trump has made 2,001 false or misleading claims in 355 days, according to our database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president. That's an average of more than 5.6 claims a day. Washington Post, January 10, 2018 © 2018
By the numbers Projected year in which the median net worth of black Americans will be $0: 2053 Harper's Index, December 2017 © 2017
By the numbers A quarter of part-time college academics are said to be enrolled in public assistance programs The Guardian, September 28, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Rank of “smart” among words that occur to U.S. voters when they think of Donald Trump: 28 Of “idiot”: 1  Harper's Index, August 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Rank of the United States in 2014 among countries in which expats most want to live: 5 In 2017: 43  Harper's Index, December 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Ratio of the average annual number of deaths in the United States caused by drowning to those caused by gun violence: 1:8 Of federal research funding for drowning to funding for gun violence: 1:1 Harper's Index, April 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Ratio of the number of statues of African Americans to those of Confederates in the U.S. Capitol: 4:11 Harper's Index, November 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Research … shows that in the 2012 elections the residents of 75% minority zip codes waited more than twice as long to vote as the residents of 75% white zip codes. There was almost no difference in waiting time by average income level. The zip codes with the longest lines were minority zip codes, not poor zip codes. Salvatore Babones, Sixteen for '16 © 2016
By the numbers The revised Trump plan would reduce the top individual income tax rate to 33 per cent and the corporate tax rate to 15 per cent. It would also eliminate the estate tax. The highest-income taxpayers – 0.1 per cent of the population, those with incomes over $3.7 million in 2016 dollars – would receive an average tax cut of more than 14 per cent of after-tax income. The poorest fifth's taxes would fall by an average of 0.8 per cent of taxed income. To those who hath, it shall be given. Martin Wolf, Financial Times, November 16, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers The richest 1% of Americans can now expect to live up to 15 years longer than the poorest 1%. The Guardian, April 11, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers The richest 1 percent of men lives 14.6 years longer on average than the poorest 1 percent of men, while among women in those wealth percentiles, the difference is 10.1 years on average. MIT News, April 11, 2016 © 2017
By the numbers Seventeen percent of workers told Gallup this year that they worked 60 hours or more a week, nearly double the 9 percent who said so in 2005. New York Times, December 27, 2015 © 2015
By the numbers The share of U.S. workers testing positive for illicit drug use reached its highest level in a decade … Overall, 4% of worker drug tests were positive in 2015. Among safety-sensitive workers, positive tests rose to 1.8% from 1.7%. In the general workforce, positive tests rose to 4.8% from 4.7%. … in 2014, the year of the most recent survey, about 10% of Americans over age 12 had used an illicit drug in the prior 30 days. Wall Street Journal, September 15, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Since 1980, the share of companies less than a year old has almost halved – from 15% of companies to just 8.1%, according to Census Bureau data. The total number of startups formed in 2015 (the last year surveyed) was 414,000 – a huge drop from the pre-recession figure of 558,000 in 2006. The Guardian, Ocotber 20, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Social-media sites such as Facebook and Twitter Inc. shoulder “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of responsibility for preventing the distribution of fake news, according to 71% of the U.S. adults polled [by Pew Research]. Wall Street Journal, December 16, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Studies of voter impersonation show that this simply does not happen in the United States of America. For example, an exhaustive News21 investigation was able to identify just 10 cases of in-person voter fraud occurring voer the 11-year period 2000–10, or less than one per year. That's one case of in-person voter impersonation per year in a country of nearly 150 million registered voters. Salvatore Babones, Sixteen for '16 © 2016
By the numbers A study by the Pew Research Center released Thursday found that homeownership rates since the peak in 2004 are down across the board. But while the rate among white households has fallen 5%, it has fallen 16% for African-American households. The rate among households age 65 and up has fallen just 3%, compared with 18% for those younger than 35. Wall Street Journal, December 16, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers A study from Harvard University in January found that people with names usually perceived as being African-American such as “Tanisha” and “Tyrone” are 16 percent less likely to be accepted as guests on Airbnb than people with names like “Kristen” and “Brad.” Another experiment found that black hosts charge 12 percent less than non-black ones. New Scientist, July 30, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers There are 4.7 million searches every year for Jesus Christ. The pope gets 2.95 million. There are 49 million for Kim Kardashian. On social media, it's the same story. Ms. Kardashian has 26.3 million likes on Facebook. Jesus has 5.6 million; the pope, 1.7 million. Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, New York Times, September 20, 2015 © 2015
By the numbers There are 286,266 disenfranchised felons in Alabama, or 7.62% of the state's voting-age population. More than half of those disenfranchised felons are black, despite the fact that African Americans made up only 26.8% of the state's population as of July 2016, according to a US census estimate. Of the more than 280,000 disenfranchised felons in Alabama, 143,924 are black, according to the Sentencing Project. That means that disenfranchised felons make up 15.11% of the state's voting-age African American population. The Guardian, October 4, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers The top Google search including the word “God” is “God of War,” a video game with more than 700,000 searches per year. Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, New York Times, September 20, 2015 © 2015
By the numbers Total ballots cast in national general elections between 2000 and 2014: 834,086,926 Total credible allegations of in-person voter fraud during those years: 35 In-person voter fraud as a percentage of ballots cast during those years: 0.0000000419 % (a bit more than 4 per 100,000,000) raw data from Vox, August 2, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers The Treasury Department has discovered … that 18 percent of workers are covered by noncompete agreements. They aren't all high-end engineers with trade secrets in hand. The list includes fast-food workers. New York Times, November 2, 2016, © 2016
By the numbers Truckers made an average of $38,618 a year in 1980. If wages had just kept pace with inflation, that would be over $114,722 today – but last year the average wage was $41,340.  The Guardian, October 10, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Trump's accusers by the numbers Kissing without consent: 3 Harassment: 1 Groping: 8 Assault: 1 Walking in while changing: 7 Rape: 2 New York, October 31-November 13, 2016 [names of accusers omitted above] © 2016
By the numbers Two decades ago, when Bill Clinton was elected president, the 400 highest-earning taxpayers in America paid nearly 27 percent of their income in federal taxes, according to I.R.S. data. By 2012, when President Obama was re-elected, that figure had fallen to less than 17 percent, which is just slightly more than the typical family making $100,000 annually, when payroll taxes are included for both groups. New York Times, December 30, 2015 © 2015
By the numbers The typical online retailer generates $1,267,000 in sales per employee versus $279,000 at bricks-and-mortar stores. New York Times, January 13, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers The UK Competition and Markets Authority said the company [Actavis], owned by Teva, the world largest generic drugmaker by volume, had hiked the price of the [hydrocortisone] tablets by more than 12,000 percent since 2008, from 70p to £88. Financial Times, December 19, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers U.S. farmers this year will collectively earn $9.2 billion less than they did in 2015, and 42% less than they did in 2013, according to the USDA. Wall Street Journal, September 15, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers The United States scores depressingly low compared with other advanced countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. A baby girl born in the United States today is expected to live four fewer years than one born in Italy or South Korea. One in five American children lives in a poor home. In Norway, fewer than one in 20 do. For every 100,000 American children, 33 die before they turn 20. That's 12 more than in Britain. Eduardo Porter, New York Times, October 11. 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Unregistered eligible voters 37% of eligible people with incomes less than $30,000 44% of eligible Asian Americans 46% of eligible young adults (18-to-24-year-olds) based on 2014 data from Demos, “Automatic Voter Registration” © 2016
By the numbers Up to two-thirds of adults live with alcoholism. One in four children are born with with fetal alcohol syndrome. Life expectancy is just 66.8 years. Fueled by poverty and addiction – the unemployment rate  hovers  around  80% – the suicide rate is over four times the national average. The Guardian, September 29, 2017, on Pine Ridge Indian reservation in South Dakota © 2017
By the numbers Value of donations given to the American Civil Liberties Union in the week after the election: $7,200,000 In the week after the 2012 election: $27,806 Harper's Index, February 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Value of food stamps used at U.S. military commissaries last year: $66,978,704 Chances a child in school on a U.S. military base is eligible for free or reduced-cost meals: 2 in 5 Harper's Index, July 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Value of the prizes revoked from the Irish owners of a greyhound racing champion that tested positive for cocaine: $35,000 Harper's Index, December 2017 © 2017
By the numbers Voter registration 735,000 couldn't register because of language barriers 1,900,000 couldn't register because they didn't know where or how to 4,100,000 couldn't register because they missed the registration deadline based on 2014 data from Demos, “Automatic Voter Registration” © 2016
By the numbers Voter turnout   2008 2012 Eligible voters 64% 62% Registered voters 90% 87%  based on data from Demos, “Automatic Voter Registration” © 2016
By the numbers Voting, race and income   % of % of   population voters Whites in families 27% 35% making $75,000/more     Nonwhites in families 16% 11% making $50,000/less     based on 2014 data from Demos, “Automatic Voter Registration” © 2016
By the numbers Voting, registration and income   voting voting   rate of rate of   registered eligible   voters voters Income $100,000/more 91% 74% Income $30,000/less 81% 51% Gap in voting rate 10% 23%  based on 2012 data from Demos, “Automatic Voter Registration” © 2016
By the numbers Weight in ounces of a Stanford-engineered team of six micro-robots capable of pulling a 3,900-pound car: 3.5 Harper's Index, June 2016 © 2016
By the numbers Weight, in pounds, of the average American man in 1960: 168 Of the average American woman today: 166 Harper's Index, July 2015 © 2015
By the numbers While China's income inequality is more severe than other large countries, wealth inequality is worse in the US. The wealthiest 1 per cent of US households owned 42 percent of all US wealth in 2012, according to researchy led by Emmanuel Saez, economist at University of California Berkeley. Financial Times, January 15, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers With more than 35,000 road deaths a year, the US has the highest rate of fatal auto accidents per capita of any high-income country, and almost all of these are caused by human error. Financial Times, September 21, 2016 © 2016
By the numbers The word “gay” is 10% more likely to complete searches that begin “Is my husband …” than the word “cheating.” The Economist, September 9, 2017 © 2017
By the numbers The world has more than 70 times as many stock market indices as it has quoted stocks, according to a survey by the Index Industry Association. A census of its members found that they publish and regularly recalculate 5.28m indices, of which 3.14m cover stock markets. According to the World Bank, the number of public companies in existencee is only 43,192. Financial Times, January 23, 2018 © 2018